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Frank Hipper, Knight of The Empire...
Posted: 2005-11-02 05:31pm
by Frank Hipper
...German Empire, that is.
Some people may have noticed I haven't been as omnipresent here lately; since getting the Western Front Patch 7 for Red Baron 3D I've been engrossed totally by what is practically an entirely new game.
The incredibly improved textures, skins, and re-tooled flight characteristics have got me hooked.
So very much more authentic, so many new flyable planes, so many frail and easily victimised adveraries...uhm, and some that are so much more deadly than in the standard version's it isn't funny. Fucking SPADS....
I've started several campaigns in order to see what the patches provide; but I 've found that my best luck comes with flying in Jasta 5 starting late 1916.
It's a bloody slaughter of French aviators over Verdun, the current date is November 19th, 1916, and I joined September 1st.
So far, I'm up to 30 kills, I'm the third highest scoring ace of the war in that time period (only Oswald Boelcke and Albert Ball are ahead of me, and Boelcke's dead now), and I've gotten the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd classes, the Ordre pour le Merite (Blue Max), and the Knight's Cross of the Order of the House of Hohenzollern (Order of the Black Eagle).
The only two medals that I can still get are the Order of The Red Eagle (Manfred von Richtofen was the only historical pilot to ever get that one) and Oak Leaves for my Blue Max....
Bringing heilige deutsche Kultur to the benighted peoples of France in the form of death from above; it's wanktastic fun, and I thought I'd share.
A link to get you started for those interested
Posted: 2005-11-02 05:37pm
by brianeyci
I played Red Baron, the 1990's one, back when it wasn't 3D. I got to Oberlieutenant and nearly 500 kills before I got bored of the game. I singlehandedly won WWI for the Germans rotfl.
I did the exact same thing every single time, taking advantage of a glitch. I ducked my plane down. The enemy plane would climb. At the last second I would pivot my plane upwards, and destroy the enemy plane from the bottom. Needless to say this was repetitive.
I believe... I for the allies I flew the pup, and for the Germans I flew the plane that shot through the front, with the propeller synchronizer.
This was... like 10 years ago lol.
Posted: 2005-11-02 05:37pm
by MKSheppard
No mention of Me? For shame! FOR SHAME!
Posted: 2005-11-02 05:41pm
by Frank Hipper
MKSheppard wrote:No mention of Me? For shame! FOR SHAME!
I should mention that all this fun (minus the newest patch) is courtesy MKSheppard..sorry, Shep.

Posted: 2005-11-02 05:49pm
by MKSheppard
Frank Hipper wrote:MKSheppard wrote:No mention of Me? For shame! FOR SHAME!
I should mention that all this fun (minus the newest patch) is courtesy MKSheppard..sorry, Shep.

*shoots down Hipper from his Bf-109F*
That'll teach you to forget your betters, you mongrel dog!

Posted: 2005-11-02 05:54pm
by Frank Hipper
MKSheppard wrote:Frank Hipper wrote:MKSheppard wrote:No mention of Me? For shame! FOR SHAME!
I should mention that all this fun (minus the newest patch) is courtesy MKSheppard..sorry, Shep.

*shoots down Hipper from his Bf-109F*
That'll teach you to forget your betters, you mongrel dog!

Perhaps if *someone* could get the game to work on his machine, we could go online and do the multi-player thang and see who is the better of whom...

Posted: 2005-11-02 06:51pm
by Sea Skimmer
Looks like I've got somthing else to add to the download list.
MKSheppard wrote:
*shoots down Hipper from his Bf-109F*
That'll teach you to forget your betters, you mongrel dog!

*Fires all four MiG-17PFU mounted AA-1 Alkali missiles at BF-109*
Curses, they all malfunctioned! But I’ll be back, with cannon, cannon with long delay shells that will pierce clear through your wing before exploding. Then I’ll show you!
Posted: 2005-11-02 08:16pm
by Solauren
pfft..... you call those fighters?
(swoops by in a Tie Defender and opens fire)
Posted: 2005-11-02 09:03pm
by Frank Hipper
Solauren wrote:pfft..... you call those fighters?
(swoops by in a Tie Defender and opens fire)
Can a TIE stall?
Do you need to account for loss of energy in a climb while attacking in a TIE?
Does a TIE Defender's handling differ so much from the bog standard TIE fighter that you can lose control, crash and burn when it takes you by surprise in a tight turn?
It takes skill and practice to score consistantly in these things, you can't merely point your nose at a target and expect to survive.
Posted: 2005-11-02 11:13pm
by Solauren
Tie Defenders are the most advanced type of Tie Fighter, and have shields. They outperform anything on modern earth, so take that as you will
Going by game play (the Star Wars flight sims leave something to be desired in realism, but still), they still take down anything in Red Baron (Personally, I preferred A-10 Tank Killer)
Posted: 2005-11-03 12:08am
by Frank Hipper
Solauren wrote:Tie Defenders are the most advanced type of Tie Fighter, and have shields. They outperform anything on modern earth, so take that as you will
Going by game play (the Star Wars flight sims leave something to be desired in realism, but still), they still take down anything in Red Baron (Personally, I preferred A-10 Tank Killer)
You miss my point; how much skill is required to be a killer in a Defender?
Relying on 160 horsepower, a propellor and aerodynamic principles to stay flying is more challenging than the "point it anywhere and go" style of flying a SW fighter.
Getting results out of a WWI aircraft has more challenge to it than just finding a target and shooting it down; I don't think anything in a Star Wars sim will lose it's wings and/or elevator fabric if it's dived too steeply.
taking these things into the air is a risk, not to mention landing them. For instance; Albatros D.Is blow their piston rings and leak oil often from running them too hard in preparation to landing, nothing like catching fire 300 yards from safety.
Halberstadt D.IIs like to float near the ground and you can very easily lose control and crash at your own field.
Gotha G.IVs are nearly impossible to get on the ground safely, much less with anything resembling grace.
Nieuport 11s, Albatros D.IIIs and D.Vas are more likely than anything else to suffer structural failures, although any plane in the game can come apart on you, and this normally happens right as you sight up on a target.
Sopwith Camels, Airco DH2s, Pfalz D.IIIs, and Vickers FE8s all have a terrifying tendency to get into uncontrollable spins.
Star Wars fighters are
easy to fly in simulation; not all WWI fighters are, and defintely no bombers are.
There were many reasons why WWI pilots had two week life expectancies, and this thing does a highly entertaining job of showing you what some of them were.
Posted: 2005-11-03 12:13am
by InnocentBystander
Wow, you guys must really like WW1 airplanes...
Posted: 2005-11-03 07:15am
by Solauren
Ah, okay, I got your point now Frank.
Yes, I agree, a Tie Defender, or any modern/sci-fi aircraft, requires no skill compared to what it takes to fly a WW1 era fighter plane.