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My thoughts on 3d Shooter games...

Posted: 2005-11-26 06:10pm
by Dennis Toy
3d shooter games have been popular since Wolfenstein 3D came out in 1991. We have Doom, Duke Nukem3d, Half-Life and Now F.E.A.R. IN the beginning they have revolutionized game play. People have memories of childhood or the teenage years on them and they even revolutionized Internet Gameplay.

In recent times however there have been games that come out and tried to do what Doom adn Duke Nukem3d did. Some came close, others just fizzled. One of the real problems is that the games are too much alike. Now it's true that games may use bigger games engines and i am fine with that, what i am talking about is story, plot and character structure. Also the graphics are too much cookie cutter stuff. Now everyone can create "Top of the Line" graphics. Sound we dont need to talk about

I am not saying that 3d shooters are bad. I am saying that it is time to give 3d shooters a hiatus. Like 7 to 10 years. Concentrate on games like RPG such as Roger Wilco or Kings Quest. Take the premise and the interface system in those and upgrade it with new graphics and sound and see what you can get. I think a hit might come from this i am proposing.

Any thoughts?

Posted: 2005-11-26 06:17pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n

Posted: 2005-11-26 06:21pm
by Dennis Toy

Posted: 2005-11-26 06:27pm
by Ghost Rider
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:MMOFPSRPG?
Oh fuck no.

I don't mind death matches, but having thousands of whiny leet spewing chibber headed dickless 12 year old boys screaming in a massive Role Playing enviroment, and having them being hopping nazis at the same time?

Only reason to combine the two is to unleash a massive virus to obliterate them from the internet, and thus making the place a wee bit shinier for the effect.

Posted: 2005-11-26 07:31pm
by Dennis Toy