IBM Backstabs Sony, Neglects Apple? X360 and Rev benifit?
Posted: 2005-11-08 05:36pm
EDIT: this is copy pasted material from a journalist who doesnt want to reveal himself##
This started out in 2k4, some of the things here have panned out, some have yet to happen.
What you will read here pertains only research already conducted and information received about a year ago.
Despite being so old, a lot of the info however has proven to be true and the info has prove to be totaly credible.
Since summer 2k4 I have received a lot of information that I didn’t regard too highly at first but which over time has been proven right( early December news of the Naughty Dog racing and FPS games), news about the processors inside the next Xbox and the Revolution etcetera.
One of the things I heard that failed to grab my attention late summer/early fall 2k4 was with regards to Cell and the processors inside the Xbox2.
I talked about it with a few people and further forgot about it.
Forgot about it until my contact inside IBM emerging technologies in Germany contacted me again with new information, information which so far just like the old information he gave me has proven to be right.
Let me give the story in short:
Sony, Toshiba and IBM enter a joint venture to develop and market CELL, a multicore processor.
All patents will be jointly owned.
All but one, IBM argues successfully that the Power PC core (and this is very important) and all related technologies are theirs and theirs only.
IBM then goes on and uses the knowledge they gain designing CELL to make a different version Power PC processor better suited for use in high end videogame machines.
The development of this new processor goes at the expense of Apple who has been waiting for a long time for new desktop Power PC chips.
IBM doesn’t deliver them because their departments are working on CELL and a new core that uses CELL technology and thus is more geared towards specific tasks such as floating points.
Sony gets furious when they find out that in essence they have helped pay for and develop the processor that will power the next Xbox and the Nintendo Revolution, and even worse there is nothing they can do against it from a legal point of view since IBM put the lines ALL RELATED TECHNOLOGIES in their contract.
Apple is unhappy because the development of the new Power PC processors and CELL has been at their expense, the newer faster Mac´s they wanted to introduce long ago still are not there simply because IBM isn’t delivering the processors they wanted.
Neither Sony nor Apple however can do anything against it and just have to grin and bear it.
It is claimed now that the CELL **** up is one of the things that have cost Kutaragi dearly and caused his demotion.
Full post here:
Qoute from darksim on xbox365
"To briefly summarize for those who ask to condense more than two paragraphs of text, this article states that Sony, IBM, and Toshiba began working on the Cell processor together, then IBM pulled out early (hehe couldnt resist the pun).
IBM then used their knowledge of the cell design plusses, i.e. floating point stuff, and used it to design a better powerpc chip, specifically one suited to the game industry. Enter MS, which is using the PowerPC for the 360-
In essence, Sony partly funded the technology that is now going to be used against it in the console arena in the 360. Hah."
IBM Sony
Apple --->
Microsoft and Nintendo -->
EDIT: this is copy pasted material from a journalist who doesnt want to reveal himself##
This started out in 2k4, some of the things here have panned out, some have yet to happen.
What you will read here pertains only research already conducted and information received about a year ago.
Despite being so old, a lot of the info however has proven to be true and the info has prove to be totaly credible.
Since summer 2k4 I have received a lot of information that I didn’t regard too highly at first but which over time has been proven right( early December news of the Naughty Dog racing and FPS games), news about the processors inside the next Xbox and the Revolution etcetera.
One of the things I heard that failed to grab my attention late summer/early fall 2k4 was with regards to Cell and the processors inside the Xbox2.
I talked about it with a few people and further forgot about it.
Forgot about it until my contact inside IBM emerging technologies in Germany contacted me again with new information, information which so far just like the old information he gave me has proven to be right.
Let me give the story in short:
Sony, Toshiba and IBM enter a joint venture to develop and market CELL, a multicore processor.
All patents will be jointly owned.
All but one, IBM argues successfully that the Power PC core (and this is very important) and all related technologies are theirs and theirs only.
IBM then goes on and uses the knowledge they gain designing CELL to make a different version Power PC processor better suited for use in high end videogame machines.
The development of this new processor goes at the expense of Apple who has been waiting for a long time for new desktop Power PC chips.
IBM doesn’t deliver them because their departments are working on CELL and a new core that uses CELL technology and thus is more geared towards specific tasks such as floating points.
Sony gets furious when they find out that in essence they have helped pay for and develop the processor that will power the next Xbox and the Nintendo Revolution, and even worse there is nothing they can do against it from a legal point of view since IBM put the lines ALL RELATED TECHNOLOGIES in their contract.
Apple is unhappy because the development of the new Power PC processors and CELL has been at their expense, the newer faster Mac´s they wanted to introduce long ago still are not there simply because IBM isn’t delivering the processors they wanted.
Neither Sony nor Apple however can do anything against it and just have to grin and bear it.
It is claimed now that the CELL **** up is one of the things that have cost Kutaragi dearly and caused his demotion.
Full post here:
Qoute from darksim on xbox365
"To briefly summarize for those who ask to condense more than two paragraphs of text, this article states that Sony, IBM, and Toshiba began working on the Cell processor together, then IBM pulled out early (hehe couldnt resist the pun).
IBM then used their knowledge of the cell design plusses, i.e. floating point stuff, and used it to design a better powerpc chip, specifically one suited to the game industry. Enter MS, which is using the PowerPC for the 360-
In essence, Sony partly funded the technology that is now going to be used against it in the console arena in the 360. Hah."
IBM Sony
Apple --->
Microsoft and Nintendo -->