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Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Posted: 2005-11-21 02:01pm
by Jon
Special Forces is out shortly, anyone going to be buying it? I guess I will, even if it does seem a bit lacking in terms of being an 'expansion pack'. Anyway, someone linked me to some 'British Voices' from the SAS team in the game,
here. This is supposed to be modern combat, why do they sound like they're in World War One?
Posted: 2005-11-21 02:09pm
by Arrow
I'll be getting it - I got a free overnight shipping deal from Gamestop (who normally could kiss my ass, thanks to the lousy service I get at their stores, but free overnight shipping...). I'm interested to see what new awards are in the game, and how it affects the ranking system; I've also heard that the expansion has its own version of the combat badges, which I thing is a bit retarded.
Posted: 2005-11-21 02:28pm
by Jon
Posted: 2005-11-21 03:03pm
by Acidburns
Im getting too. Those screens look pretty cool Jon. There's not that many interior spaces in the game, and looks like it'll make a nice change.
Also, my friends and I do several boarding actions anyway, so this should liven things up a little =D
Posted: 2005-11-21 03:14pm
by Captain tycho
Yeah, it looks pretty fun. The urban maps were the best things in BF2, and this will have more of them. Plus, who can resist ZIPLINES?
Posted: 2005-11-21 03:19pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I hear the add-on pack is more of a patch you have to pay for. A lot of people I know are getting sick of EA being money grubbing bastards.
And those SAS voices are the worst things I have ever heard in a videogame. Someone tell America that people don't fit 100 year old stereotypes. I bet the US soldiers don't speak like cowboys or hicks. I'm sure Andy McNab would laugh his arse off if he got EA's impression of SAS soldiers all being upper class English toffs.
Posted: 2005-11-21 03:27pm
by Jon
Here are the MP maps 16/32/64 side by side.... :p
Devil's Perch
Ghost Town
Mass Destruction
Night Flight
The Iron Gator
Posted: 2005-11-21 04:51pm
by Captain tycho
Admiral Valdemar wrote:I hear the add-on pack is more of a patch you have to pay for. A lot of people I know are getting sick of EA being money grubbing bastards.
And those SAS voices are the worst things I have ever heard in a videogame. *snip*
Oh god yes, agreed. The SAS voices sound horrid. Luckily, the Russian voices make up for it.
And I'm not too concerned about paying much for it, I can get it for around 15 bucks at a local store.
Posted: 2005-11-21 05:10pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Emperor, I feel like EA's bitch when I say I'll probably get it, if reluctantly. Sooo many games, not enough money... aarrgh...
Posted: 2005-11-21 05:23pm
by DocHorror
Jeebus, those SAS voices sound better suited to the Commissar from DoW:WA. I was waiting for them to shout, 'For the Emperor!'
Posted: 2005-11-21 05:34pm
by Arrow
Muhahahaha! It just arrived, not five minutes after I walked in the door!
Posted: 2005-11-21 06:30pm
by Arrow
Ok, has anybody found any servers to play on? My list comes up empty. And none of favorite have been patched up to the 1.1 version yet.
Posted: 2005-11-21 07:22pm
by Uraniun235
I'm not sure I'll get it, it's been weeks since I sat down to a game of BF2.
Posted: 2005-11-21 10:33pm
by Arrow
I managed to find a server, and played three quick rounds. Tear gas fucking rocks! I fired it down a hallway, pretty much blinding everyone, and unloaded with the RPK. And Iron Gator is going to be one of the best maps. I played on the US side, and we managed to steal all there choppers and set up a pick line with our boats. The MEC side resorted to jihad jet skis to kill us (those things are hard as hell to hit!). That was some serious fun.
Posted: 2005-11-22 12:23am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
So how totally awesome are Spetznaz?
Posted: 2005-11-22 07:45am
by 2000AD
Damnit, i thought this expansion would have some mission based gameplay (like in UT's assault) but it looks like there'll just be conquest again.
Posted: 2005-11-22 07:56am
by Chardok
Modes I would like to see in BF:2
1. Battle of Britain style "Kill this structure" missions. (Like what 2kAD mentioned above) DC incorporated a mission like this. forget what it was called, but I spent more time on that map than ANY other map EVER.
2. Capture and hold.
This mode would place more emphasis on capturing key positions and actually DEFENDING them instead of a massive blitz to take all the flags in two seconds. How is this different? Well, different points would cause different rates of reduction in the tickets. For instance, at Karkand, holding the factory COMPLEX might cause MASSIVE quick ticket reduction Vs. holding the stupid hotel.
3. Air battles.
MORE MORE MORE. at least one map that is all air-to air combat with aerial flags to cap.
more later. I actually have to work now.