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Za Rodinu! (fgalkin plays CoD2) Pic heavy
Posted: 2005-12-11 01:55am
by fgalkin
So, I've got myself CoD2, and it's awesome. Not as good as the first one, but still great.
Comrade Commissar looks like Zhirinovsky
Who needs grenades, when you can kill Germans with POTATOES!
The Germans stand no chance! They will fall before my leet potato-throwing skillz
Ah, so that's why we're using potatoes! We now now that A grenade> Sovier trooper> potato!
Hey, -15 is not cold, Comrade!
Working on a captured German
It's Comrade Zhirinovsky vs. German POW! Who will win?
Welcome to Stalingrad
Death from above!
Here's a welcome addition to CoD2. FEMALE SOLDIERS!
Guess who will fire first?
While you Americans shit your pants, we civilized Russians have installed tiolets in critical locations in Stalingrad to solve that problem!
Meanwhile in North Africa...
The Krauts do a Klingon charge
It's Grand Theft Halftrack: Tunisia
British infantry moves into town supported by tanks
Look, Ma! Islamofascists!
Oh noes! They've holed up in a Mosque! There is nothing we can do! We can't offend Muslim sensibilities!
Say hello to my flak gun
the commanding officer
Wounder Americans
Can I shoot them? Please?
The British Army: Making Tigers an Extinct Species!
This is what happens when Shermans try to take on Tigers
Dead Kraut Officer
Tank battle on the Libyan plains
The Krauts open fire
The aftermath
The D-Day landings
You get a nice view of the action
Hullo, there, medic!
The other guys are...not so lucky
Cozy german trenches
Shoot the Kraut!
I did that! And Yes, they were shooting back!
Now it's our turn to go over the top
How to take out a tank: a primer
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2005-12-11 10:30am
by Arrow
Yeah, its pretty good. It could be a great game if:
1) No dual-core bug: The autosave and health system love to fuck up on dual-core CPUs, so you're progress isn't saved and you don't heal. Manually setting the CPU affinity usually solves the problem, but not always...
Of course, if we had quick save and health packs or a MOH:PA medic, this wouldn't be a problem.
2) Punk-buster! Holy crap, I've seen some insane cheaters on online matches.
3) Running! Who the fuck thought not allowing you to run was a good idea?
4) Vehicles: The tank battles in game could had been done much better, both gameplay-wise and graphics-wise (did they forget the textures on the tanks? I looks like 1995 when you're sitting in the turret). CoD and CoD:UO are far superior in this. And having a few wide open mutliplayer maps with vehicles like CoD:UO would had been much better.
Between 3 & 4, CoD2 almost feels like a down grade.
5) Engine optimizations: or the lack there of. While tweaks can be made to really jack up the performance level, having a tighter rendering AND explainations of what the video options do (like how much VRAM a feature requires) would be a big help.
6) SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT!!!! What's the deal with the first patch (the game obviously needs it)?! When will it be out? What will it include? Can you at least acknowledge you have problems??? No wonder the community is going to shut down the online servers for at least a day in protest!
But other than, yeah, it's a good game.
Posted: 2005-12-11 11:21am
by InnocentBystander
Arrow I'm not sure what this "Dual-core" bug is you've got going, because my x2 3800+ had exactly 0 problems with this game.
The single player is pretty fun, you get to kill nazis, lots and lots of nazis. I liked that about the game, lots of nazi killing.
As for the multiplayer, it's well... uninspired. Mostly it's deathmatch, they've got a few standard twists to it like CTF, blow up the objective (WW2 Counterstrike, even has the no-respawns), and a mode where you have to "capture" a hq, then keep it in your control for as long as possible; your enemy continues to respawn but you don't. It's kinda neat, but really, Enemy Territory was lightyears ahead of it. Shit, even DoD style flag captures would be nice.
One of the good points of it has to be the "moving respawn" as I call it. As your line moves, so does the respawn (in some modes), it makes things a lot more dynamic, gets you right into the fight, I generally like it.
The weapons - they're lethal but I've got one irk about them, if you're "Good" enough, with an automatic weapon at short/medium range, you *never* need to use your iron sights (which slows you down), just keep the target in the middle of the screen and fire. I don't really like that, if you are indeed less accurate without the sights, it doesn't make enough of a difference; I dislike this.
Also, the Thompson really needs the 30 round clip, I don't know who decided that 20 rounds was right for the gun, but it's just not enough. As a submachine gun, it empties it's clip nearly instantly. It doesn't have the power of the BAR (which as some accuracy problems I think) and really isn't well suited for those situation where you run up to 2 or 3 guys from the rear and you want to mow them all down, because well... you're likely going to need a reload in-between (or maybe I just suck with it?). Also, the iron sight a little hard to use I think.
All the other guns are pretty good, the STG44 is basically the best weapon overall in the game; however I love the ppsh, I've played on big servers that have smoke grenades active (hard to find) and the Russian team becomes this sort of cartoonish moving cloud of gunfire, anything caught up in this cloud is absolutely dead, and any poor russian who wonders out will be mowed down by snipers and stg44 fire.
Speaking of the snipers, they're too good. 100% accurate, you can just pick off people one by one, and there's generally tons of opertunities, esp. in 64 person games. And in servers w/o smoke, it's disgusting, a good sniper can sit back far beyond the effective range of everyone else, and just snipe until he runs out of ammo. I dislike that.
Finally, there are no vehicles in Multiplayer, some MGs, which for some reason don't have a crosshair, but otherwise... nuthin. The game "appears" to support them really well in the single player, adding them to multiplayer would be pretty freaking sweet, even in an Enemy Territory style of "the AI does it, you tag along".
It's an okay game, I play it from time to time. I still perfer DoD:S for a number of reasons, but there's something to be said for 64 man games, which DOD:S can no longer do (they capped it at 32 at one point a while ago, no one really knows why.. since servers that ran bigger maps could handle the load...).
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:04pm
by Mr Bean
I can commint on the Thompson issue, the 20 round clip is accurate for D-Day, while the Brits very quicky started handing out the fifty round drums for some earily Gansta action, the American forces went into battle with a mix of twenty and thirty round clips with only the occasional drum mag. Post D-Day we started passing out the thirty rounders while still be stingy with the drums while the Brits gave them to anyone who asked nicely and ate all their vegetables.
Plus it's a balance issue VS the slower firing mp40 in MP.
Hell after all, how many LMG's did we issue with only a twenty round clip, AKA Mr Bar.
As for the game itself, the MOH:PA was a brilliant feature, they should have swiped it instead of the magic re-healing system.
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:11pm
by Darth Quorthon
InnocentBystander wrote:Arrow I'm not sure what this "Dual-core" bug is you've got going, because my x2 3800+ had exactly 0 problems with this game.
My x2 4400+ also had zero problems. Perhaps it's an Intel dual-core bug?

The two games I've encountered dual-core problems on thus far are GTA: San Andreas and SW Battlefront 2.
I was really looking forward to CoD2, and it did provide me with its share of white-knuckle moments. However, it was over too quickly, just like the first one, and I thought the campaigns were a little unbalanced. The Russian campaign just didn't have the same impact as the others IMO, and the final mission just didn't have that climatic feel. A campaign to take Berlin would have kicked ass. This was a good game, IMO, but with a few extra touches here and there it would have been a great game.
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:19pm
by Mr Bean
Darth Quorthon wrote:The Russian campaign just didn't have the same impact as the others IMO, and the final mission just didn't have that climatic feel. A campaign to take Berlin would have kicked ass. This was a good game, IMO, but with a few extra touches here and there it would have been a great game.
Yes that was a letdown, the final mission was very much a... wait that was it?
Ahah take that nazi scum, wait why are the credits rolling? That was it huh?
It would have made more sense to end it on some high note as the CoD 1's takeing of the Riechstag or the UO's clearing of the trainyard.
So far we are seriously missing some CoD Itailian Campain and some serious Kasserine Pass action or the Balkin War or the taking of Warsaw if we want to go earily war. Give the Polish and the French some action. Heck some Polish soldiers fought in 39', escaped to France, fought in the actions there, escaped through Dunkirk and hit the beachs agian in 44 and fought through to the Rineland.
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:33pm
by fgalkin
All your criticism are valid, espeically the shortness bit. The only campaign of decent length is the British, the others just feel to short. And Russians deal with Stalingrad AGAIN, wtf? ENOUGH OF STALINGRAD, DAMNIT, show me something else! I mean, they've had so many opportunities with Moscow, and they blew them all. I was expecting to take part in the parade on Red Square, then ride sreaitght to the front lines. Instead, all I've got was that one mission. Sucks. For that matter, there were no good rides at all. Nothing to compare to the absolutely amazing boat or truck ride in CoD and UO.
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:39pm
by Darth Quorthon
Mr Bean wrote:<snip>So far we are seriously missing some CoD Itailian Campain and some serious Kasserine Pass action or the Balkin War or the taking of Warsaw if we want to go earily war. Give the Polish and the French some action. Heck some Polish soldiers fought in 39', escaped to France, fought in the actions there, escaped through Dunkirk and hit the beachs agian in 44 and fought through to the Rineland.
Can you say expansion pack? Or maybe a mod?
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:39pm
by Arrow
Darth Quorthon wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Arrow I'm not sure what this "Dual-core" bug is you've got going, because my x2 3800+ had exactly 0 problems with this game.
My x2 4400+ also had zero problems. Perhaps it's an Intel dual-core bug?

The two games I've encountered dual-core problems on thus far are GTA: San Andreas and SW Battlefront 2.
Actually, I'm running on x2 4800+. I did some digging a while ago on the forums, and other people with dual core setups, both AMD and Intel IIRC, were having the same issues with health and autosave. I don't know if the bug is dual core specific, or related to some non-obvious setting in Windows or game config files, but its annoying as hell and needs to be fix. The entire game depends on its autosave and health regen systems, and you can't get anywhere if they don't work.
Posted: 2005-12-11 02:47pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:I can commint on the Thompson issue, the 20 round clip is accurate for D-Day, while the Brits very quicky started handing out the fifty round drums for some earily Gansta action, the American forces went into battle with a mix of twenty and thirty round clips with only the occasional drum mag. Post D-Day we started passing out the thirty rounders while still be stingy with the drums while the Brits gave them to anyone who asked nicely and ate all their vegetables.
The simplified M1 Thompson used by almost all US troops, because the classic M1928 was expensive as shit, physically couldn’t accept a drum magazine in the first place.
Posted: 2005-12-11 03:09pm
by Mr Bean
Sea Skimmer wrote:
The simplified M1 Thompson used by almost all US troops, because the classic M1928 was expensive as shit, physically couldn’t accept a drum magazine in the first place.
I was under the impression the M1 Thompson could be field modify to accept drums.
Posted: 2005-12-11 03:41pm
by weemadando
Playing at LANs, the biggest problem is that firing without using iron-sights is just as accurate and easier to do... Thus, that eliminates the need to really use them at all.
Pisses me off.
Posted: 2005-12-11 04:59pm
by Ypoknons
I was disappointed there weren't any amazing scenes like the into Stalingrad ride from CoD1. Even the amazing tank-player interaction in the British campagin (the first truly awesome British mission series) seems a bit lacking in comparison.
Posted: 2005-12-11 07:08pm
by weemadando
Some things about the MP weapon balancing.
Thank fuck that the Brits have been given the Garand and Thompson, because their weapon lineup, in MP, quite frankly used to suck. And would have continued to. The lack of carbines/autoloaders made their riflemen a joke. The Sten was an underpowered POS in game. And how can we forget the Bren - a truly beautiful weapon, neutered for no real reason.
The Americans continue to have the most ridiculously good lineup. The Garand and M1 Carbine are both brilliant, the Thompson is easily the best of the conventional SMGs and the BAR, though toned down since CoD1 is still hugely powerful.
The Germans have finally joined the true arms race - the MP44 is still the weapon of choice for anyone who can get their grubby little mits on it, but the Gw43 and Kar98 continue to be top class rifles and the MP40 makes a good showing to boot.
The Russians - I'm a bit torn. The SVT40 is probably the best autoloader in the game (sheer fucking power), and the PPSh43 isn't bad. But the PPSh41 continues to be the greatest weapon of all time. Sure its inaccurate, sure it doesn't do much damage. But it has an insane RoF and 70+ rounds to play with. Why the hell wouldn't you?
Trenchguns - everyone has them. If you miss the first shot, you better start getting ready to re-spawn. The long reload animation is a killer. I prefer to take a single shot with it then switch to a secondary. However, if you hit, your enemy is FUCKED UP. Its a very popular weapon at the LANs as its perfect for room clearing when teamed with another player with an SMG. Its also brilliant for defense in HQ and CTF mode. Keep someone covering an entrance with this baby at close range and the moment someone steps in the door, one shot and that poor sod is down for the count.
Sniper rifles - dear god, why? They seriously need to reintroduce the fucking "disable Sniper rifles" option in the MP menus. Or, at least make it so you can't fucking use the thing without using the scope. The amount of stupid little CS-playing fucks who run around using the sniper-rifles as a hip-fired, precision weapon is ridiculous.
Requests for the 1.1 patch:
1: Fucking give up weapon restrictions. Let us turn off certain weapon classes.
2: Class limitations. Only allow certain numbers of people to take certain weapons, or unlock weapons as people advance in rank. Otherwise the soviet PPSh horde is a bastard of a thing (except when you are part of it).
Posted: 2005-12-11 10:48pm
by Rogue 9

Posted: 2005-12-12 12:01am
by Ypoknons
Posted: 2005-12-12 12:14am
by weemadando
Indeed. That is the best catchphrase in the entire game...