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Most fun weapons in FPS multiplayer games?

Posted: 2005-11-17 09:43am
by wautd
We are not talking about the "best" or the "coolest" here, but the weapon that caused the most hilarious moments in multiplayer games.

For me, there is no contest: the shrink gun in Duke Nukem 3D. Absolutely brilliant! Hilarious moments guaranteed every time you made your opponent the size of a mouse after which you tried to squash the little bugger with your feeth or try to hit the damn thing with your machinegun.
Or vice versa, you being schrinked to a little vermin and franticly trying to avoid your enemies feeth/weapons. If you were lucky and had a jetpack, you could buzz around your nemesis' head like an angry mosquito.

It boggles the mind I never saw any other FPS with the same kind of weapon

Honorable mention to (technically not a weapon) the Hologram (also Duke Nukem 3D) and the sticky bombs in Shadow Warriors

Posted: 2005-11-17 09:49am
by brianeyci
Hahahahaha, the fucking hologram and shrink gun...

...I remember the days my friend and I would play Duke Nukem every single day for an entire summer in high school. He would fucking put a hologram, and I would run into it, and he would ambush me. The shrink gun was hilarious. I would shrink him, he would shrink me, and we'd each have steroids. Steroids makes you bigger, negates the shrink lol.

My favourite would be the laserbomb (Duke Nukem 3D). My friend put lasers right on spawn points, in blind spots near items so I would walk right into them... fucking hilarious lol. He was really good, fun times. Plus the strippers rotfl.

Another would be the knife, in all its various incarnations.

<edit>Oh yeah how could I forget this one -- the underwater shotgun lol in Duke Nukem 3D if you fire the shotgun in the water all the pellets stay together and it's a one hit kill lol, I remember calling my friend a cheater for awhile until I figured it out :twisted:</edit>


Posted: 2005-11-17 10:14am
by Darth Wong
I remember playing one of the countless modified versions of Quakeworld back in the day, and it had a "cluster bomb" mod for the grenade launcher. The way it worked was that it would fire out a grenade which split after a second or so into 10 mini-grenades, each of which exploded as violently as a standard game grenade after a few more seconds (or hitting someone). There was a second-stage cluster bomb mod too, where all of the mini-grenades would split into 5 more grenades.

Combine this with the way grenades would bounce off walls in Quakeworld as if they were made of rubber, and it was just hilarious. As soon as you heard the sound of a grenade launcher being fired, everybody would be screaming "OH SHIT" and trying to get the fuck out of Dodge, because you knew there would be little mini-grenades bouncing all over the place for quite a while. And of course, they were totally non-discriminatory; a lot of guys got killed by their own cluster bombs.

Posted: 2005-11-17 10:52am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The medic's syringe from Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer.'d have to have been there.

Posted: 2005-11-17 11:12am
by brianeyci
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:The medic's syringe from Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer.'d have to have been there.
If it's anything like I think it is... a medic running around jacking himself up from 1 health to 100 in ten seconds? Rotfl, it was worse with the quake 2 dday normandy modification -- a medic running around carrying an LMG, full auto versus Gerands and Mausers and able to heal himself in two fucking seconds lol. You can get the entire game free from here (it's not pirated they have a full standalone version). Alternatively, you can get the Quake 2 demo and apply the full verison patch, and you lack the single player but have the full functionality of the multiplayer, also non-pirated.

<edit>If you do want to get into DDay Normandy after trying out the standalone and find it fun, I suggest first you get the Quake 2 Demo, apply the multiplayer patch to the demo, then apply the DDay Normandy Modification. The reason is, the standalone can't patch up with the British or other expansions.</edit>

<edit 2>Oh yeah the game is completely multiplayer, no bots, no single player. A good server is the V-Corps Server, I'm not sure if they're still up. Linky here.</edit>

<edit 3>Oh yeah to save people some time, here's what the game looks like.


It looks like shit, but it's not about graphics... it'll run well on older computers, and is fun if you're into multiplayer FPS. It is the original WWII mod.</edit>


Posted: 2005-11-17 12:07pm
by m.castaldo
For me it'd have to be the stabbity death goodness of a spy in Team Fortress Classic mods. Nothing like infiltrating the enemy base looking like one of their guys, then sneaking along and doing one hit kills. At least not till your stupid damn heavy gunner on your team mistakes you for one of the enemy medics and guns you down with full auto-cannon glory.

Posted: 2005-11-17 01:44pm
by dworkin
The 'silencer' in Postal. Cat, shotgun. Shotgun, cat.

Posted: 2005-11-17 01:56pm
by Admiral Valdemar
The Gauntlet in Quake III was always fun to play around with. If I was really pissed off and didn't have anything else, I'd run as fast as I could and kamikaze into anyone I saw with it. The "humiliation" call was great to hear when I took someone out with the Gauntlet when they had a railgun and missed me charging.

Using the Scout in CounterStrike: Source is satisfying too. Bolt-action, no unzoomed function, but killing people with it rather than going for the pricey AWP is great. So satisfying.

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:02pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Sticky Proximity-Mine Grenades in the Alternate Fire mod for Quake 3. Put 'em right under a weapon spawn, next to the ammo boxes (great with volatile ammo on!), behind a health pickup, or on the walls of a narrow chokepoint. Some unlucky nerfherder goes for a new weapon, walks by some ammo, etc. the things go BEEEEEEP ->BOOM!<-, sometimes killing the unfortunate bastard outright, particularly when volatile ammo is involved.

Education of Asshats by Remote Control!! :lol:

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:11pm
by Vanas
The Strangelove, UT & UT2k4. Nothing beats dogfighting atop nuclear missiles.

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:14pm
by Lord Pounder
The Lightsaber in JK, in particular Jedi Accademy. Saber Staff's pwn.

Hitman Codename 47 has some nifty weapons too, duel Desert Eagles or sawn-off-shotguns where instakills and so nicely messy.

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:14pm
by Instant Sunrise
Farsight XR-20 from Perfect Dark. The ultimate camper weapon. Combined with a laptop gun as a turret in a tight nook. People just start 'dissappearing'.

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:27pm
by Companion Cube
The Crowbar in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. I've found that in a group situation, people tend to prioritise their fire towards people who've actually bothered to use ranged weapons. With a bit of cover, coupled with the sprint function and the element of surprise, you can score a surprising number of kills.

Posted: 2005-11-17 02:58pm
by Dooey Jo
The Remote and Proximity Mines in GoldenEye 007. The Golden Gun sometimes produces fun moments...
Also the weird but deadly combination of Oddjob and a Klobb (which we have nominated for "crappiest weapon in the universe" award). Hehe! The shame of being killed by Oddjob with a Klobb is indeed terrible :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 2005-11-17 03:06pm
by Braedley
I like the Farsight in PD, but my vote has to go to the tranqulizer. The best way to teach younger siblings and cousins what being drunk is like.

Posted: 2005-11-17 03:50pm
by weemadando
The Strangelove mod redeemer is great, but...

MDK - "Most interesting bomb in the world". And the "Worlds Smallest Nuclear Device".

Posted: 2005-11-17 06:25pm
by Alan Bolte
Any kamakaze weapon is great. I love throwing down a grenade in DoD, picking it up, and running around a corner and trying to aim myself at the enemy. Similarly, video-guided missiles are a bunch of fun, just to see your opponent's surprised reaction. Devouring marines wearing heavy power armor as an onos in NS is pretty amusing. As mentioned, mines on the whole are loads of fun.

Also, Snark.

Posted: 2005-11-17 06:27pm
by TheMuffinKing
For me, I'd say the mini rocket swarm thing from duke nukem. Superior firepower...

Posted: 2005-11-17 06:37pm
by Davis 51
Two words: Gravity Gun

'Nuff said.

Posted: 2005-11-17 07:00pm
by Noble Ire
For me, nothing beats the versatility of a Halo plasma grenade. Hearing people scream bloody murder and run around firing aimlessly when they get one stuck on their head never gets old. Its even better if a randomly thrown one nails someone at random from across the map.

Posted: 2005-11-17 07:06pm
by thecreech
Plasma grenade in Halo

The cerebal Bore in Turok 2. Once that thing connects the blood start coming out of their heads like a fountain

Posted: 2005-11-17 07:24pm
by 2000AD
The auto sniper in Counter Strike, as it solidly seperates the men from the boys.

Noobs just sit there and moan everytime you kill them with it, while truely good players hunt you down and kill you!
It's also brilliant for choke point defence, and so funny when the same idiots keep on trying to run through thesame point, round after round and just keep on getting owned and just keep on moaning and not ever changing their tactics.

For 2-D shooters it has to be the Holy Hand Grenade from worms, complete with "HALLELUJAH!" sound.

Posted: 2005-11-17 07:29pm
by Alan Bolte
Ha ha ha, the cerbral bore! I forgot about that one. Good stuff.

Posted: 2005-11-18 01:36am
by Shinova
Kung Fu is the greatest weapon in Specialists (Half Life mod). Very few things are more satisfying than dropping several guys wielding automatics with just your feet and hands.

That and winning a Natural Selection game whilst in the commander's chair. Nice sense of accomplishment there.

Posted: 2005-11-18 02:01am
by Pu-239
Shinova wrote:Kung Fu is the greatest weapon in Specialists (Half Life mod). Very few things are more satisfying than dropping several guys wielding automatics with just your feet and hands.

That and winning a Natural Selection game whilst in the commander's chair. Nice sense of accomplishment there.
Ugh, I suck at fu. Teach me!!!