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Star Gate: Battlefront?
Posted: 2005-11-17 01:28am
by UCBooties
Ok, hear me out, this is of course a hypothetical situation. Star Wars Battlefront I and II prove that the Battlefield model can be sucessfully adapted to a sci-fi universe. I would like to figure out if it could be similarly adapted to a StarGate game. My main concern is classes. Humans have it easy, you can probably port them right over from BF2:MC, but many of the enemies that we see in SG are single-class, for instance, is there any way to diversify Goa'uld combat classes? We only ever seem to see one type of Jaffa. There is a similer problem with Replicator's in that everyone is eiter human form or a bug. Then there's the Asgard, who don't even bother with foot soldiers. So what it boils down to is this, it's a long shot, but is there anyway to make a BF style game work in the SG universe?
Posted: 2005-11-17 03:15am
by Vympel
It could only be SGC versus Jaffa (or versus Ori). The Jaffa only have one type of staff weapon (two if you count the movie) and the Zat. You could use those big cannons as well, but they'd be fixed implacements. The SGC would also of course have M2HBs so that changes nothing. I don't see how it could be done.
Posted: 2005-11-17 03:46am
by NecronLord
Well, a man portable staff cannon exists, but isn't used much. There are certainly oodles of different jaffa types you could use though. The SG1 RPG has about a dozen jaffa specialities.
Posted: 2005-11-17 04:11am
by Jack Bauer
How about a Star Trek: Battlefront?
Boy what I wouldn't give to play as a Klingon warrior tearing Starfleet redshirts new ones.

Posted: 2005-11-17 04:51am
by Glimmervoid
NecronLord wrote:Well, a man portable staff cannon exists, but isn't used much. There are certainly oodles of different jaffa types you could use though. The SG1 RPG has about a dozen jaffa specialities.
Could you tell us the types? I have no real idea what they could be.
Ps there is also the light grenades, and some of the specialised weapons to consider.
Posted: 2005-11-17 06:45am
by Vympel
The only thing I can think that Necronlord is referring to is the cannon that Teal'c uses to take out Tanith in the episode where he gets stuck in the gate's "buffer" (horribly Star Trek that episode). However, he pulled that off a Death Glider in a previous episode, it's not standard.
Unless there's something else I forgot.
Posted: 2005-11-17 07:27am
by Zac Naloen
I can't remember if this is first or second season, as i can't remember exactky which episode these events take place in.. anyway. The SGC is on sumeria heru'ur has found out the asgard defenses have failed he's trying to take the planet. everyone is hiding in a cave and the Jaffa have a staff cannon emplacement (or two) set up outside to prevent anyone escaping.
Posted: 2005-11-17 10:16am
by Lancer
Since BF and BFII have non-standard troops such as the Darktrooper and Bothan Spy, you could have the Kull Warrior and Ashrak as Goa'uld choices in addition to Jaffa.
Posted: 2005-11-17 11:22am
by NecronLord
Vympel wrote:The only thing I can think that Necronlord is referring to is the cannon that Teal'c uses to take out Tanith in the episode where he gets stuck in the gate's "buffer" (horribly Star Trek that episode). However, he pulled that off a Death Glider in a previous episode, it's not standard.
Unless there's something else I forgot.
It's not standard, but it's designed to be used like that after a crash. It has hand-grips, and is easily removable from the vehicle. The only change he made
here was the shoulder strap.
Posted: 2005-11-17 01:27pm
by UCBooties
So with a little imagination, we could work out good class parity for Goa'uld forces, but I think the other factions realy are a lost cause. Oh well, just a thought. Thanks all.
Posted: 2005-11-17 02:59pm
by Braedley
It might be possible to make it a single player, squad based game, but I know you really want online play. If you want the multiplayer bad enough, you could make it so that all the players are on an SG combat team, and you have to complete a mission off world. This means you're still fighting AI, which does not fill the requirements for a BF type game.
Posted: 2005-11-17 03:01pm
by Lancer
Rifleman (M4 / M9)
Demolitions (M72 LAW / M9)
Engineer (SPAS-12 / toolkit)
Machine Gunner (M249 SPW / M9)
Sniper (G3-SG1 / M9)
Hero: SG1 (P90 / Zat)
Jaffa Warrior (Staff / Zat)
Jaffa Heavy Trooper (Staff Cannon / Zat)
Goa'uld Vassal (Hand Device / tools)
Kull Warrior (Kull blaster burst / Kull blaster single shot)
Ashrak (staff / stealth)
Hero: Goa'uld Lord (Hand Device / personal shield)
Posted: 2005-11-17 03:11pm
by NecronLord
RPG Jaffa specialities:
- Bast Guard (SL, 131)
- Brahma Guard (SL, 132)
- Dragon Guard (S1, 123)
- Emperor's Hand Guard (SL, 132)
- Fianna Warrior (SL, 132)
- The Guard of Ages (SL, 132)
- Horus Guard
- Jackal Guard (SL, 132)
- Jaffa Clergy (S1, 123)
- Kresh'taa (S1, 124)
- Magi-Uchawi (SL, 133)
- Necropolis Guard (SL, 133)
- Olympian Guard (SL, 133)
- Raven Guard (SL, 133)
- Serpent Guard
- Setesh Guard
- Shol'va Rebel
- Spartan Guard (SL, 134)
- Ta-tanen (UW, 82)
All have slightly different characteristics, some, like the Raven Guard, being better at sneaking around, some, like the Jackals being very good at close combat, and others being hard men, like the Serpent guard. Some others have better equipment than the norm, (necropolis guard, sokar's folks, have stronger armour. Dragon guard have forearm blades like the one Apophis had in
the Devil You Know.)
Posted: 2005-11-17 08:23pm
by Vympel
Demolitions (M72 LAW / M9)
M72? That weak piece of crap has never been used in SG. The AT4 aka M136 is what's used.
Posted: 2005-11-17 09:21pm
by Lancer
Vympel wrote:Demolitions (M72 LAW / M9)
M72? That weak piece of crap has never been used in SG. The AT4 aka M136 is what's used.
My apologies. I pulled it from the stargate tech center though, so you might want to take it up with O'Farrel and co.
Posted: 2005-11-17 09:30pm
by Instant Sunrise
Perhaps the episode "Avatar" would be a good basis for an SG-1 FPS game. A lot like Doom 3, but with co-op mode, and an unlockable pre-cog thing that they had in the episode. And more levels that the SGC.