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New Empire at War Site: New clips & Info Etc.

Posted: 2005-11-24 12:55pm
by Fire Fly
Again, ground combat looks crap, space combat looks decent. I really can't stand seeing ground troops get hit a dozen times by AT-ST laser and not get killed. Also seeing Darth Vader go around on the battle field and crushing tanks and throwing troops around looks stupid, imo. Still crossing my fingers though....


Posted: 2005-11-24 01:00pm
by Ace Pace
How can you be crossing your fingers at that monstrosity?

Posted: 2005-11-24 01:03pm
by Fire Fly
I'm placing some extreme faith in that some part of that game can be enjoyable, at least. I did enjoy Rebellion...

Posted: 2005-11-24 01:11pm
by Ace Pace
Fire Fly wrote:I'm placing some extreme faith in that some part of that game can be enjoyable, at least. I did enjoy Rebellion...
So did I, but I doubt it looked so bad from a freaking scripted TRAILER.

When a trailer fails to impress me, I write the game off, most trailers, even for average games, can catch me, this...esspecially the graphics, this is the AoE3 age, where even an RTS looks good.

Posted: 2005-11-24 01:43pm
by Panzer Grenadier
I just hope it realistically balances the two factions. I.E. making the imps stronger in a straight up fight, but making the rebels better at hit and run tactics. The probably with other star wars RTS is they have tried to balance the rebels by giving them ships or vehicles that they never had like rebel tanks and such nonsense. I also remember the rebs had something that could go head to head with an SSD in Rebellion.

Posted: 2005-11-24 01:50pm
by Faram
That trailer was really horrible!

It looks like somthing from 98 or 99.

Posted: 2005-11-24 02:34pm
by RogueIce
I can't see the video on the trailer. Stupid Flash (yes, I did update like it told me to).

Anyhow, looking at the IGN pics, the thing looks quite sexy, if only for the capship fights. Oh, and a Death Star blast taking out a planet in the middle of a raging capital ship brawl?

I only hope that they don't have the Imperials making the same stupid mistake with the DS over and over again (assuming you get to build your own and it's not some kind of scripted thing).

Actually, it would be great if you could somehow wing it to have two Death Stars in a battle. Realistic? Probably not. Fun? Hell yes!

Posted: 2005-11-24 05:11pm
by VT-16
One DS. Destroying it is one of the ways to win for the Rebels. (As this only goes up to the Battle of Yavin, but history can change and the DS might get built later or earlier and might even crush the Rebellion, depending on your choice.)

Love the Hypervelocity Gun taking out that station. 8)

Posted: 2005-11-24 06:33pm
by Jack Bauer
Panzer Grenadier wrote:I also remember the rebs had something that could go head to head with an SSD in Rebellion.
It was called a Bulwark Battlecruiser. It sure was a big ugly motherfucker. I still wish I could find my game poster that listed all the characters and ships of each faction (with stats for each one). Damn!

Anywho, these are the stats that I could find on Google. If you'll notice, EU minimalism is still in fuckin full force with this one. ONLY 10 squadrons? "Super" cruiser indeed. :roll:


Bulwark Battlecruiser


Combat Designation
Capital Starship/Command Ship

Starfighter Capacity
Ten Squadrons

The largest starship in the New Republic navy, the Bulwark Battlecruiser is ideal for large scale operations. Designed and manufactured by TransGalMeg, this older battleship found acceptance in the Alliance fleet during the Galactic Civil War. Many felt that the ship's electronics and sensors were too finicky for regular combat, but the Alliance found that the Bulwark was more than adequately armed and shielded for battle. Most Alliance Bulwark battlecruisers served as mobile command bases for smaller fleets, which were detached from their primary battle group.