Where the heck is this PS3 online network thing coming from?
Posted: 2005-11-21 02:48am
Alright, I must have seen twenty blogs reporting that Sony has no unified online network. Yet I see NO major gaming sites such as IGN or GameSpot reporting it. Not even any big tech news sites like The Inquirer. It's only on blogs. Google it. Top result is, surprise, Joystiq. Where is this coming from?
Frankly, I'm getting a tad annoyed that there's a bunch of false rumors about the PS3 and people are proclaiming it dead. So far, Sony came outright and said that the rumor that it would bind games to hardware preventing people from loaning out games was false. Sony also just recently said the PS3 will be $300-$400.
As far as I can tell, Sony never confirmed the things people were complaining about in this thread: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=74424
In fact, I can't even find any record that the stuff in that thread was ever actually published in PSM, all the web sites Google brings up says that "Oh, such and such site says it WILL be published next month".
In fact, the ONLY bad things I've found about the PS3 is developers complaining about the difficulty of development, but those are mostly just them mouthing off- they said the same things about the PS2, but nobody was stupid enough to not code for it.
So can anyone give me any actual record of Sony actually stating that the PS3 does not have a unified online network? Because last I heard, Sony made specific statements about having a unified online network at E3 (IGN confirms this) and even an online P2P network. And now comics like this are popping up:

Seriously, where is this stuff coming from??? From my view, it looks like it's just another false rumor. So far, the PS3 looks pretty good IMHO. Oh, and the latest news is no region coding. Yay.
So if anyone has an actual source for no unified online network, please post it.
Frankly, I'm getting a tad annoyed that there's a bunch of false rumors about the PS3 and people are proclaiming it dead. So far, Sony came outright and said that the rumor that it would bind games to hardware preventing people from loaning out games was false. Sony also just recently said the PS3 will be $300-$400.
As far as I can tell, Sony never confirmed the things people were complaining about in this thread: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=74424
In fact, I can't even find any record that the stuff in that thread was ever actually published in PSM, all the web sites Google brings up says that "Oh, such and such site says it WILL be published next month".
In fact, the ONLY bad things I've found about the PS3 is developers complaining about the difficulty of development, but those are mostly just them mouthing off- they said the same things about the PS2, but nobody was stupid enough to not code for it.
So can anyone give me any actual record of Sony actually stating that the PS3 does not have a unified online network? Because last I heard, Sony made specific statements about having a unified online network at E3 (IGN confirms this) and even an online P2P network. And now comics like this are popping up:

Seriously, where is this stuff coming from??? From my view, it looks like it's just another false rumor. So far, the PS3 looks pretty good IMHO. Oh, and the latest news is no region coding. Yay.
So if anyone has an actual source for no unified online network, please post it.