Due to a sudden moment of ineptness, I managed to part of my photo collections backup, only to realise that the original copy of that bit didn't exist anywhere else.
Through one undelete program, I know the files still exist and are recoverable, though it refuses to recover with the free version.
Anyone able to recomend a good free one that I can use?
Good Free Undelete Software
Moderator: Thanas
The problem is installiing one can potentially overwrite the file traces (or in fact doing anything at all)...
ah.....the path to happiness is revision of dreams and not fulfillment... -SWPIGWANG
Sufficient Googling is indistinguishable from knowledge -somebody
Anything worth the cost of a missile, which can be located on the battlefield, will be shot at with missiles. If the US military is involved, then things, which are not worth the cost if a missile will also be shot at with missiles. -Sea Skimmer
George Bush makes freedom sound like a giant robot that breaks down a lot. -Darth Raptor