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XBOX 360
Posted: 2005-11-22 06:11pm
by Death from the Sea
did anyone here pick one of these up yet? (I say yet like it has been out for a long time, when it came out today

I have not, but I was wanting to hear opinions on it, from those that have it or have played it.
Posted: 2005-11-22 07:20pm
by mjn6172
I haven't, I'm not particularly interested in the X-box 360, but I almost wish I had pre-ordered one now. I've been looking at them on ebay while I was trying to find something else, and they've been selling for an average of $1200-1500. Hell, I saw a few of the premium bundles go for over $2000 this afternoon. I could have made myself a tidy profit :^)
Posted: 2005-11-22 07:34pm
by Praxis
They're selling for tons on EBay, I wish I'd thought to have every member of my family preorder one
EDIT: Woah, I just saw one go for $2,200. A Premium with one game. ... 8236128364
Posted: 2005-11-22 11:53pm
by Instant Sunrise
I camped out in front of a Target for 13.5 Hours to get mine. I got their 2nd to last premium system.
It was a fun experience though, I met a lot of really interesting people there.
Posted: 2005-11-23 12:03am
by Praxis
skyman8081 wrote:I camped out in front of a Target for 13.5 Hours to get mine. I got their 2nd to last premium system.
It was a fun experience though, I met a lot of really interesting people there.
Did you sell or play it?
Posted: 2005-11-23 12:57am
by LordShaithis
As someone who hasn't bought a console since the PS1, I gotta ask, just what are you guys playing on these things that is so great? Because I just see nine million identical-looking FPS and driving games.
Posted: 2005-11-23 01:18am
by Praxis
Honestly, when it comes to the XBox, I'm not sure. I see the same thing as you, nine million FPS and eight million racing games.
But certain games that are console exclusive are worth it. Every Zelda game, Burnout 3 and 4, Kingdom Hearts, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man, etc; these games on PS2 and GameCube are the kind of games I keep my consoles for (I play FPS on PC, keyboard and mouse owns, but that'll change when the Revolution comes out).
Posted: 2005-11-23 03:48am
by Death from the Sea
honestly, I am waiting for HALO3 before I have to but a 360. but I was curious as to what the actual difference is.
HALO and HALO2 really do rule the FPS genre, I don't care what you nay sayers have to bitch about.
Posted: 2005-11-23 03:55am
by Uraniun235
I don't have a problem with the gameplay, it's the bloody controllers I hate.
Posted: 2005-11-23 04:01am
by Death from the Sea
Uraniun235 wrote:I don't have a problem with the gameplay, it's the bloody controllers I hate.
have you tried the S variant of the controller?
I actually like the large original controller size, I just like the layout of the buttons better on the smaller controller.
Posted: 2005-11-23 04:06am
by Faram
Well please give a review of the 360, I am thinking about using my christmas bonus to buy one.
Posted: 2005-11-23 08:51am
by The Grim Squeaker
The Only possible reason for me to buy a Xbox would be the revamped Halo 2 and Halo 3 (I have the original on my pc), everything else will be on the ps3 in better detail/graphics/a fraction of the dvd's, or the Revolution for the inevitable SW saber game, or anything else from the House of Nintendo (Metroid, Mario etc...).
I Don't Have a HD set (Israel) so I'm leaning towards the Revolution but a built in blueu ray player is very tempting...
someone wants an x-box waaaay too much 
Posted: 2005-11-23 08:56am
by Admiral Valdemar
According to
the Beeb, they've sold out everywhere now.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:01am
by The Grim Squeaker
How you all laughed at me when I talked of Microsoft pre-planning Shortages and including it in their store contracts, Who's Laughing NOW!
Also, no comments about the 12,900 $ X-box 360?

Posted: 2005-11-23 10:06am
by KrauserKrauser
People are idiots, what else is there to say about the absurd prices people are paying for the systems.
They are only going to get cheaper over time, and paying more than a penny over retail at any point in the game for this is idiocy.
I got to play a 360 demo version of CoD2 and after finding out that I suck at console FPS, couldn't really find a game that would justify me getting the system.
Maybe when KotOR 3 or some other such worthwhile aRPG is on the market for it.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:32am
by The Grim Squeaker
Slashdot article: wrote:Xbox 360 Very Unstable
"There have been several postings over at Xbox-scene complaining of crashing Xbox's on new games, with default settings on single player. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup have been reported too, and Project Gotham Racing 3 crashes before finishing the first lap. Screenshots and Video are available showing the crash."
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:36am
by Ghost Rider
KrauserKrauser wrote:People are idiots, what else is there to say about the absurd prices people are paying for the systems.
They are only going to get cheaper over time, and paying more than a penny over retail at any point in the game for this is idiocy.
I got to play a 360 demo version of CoD2 and after finding out that I suck at console FPS, couldn't really find a game that would justify me getting the system.
Maybe when KotOR 3 or some other such worthwhile aRPG is on the market for it.
And it's funny to see since the launch of the PS2 and it's absurd price hiking that people do this intentionally.
They or just a single very determined person, buys a group of 6-10 for the SOLE purpose of selling these things on E-Bay, and this has so far been the most successful of the groups, with prices in the low thousands for nothing more then people don't want to wait.
Truly proof of how some people have no idea of what to do with their money.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:41am
by Praxis
DEATH wrote:How you all laughed at me when I talked of Microsoft pre-planning Shortages and including it in their store contracts, Who's Laughing NOW!
Also, no comments about the 12,900 $ X-box 360?

I no longer think it was pre-planned. These shortages are causing Microsoft millions in losses.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:42am
by Praxis
DEATH wrote:Slashdot article: wrote:Xbox 360 Very Unstable
"There have been several postings over at Xbox-scene complaining of crashing Xbox's on new games, with default settings on single player. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup have been reported too, and Project Gotham Racing 3 crashes before finishing the first lap. Screenshots and Video are available showing the crash."
The demo units I used constantly crashed, so I'm not surprised, people kept telling me to excuse them because tehy were demo units.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:46am
by Loner
I wish I bought one, so I could've sell the hell out of it on ebay.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:48am
by Ace Pace
Thats sad, a CONSOLE crashing?
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:49am
by Ghost Rider
Ace Pace wrote:Thats sad, a CONSOLE crashing?
Yeah, not the first time. Literally I've had the PS1, Saturn, PS2, XBox all crash on me at various points.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:49am
by Spanky The Dolphin
DEATH wrote:How you all laughed at me when I talked of Microsoft pre-planning Shortages and including it in their store contracts, Who's Laughing NOW!
Also, no comments about the 12,900 $ X-box 360?

I'll comment.
No way would somebody actually pay that much for an X-Box 360, nor will that auction actually carry through. Either the whole thing was a gag to begin with, or the bidders were just seeing how high they could drive up the bid amount.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:51am
by Ace Pace
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:DEATH wrote:How you all laughed at me when I talked of Microsoft pre-planning Shortages and including it in their store contracts, Who's Laughing NOW!
Also, no comments about the 12,900 $ X-box 360?

I'll comment.
No way would somebody actually pay that much for an X-Box 360, nor will that auction actually carry through. Either the whole thing was a gag to begin with, or the bidders were just seeing how high they could drive up the bid amount.
Well, the bid went through, I assume its real, along with the other offers.
Ghost, thats sad, I imagine I'd get a console for reliable gaming, now to figure out it crashs so much.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:54am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ace Pace wrote:Well, the bid went through, I assume its real, along with the other offers.
The auction ended, but more than likely the buyer will either cancel the bid or refuse to pay.
Either way, on one end or another, I say there's a gag involved.