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Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter II Flash video
Posted: 2005-11-27 09:52pm
by Galvatron
Starts slow, but the fight is worth it.
Posted: 2005-11-27 10:09pm
by Praxis
Seen it. Really cool fight scene.

Posted: 2005-11-27 10:24pm
by DarkSilver
That....was a godly fight scene.
To bad Akuma had to go and deprive us of Ryu burnt to bones...
Posted: 2005-11-27 10:46pm
by Solauren
Solauren: THAT KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they'd make a SFvsMK game like that
Caius: SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2005-11-27 10:50pm
by weemadando
I call bullshit.
SF shouldn't have won. If it had been SF vs X-men with the Zangief/Juggernaught tag-team, then maybe... But that was a travesty.
It was a cool fight however.
Posted: 2005-11-27 10:53pm
by darthdavid
Posted: 2005-11-27 10:53pm
by DarkSilver
no, Streetfighter shouldn't have won, and by all fairness, they didn't.
Scorpion had managed to bring down Ryu's life to 0, and we know in Mortal Kombat, it doesn't matter if you pull your fatality, hit them, or let them fall, they lost either way.
Akuma just pulled the cheapshot, and took out Scorpion's body because he was down to a sliver of life, after he won.
Posted: 2005-11-27 11:08pm
by Utsanomiko
Obviously somebody likes Street Fighter more, but the fight had some good stuff in it. It reminds me how some fighting games should have a lot of HK Kung-Fu style dodging and blocking in them.
Oh well, Scorpion was never alive in Mortal Kombat, anyway. He'll be back.

Posted: 2005-11-27 11:56pm
by Grasscutter
The plot of the prologue was god aweful but the fight kicked ass. Does anybody know what song plays during the fight scene?
Posted: 2005-11-28 12:00am
by Hotfoot
E.S. Posthumous - Pompeii
If I remember correctly.
Posted: 2005-11-28 01:09am
by Utsanomiko
You are correct, Hotfoot man.
And I agree about the tired-old, lovey-dovey prologue. Isn't Sakura only about 15, anyway? For shame, Ryu! That shake my nerves and rattles my brain!
Posted: 2005-11-28 01:28am
by DarkSilver
Utsanomiko wrote:You are correct, Hotfoot man.
And I agree about the tired-old, lovey-dovey prologue. Isn't Sakura only about 15, anyway? For shame, Ryu! That shake my nerves and rattles my brain!
That kinda love would drive a man insane!
But seriously, I enjoyed the hell out of the fightscene in the sky, with Scorpion's "Toasty" fatality going off several times as a regular move. Man I wish you could do that in a actual game...or that hailstorm of spears.
Posted: 2005-11-28 01:51am
by Utsanomiko
MK4 actually did include that move; Scorpion quickly slips off his entire mask & cowl and lets out a short blast for moderate damage. It also gave him an alternate gray costume with his skull-head in full view, which I kinda wish they'd use and emphasize his spectral appearance a bit more like that.
I found all the spears being thrown a bit too much, though. It's really just a ninja knife on a rope; if he's got a bunch to simply throw, there's no point in keeping the rope on 'em.
Posted: 2005-11-28 01:51am
by DPDarkPrimus
It would have been better if it had stuck to simply being a video game match, and not have the stupid "screen o' spears" and such.
And had several fights between different characters.
Posted: 2005-11-28 02:00am
by Utsanomiko
Yeah, each part probably could have been between other characters rather than all 3 being Ryu vs Scorpion and it would have been just as interesting.
I happen to like the extra stuff, as far as the ones that made sense for the character's abilities. But Scorpion's spear versus that hadoken that slow red fireball on the roof was bogus; a hadoken should at most override a spear, not get pulled back to Scorpion, and I have no idea what that fireball was about except a cheap way to make Scorpion down in health further.
Posted: 2005-11-28 02:12am
by Jack Bauer
Now all we need is a ST vs. SW battle and I'd be set.
I wanna see a good 'ol Kirk vs. Solo slugfest! Now THAT would be sweeeet.

Posted: 2005-11-28 02:22am
by Darth Quorthon
That was fun. Interesting concept. I agree that more characters would have made it better, maybe they'll make another one...
On yeah...Holy pixels, Batman!
Posted: 2005-11-28 09:15am
by 2000AD
Pretty dmn cool fight
Posted: 2005-11-28 10:10am
by Vympel
Are Streetfighter games still being made? I always hated Streetfighter- Mortal Kombat is way better. I never liked the move system of Streetfighter, Mortalk Kombat just comes way easier to me.
Posted: 2005-11-28 11:59am
by felineki
Vympel wrote:Are Streetfighter games still being made? I always hated Streetfighter- Mortal Kombat is way better. I never liked the move system of Streetfighter, Mortalk Kombat just comes way easier to me.
Last real Street Fighter game was SF3: Third Strike in 1999... considered by many to be one of the greatest games in the 2D fighter genre. It's also the game that the cutie in my avatar hails from.

There have been other games featuring the SF characters since then (the Capcom VS SNK games, Capcom Fighting Evolution, etc.), but I don't care for those much.
I saw this movie already, and I really like it, it's beautifully animated. Having dabbled in Flash as well as working with sprite animation myself, I can say that this took a tremendous amount of effort.
But the ending was a big disappointment for me for one reason: If you're going to have Gouki jump out of nowhere to kill someone, he has to use the F'ING SHUNGOKUSATSU, DAMMIT!! It's a tradition that dates all the way back to Super SF2 Turbo!! GWAARR!!
Also, about Sakura; considering that this movie uses the Character Select screen from Third Strike, I would asume that timeline-wise it takes place during that era... Sakura would be in her mid-twenties at that point.
For those who want to see other characters, this movie is actually the second in a series... the first featured Ken VS. Raiden, IIRC. If you liked this one, you might be interested in seeing it.
Posted: 2005-11-28 02:19pm
by Laird
Order 66 wrote:Now all we need is a ST vs. SW battle and I'd be set.
I wanna see a good 'ol Kirk vs. Solo slugfest! Now THAT would be sweeeet.

With the "Dun DUn DUn DUn" music playing in the background.
Posted: 2005-11-28 06:00pm
by Dooey Jo
That was sort of cool. The begging was funny and crappy at the same time.
LOL at Ryu looking through the portal, and Liu Kang getting Hadokened
Boo at the cheesy love story...
The fight got a little ridiculous when Scorpion started throwing hundreds of kunai, though. And he's supposed to say "Get over here!" dammit! Enough of that MKII silliness already!
They should have varied the sound effects more, too. At least in pitch.
Posted: 2005-11-28 06:26pm
by R.O.A
There used to be one online that was far better that allowed YOU to pick who won it the end. It used to be on but not anymore

Posted: 2005-11-28 08:17pm
by Kamakazie Sith
felineki wrote:
For those who want to see other characters, this movie is actually the second in a series... the first featured Ken VS. Raiden, IIRC. If you liked this one, you might be interested in seeing it.
Where would we find that?
*Nevermind, found it.
Posted: 2005-11-28 09:53pm
by LordShaithis
Mortal Kombat had a much better movie. Therefore it wins, IMHO.