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Adobe Premiere question

Posted: 2005-11-18 03:54pm
by Faqa
I, as an enterprising music video(MV)-maker(for a fandom, anyway), occasionally find great ideas from a song in a different MV. Unfortunately, having no P2P on my comp, or great desire for one(*remembers clusterfucks of eMule and Kazaa Lite running together*), my options to get it are

A - Buy the song. If they all came with a note stating what song it was, that'd be great.....

B- Extract the song from the video. Which brings us to the topic. I have a rarely used copy of Premiere(installed in a fit of ambition....) lying around. Lo and behold, my random-looking method turned up a "Render and Replace" option there than got me a .wav of the sound. Problem? It's motherfucking huge(50MB for a four-minute song!)!!!! And flawed. Is there another way to do this in Premiere? Or different program that can do it? I'm just a poor guy trying to extract a little audio.....

Help appreciated!! I'll even let you see any finished product, if you want....

Posted: 2005-11-18 04:05pm
by Bounty
Use Audacity to compress the wav into something manageable.

EDIT : Virtualdub can extract to wav, too, if you don't like using Adobe.

Posted: 2005-11-18 04:42pm
by Faqa
Hey thanks! Worked perfectly(well, aside from also having to find something to re-encode .WMVs. Fuck you, M$....)!

Seems every time I have a video problem, there's a VirtualDub feature I forgot that solves it. I love that thing....