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Jack Thompson: Video games are Japan's 'Pearl Harbor 2'
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:11pm
by Grasscutter
Linky link
Jack Thompson wrote:Oh, and certain regional governments in Japan have banned the sale of the Grand Theft Auto games to minors, but Japan's Sony has no problem whatsoever dumping this garbage into American kids' brains. Looks like Pearl Harbor 2 by Sony/Take-Two...
Insensitive? What the Japanese are doing to our kids is insensitive and racist. The Japanese have for a very long time dumped pornography into this country in a fashion they would not tolerate in their own country. It is another version of Pearl Harbor.
GTA is a Sony/Take-Two game. It was made by Take-Two exclusively for Sony's Playstation 2. Sony has led the planet in the distribution of mainstream porn. I don't have time to document it for you. As for the offensiveness of the Pearl Harbor comment, it's accurate and it's needed. The Japanese have a contempt for our culture which is patent. There (sic) dumping of garbage into our culture is a slow motion version of Pearl Harbor.
I love how he doesn't "have time to document" anything for people. Heaven forbid he actually have evidence to support his arguments. What kind of lawyer does that?
I also like how he doesn't deny his statements are offensive, but it's okay because Japan supposedly did it first.
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:19pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Oh whatever...
This is just so full of shit and backwards that it's frankly barely worth acknowledging.
Japan dumps pornography into America? Yeah right, more like America sucks pornography out of Japan. Thompson is totally ignoring the factors of importationa and domestic distribution.
And doesn't Sony actually disallow porno games on the PlayStation? I recall that they at least used to. Hell, Japanese porno games are barely even imported and sold in the US.
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:21pm
by brianeyci
moron wrote:The Japanese have for a very long time dumped pornography into this country in a fashion they would not tolerate in their own country.
Well, bring on the tentacle rape then.
I wonder if he has any idea how many one-shot wonders appear on the Japanese manga market involving every possible grotesque fantasy a man could have. On the order of hundreds a year. More ahem... learned men can elaborate, I've just heard this from my brother.
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:26pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
I'm reminded of Chinpokomon...
I also like how he claims that Sony's actions are racist when he is the one blaming an entire people for what one company is doing.
Spanky, I think he's using the word "pornography" to describe all the things he finds offensive, not just the typical usage of the word.
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, seeing as it is Thompson, I guess that would make sense for him to define violence as "pornography."
Re: Jack Thompson: Video games are Japan's 'Pearl Harbor 2'
Posted: 2005-11-06 08:42pm
by Plekhanov
Jack Thompson wrote:GTA is a Sony/Take-Two game. It was made by Take-Two exclusively for Sony's Playstation 2. Sony has led the planet in the distribution of mainstream porn.
Not only does he not have time to "document anything for us" it would seem he hasn't even got the time to google 'GTA' and see that far from being made "made by Take-Two exclusively for Sony's Playstation 2" it's also available for PC and X-Box.
How can a man this dumb be practicing law? He’s too incompetent to check even the most basic of facts upon which his case stand or fails (this is of course aside from it being illogical bullshit).
Posted: 2005-11-06 09:00pm
by Adrian Laguna
I'm going to go with him being a dishonest little shit-fucker rather than being stupid an incompetent. He is counting on the stupidity of many average Joes to swallow his crap. You should realize that most people don't ask for evidence to back up claims: "Oh, he's a lawyer an probably did a lot of research on this. He knows what he's talking about." That he might be a dishonest cunt that's lying to them never crosses their minds. Not to say that Jack Thompson is among the sharperst knives in the worn-out tool pile, far from it...
Posted: 2005-11-06 09:05pm
by brianeyci
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Well, seeing as it is Thompson, I guess that would make sense for him to define violence as "pornography."
One would think he would gripe about homebrew "pornography" before accusing another nation.
Posted: 2005-11-06 10:02pm
by Ghost Rider
I'm disgusted that he would use an event such as Pearl Harbor for his little crusade. I'm sure with that mindset he'll proclaim victory when he's unleashed a Hiroshima.
The man lost any credibility long ago, and is demonstrating it wasn't a fluke by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
Posted: 2005-11-06 10:09pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I expect there to be a huge uproar in backlash come Monday. This shit is something everybody's gonna go crazy over.
Posted: 2005-11-06 10:33pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Thompson calling GTA "pornography" might be in reference to the sex mini-game in GTA: San Andreas.
Posted: 2005-11-06 11:38pm
by felineki
Just when I thought he couldnt get any more immature or delusional... If he keeps this up, he's bound to break some universal law of conservation of stupidity and then we'll all be screwed.
Posted: 2005-11-07 12:20am
by DPDarkPrimus
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Thompson calling GTA "pornography" might be in reference to the sex mini-game in GTA: San Andreas.
Nope. The GTA that Sony released was GTAIII, and Wacko Jacko refers to video games as pornography.
Posted: 2005-11-07 12:27am
by The Yosemite Bear
his ego and stupidy will reach critical mass and all of florida will collapse into the Thompson Singularity.....
unfortunatly since his thoughts lack any substance we will continue to hear from him, not to mention the time delination...
Posted: 2005-11-07 01:20am
by Dalton
This scumbag dares to usurp the deaths of many brave men and women for his own political gain? What a useless sack of garbage...
Posted: 2005-11-07 03:07am
by Archaic`
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:And doesn't Sony actually disallow porno games on the PlayStation? I recall that they at least used to. Hell, Japanese porno games are barely even imported and sold in the US.
They do indeed. Dating simulations still get released, but they're all "clean" versions, minus all CG sex scenes, and occasionally minus some of the more objectionable characters as well.
Posted: 2005-11-07 07:22am
by wautd
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:I'm reminded of Chinpokomon...
Oh man, it would be awesome if Sony made an official reply about Jack having a Big Penis
Posted: 2005-11-07 01:05pm
by Dooey Jo
Wow. That goes beyond stupid. Even if Japan would have been "dumping pornography", how would that have been racist? And how is it the Japanese's fault that your own regional governments doesn't ban the sale of those video games to minors?
I can't believe this guy. Is he really saying that video games is a Japanese effort to destroy the American culture? What The Fuck?! Why is he not in a mental institution??
Archaic` wrote:...and occasionally minus some of the more objectionable characters as well.
They do that for more games than just the dating-sims. Vivian in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is supposedly a boy in the Japanese version...