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SWG Galaxy, latest patch...

Posted: 2005-11-02 09:23pm
by MKSheppard
With the next patch for SWG, you can start the game as a jedi....

that is all.

Posted: 2005-11-02 09:27pm
by Temjin
Now, I haven't actually played SWG, so I don't know for sure, but doesn't SWG take place between Episode 3 and 4? You know, when all the Jedi were being hunted down and killed by Darth Vader?

I'm very glad I did not waste my money on this.

Posted: 2005-11-02 09:28pm
by MKSheppard
they are deleting 21 classes and compressing them into 9; thus fucking over everyone

For those Jedi whining about being able to start as Force Sensitive, all of the cl80 Jedi at the time will be setup as Elder Jedi, with Special robes (Dark or Light, FRS robes), Blue Glowie ability, an Elder title, and a special crystal that gives you a slight edge over the newly starting Jedi.

Yes! We shall have elder jedi in the empire strikes back timeline!

I forgot "The Trials of Obi-Wan" just went live yesterday! "Hi, welcome to our new expnasion. Now we're going to change the entire game within a month. Thanks for your money. Suckers."

This is from the SA forum I imagine.

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:09pm
by Captain tycho
Jesus H Christ. How are there still players for this clusterfuck?

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:17pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Wow. I still get the lame newsletter and saw this Trials of Obi-Wan nonsense and thought, "Nah, no way they could possibly fuck it up even more." Oh, silly me.

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:19pm
by Captain tycho
They had such a great fucking concept for the game, and immense mounds of source the HELL do you fuck that up? :evil:

Re: SWG Galaxy, latest patch...

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
MKSheppard wrote:With the next patch for SWG, you can start the game as a jedi....

that is all.
You cannot be serious...

God, SOE has sunk really low.

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:29pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Temjin wrote:Now, I haven't actually played SWG, so I don't know for sure, but doesn't SWG take place between Episode 3 and 4? You know, when all the Jedi were being hunted down and killed by Darth Vader?

I'm very glad I did not waste my money on this.
Galaxies, at least when it started, was supposed to be within a year of Episode IV.

Posted: 2005-11-02 11:44pm
by Utsanomiko
When I used to say SOE was 'gutting' the gameplay and original design intents of SWG, I'd at least have some shred of doubt and sense of hyperbole when saying it. They 'seemed' to only know how to break, cover up ,and remove content, but could they truly be incapable of any real content-adding and fixing?

I don't have that shred of doubt anymore. Now I'm positive of it as a fact, and only have some doubts of my once-joking suggestion that SWG will eventually be stripped of so much gameplay it'll become a big 3D chatroom where people just stand in bitch in Theed.

Posted: 2005-11-03 12:13am
by Dorsk 81
Hmm, I was sure I'd be the only person here giving a rat's ass about this.

One of the things I really liked about SWG was the ability to choose your template, not just being stuck the same as everyone else in your profession, unless you were a pre-publish 9 Jedi anyway.

Basically they're taking away about 80% of the professions, and sticking everything into 9, the "Iconic" professions from the movies. Bounty Hunter based on Boba Fett, Commando based on Commander Cody, Entertainer based on Oola, Jedi based on Luke Skywalker, Medic based on 2-1B, Officer based on Princess Leia, Smuggler based on Han Solo and Trader based on Lando Calrissian.

Some info on what they're doing here in the rare chance anyone is interested.

Posted: 2005-11-03 12:57am
by Utsanomiko
Hrmm, that I did not expect. They're gutting the whole skill-based six profession-fields system?

So much for ever going back into the game and continuing my Wookiee's progress as a Master Artisan/Bio-Engineer/Creature Handler and Novice Fencer, let alone let my Bounty Hunter/Master Scout pick up some of Artisan again and just prospect. I would have tried it again for a month if I could do that.

Oh well, at least I know how to do better.

Posted: 2005-11-03 02:37am
by Thunderfire
I hope this is a bad halloween joke.

Posted: 2005-11-03 03:21am
by Utsanomiko
Nope, game companies only do those on April Fools. It seems to be part of their latest 'enhancement' to the game, by generisizing the gameplay. Funny how they wait untill World of Warcraft to come out to decide they need to speed up and simplify the gameplay, as well as adopt a system of nine classes.

And after all that worked they put into planning and implementing the Combat Revamp in January...

Posted: 2005-11-03 03:58am
by Thunderfire
SOE and LA simply say "FUCK YOU" to their community with this update. I think I'll cancel my account when this goes live. The new expansion went live a few day ago and I wouldn't have bought it if I knew that this would happen.

Posted: 2005-11-03 05:09am
by Utsanomiko
Item decay has been completely removed from the game.

Can you explain a little more about how Damage and Decay will work?

This part of the death penalty has been removed from Galaxies.
Brilliant reasoning they've got there, nice to know that after more than two years of the system where all armor and weapons decaying and permanently breaking with use, they finally changed their minds about its essential role in item values, crafting, and the player-economy.

Or maybe the factors changed, who knows by now. Hell, maybe it's not to far-fetched to suggest they could change the economy and harvesting/crafting.
I always found it ironic that the one game with completely player-run item manufacturing was set in the one setting where you could feasibly keep the individual out of. I considered the notion that player engineers or mechanics would loot junk, scrap, old parts, and broken items and repair & reassemble them into good-working hodge-podge equipment. Asides from those such material components and NPC merchants selling everyday tools and items, it'd still be player-run and dependant on crafters to come up with the notably good weapons/armor.

Posted: 2005-11-03 07:06am
by Mr Bean
Utsanomiko wrote:
Item decay has been completely removed from the game.

Can you explain a little more about how Damage and Decay will work?

This part of the death penalty has been removed from Galaxies.
I always found it ironic that the one game with completely player-run item manufacturing was set in the one setting where you could feasibly keep the individual out of. I considered the notion that player engineers or mechanics would loot junk, scrap, old parts, and broken items and repair & reassemble them into good-working hodge-podge equipment. Asides from those such material components and NPC merchants selling everyday tools and items, it'd still be player-run and dependant on crafters to come up with the notably good weapons/armor.
Don't you try and use reason and logic on me younging! We here at SOE know what's popular and whats right.

And what's right is EverWars and you'll like it!

Seriously when did they decided to kill the things that made SOE's games almost worth playing? The player economey was if not perfect, at least better done that most. There was little to no bind on equip items. The best weapons were made from the best materials. A blog standard blasters was a tentith or even less than what a Master weaponsmith could make for you with the right mats.
Galaxies always had the problem of great items that were not implented corectly. Nevermind ever fixed. Moore moore moore content! Never stoping to fixing the errors of yesterday or the fundmentaly borked buff sitatuion(It took how many... years?!? to nerf the Doctors invurability buffs?)

And now EverWars here we come. Good job, say goodbye to the last of the paying customers as all you had left since you pissed off all the Wars fans is those who played it for the excellent city building, combat system(Oops you killed that) Space combat(Which is only good for a month.) now Skill based "leveling" which you are killing now.

Did you run out of places to shoot yourself in the foot? Somewhere higher and abit more centerline your new target SOE?

Posted: 2005-11-03 09:37pm
by Cthulhuvong
EverWars? I though I was play World of Starcraft? :P

Seriously though, my account ends the 9th, and I will be cancelling it tomarrow, after I give a friend all my stuff (3 full houses paid up for 2&1/2 months, 500k+ credits, vehicles, pets, droids, starships). Some of my friends asked me to join them in Everquest 2, but I said no. I will never play a Sony game again, nor will I ever buy a Sony product. The PS3 can go to hell.

Posted: 2005-11-04 08:24pm
by Zorak
To be quite honest, I'm a former Master Creature handler who started POST nerf and lasted for about a year, playing with CrazyGoji.

To be quite honest, the combat system changes they're making actually make the game sound vestigally original. While one of their other cool aspects (trees) are being totally annihilated, the new "click to attack" system they're adding sounds worth a look at least. *shrug*

Posted: 2005-11-04 11:35pm
by Cthulhuvong
The reason they are doing this is because they are getting it ready for the PS3, which will have a Galaxies port. The original game was too complicated to be played on a console, but now the dumbed-down version should be easy enough for any console gamer to use.

From a foreign PS3 site:

Scroll down to "Lista över kommande spel" and you'll see "Star Wars Galaxies (Project/Plan) - Lucas Arts"

Lists over future playing
Here, a list is over playing that come to come. We do not have however any more information for the occasion, but the comes.
(list omitted)
- Star Wars Galaxies (Project/Plan) - Lucas Arts

Posted: 2005-11-04 11:49pm
by LordShaithis
Read a report from someone who has played an early build of the latest patch, and he says it's good shit. Apparently they're replacing the RPG auto-attack system with one where you have to actually mouse-aim and click to shoot.

Posted: 2005-11-04 11:58pm
by Utsanomiko
Man, that game was almost too laggy to pvp even with the auto-attack/specials queue. I wonder how well 40 people will be able twitch-shoot each-other in Theed...

Posted: 2005-11-05 01:52am
by Damaramu
Wow, they've fucked players in COH and now SWG?

I've just cancelled my account for COH after that stupid Enhancement Diversification shit.

I hope AD&D online turns out well. :?

Posted: 2005-11-05 02:19am
by Utsanomiko
They also mention way at the very bottom that Bounty Hunters won't have player bounties. So it's nothing but shooting NPCs at the end of the waypoint again.

They also boast how 'now' crafters using the Trader profession can branch out into specialized crafting professions. except that they could do that already; that was the whole point of going up the different branches of Artisan, so that you could become a novice in an advanced crafting profession. The deal with that was you could *also* branch out into non-crafting professions. My main spent his entire career as some form of Artisan/Marksman, mostly as an Armorsmith and Commando/Pistoleer (switched after a month from one to the other).

Actually this is even less unexpected when you consider just how bamboozled the Live Team has been by multi-profession skill mixing and unable to cope with build-stacking exploits (grabbing the defense or +attack branches of several profs and using specials in cinjunction. They barely addressed the bonuses by adding a semi-sane maximum and their idea of preventing melee specials' effects being used with blasters was to put a ~30 sec timer between weapon switching). Combined with all the babbling they do about how 'complex' the old system was to pick skills, and it's clear they're talking about their own incompetence to fix the real issues instead of break things entirely and start over simple/riped-off.

What did CoH's 'Enhancement Diversification' do (boy, that's a marketing jargon buzzword if I ever heard one)?

Posted: 2005-11-05 02:26am
by Cthulhuvong
From what I've heard from people, the combat in Galaxies will be like Diablo's click on opponent to attack, not like Couter-Strike. You select a target with one mouse button, and then attack a person by clicking them with the other.

Posted: 2005-11-05 02:31am
by Hotfoot
All Enhancement Diversification did was make it so that power enhancements didn't stack linearly anymore, but instead were subjected to diminishing returns. So instead of getting a 150% boost to damage with six 25% damage enhancements, you'd get something like 110%. The idea being that since the last 2-3 enhancements don't add as much anymore, it's more worthwhile to put other enhancements in the power slot, like endurance reduction or recharge reduction, or accuracy, or something.

It's pretty fucking tame, really. Everytone got the same nerf, it just changes the landscape slightly.

The SWG thing is fucking crazy though.