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Battlefield 2 Patch Details
Posted: 2005-12-14 11:45am
by Mr Bean
The UK Electronic Arts forums have a post by Battlefield 2 producer Armando "Aj" Marini, outlining some of the changes being worked into the next Battlefield 2 patch. Some of the upcoming changes include
- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
- AA missile lock has been improved
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled
- Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.
Thanks Sgt_Boomstick.
Copy'd from Shacknews. The reason I want mention this it that prehaps MG's will finaly... FINALY be useful. The main reason I hated battlefield was the main anti-infantry weapon was the most inaccurate. I would regulary grab the top guns of the various transport craft just because they were 10x more accurate than anything you could carry(Minus the 100% accurate sniper rifles). That and finaly the aircraft are getting the nerf they need.
Seriously in a game were the only two forms of AA were coxial MG's and top .50cals on the various light vech's and of course the notriously bad AA missles planes flown by a good pilot were godlike except aginst other aircraft.
How hard was it to give us Gun AA? Gun AA that does not need to lock? Considering the fact that Desert Combat for BF-1942 was much better than anything in BF2 (Which for those of you who remeber the Desert Combat team was hired to make the console game then fired right after.)
Look at the best damn WWII mod out there, Forgotten Hope, every tank from the Panzer II to the Sherman Firefly. Every plane from The first jet bombers like the 234 Arado to the various versions of the Mustang and the Hurricane to the big bombers like the B-17 and the B-26. Every single infantry weapon you could imagine and twenty plus maps to play on.
It is light years ahead of the basic Battlefield 1942 Game.
Same thing with the Vietnam mods for Battlefield 1942 were better than the acutal Battlefield Vietnam game. Same thing with Desert Combat. The only thing that DICE seems to be able to do is Engine work. They can produce a quality engine but not a quality game.
Posted: 2005-12-14 12:20pm
by Arrow
Yeah, I saw this yesterday on the forums. I like the change list, and its making the bunny-hoppers and noob-tubers (guys that point blank you with a grenade launcher, usually while hopping) scream, so its gotta be a good patch.
I'm pretty good with the LMGs right now. I used the PKM for the longest tim, and the MG36 is godlike (I've taken out squads with that thing!). Improving the accuarcy at range would make them the best weapon in the game. Just as long as they don't nerf them...
The AA missiles definitly need an overhaul. They miss most of the time, and have a bad habit of targetting friendlies after they miss.
As far as DICE's engines go, they make a good, immersive engine, but they need to learn how to do it without eating shitloads of system resources.
Posted: 2005-12-14 12:35pm
by Shogoki
When you have as much stuff going on at the same time something has to give. For all the things people say about BF's netcode is has to be the best there is, im supprised it can keep up with 32 players doing so many things, from so many places and still keep pinging at 30.
Posted: 2005-12-14 12:37pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Reload while sprinting seems like a silly change. No real rationale for or against it, really...
Anyways, as for piloting, I tend to notice the opposite problem. When I'm flying, no pilot in this world or the next can touch me, but AA just eats me alive. Especially in helicopters, my friends and I have dubbed the BF2 AA platforms "SuperStingers."
Of course, when I'm using them myself they'll go straight for the enemy helicopter... then veer off at the last second to go for a friendly, so I suppose I can see the wisdom in such a change. But then again, they said last time that AA missile tracking was improved, and if anything it was worse. 90% of my air-to-air kills are scored with guns, not missiles, because they're so damn worthless.
Posted: 2005-12-14 01:18pm
by Mr Bean
Gaius want to know the super dirty trick for avoid the AA missles that always works(But hopefuly not anymore).
See the missles can't do more than 100 degree turn. Any more than that and they vear off. When your locked on, go vertical, hit the afterburner while doing a pullover. Nine times out of ten the missles will arch off. Doing rolles will also screw with their tracking AI and make them go insane. Rapid violent manviors or one big strong multi-gee turn will easily fling them off. I've had three aircraft on me salvo off fourteen rockets at me and dodge them all with the above. Infact I normaly only use guns when downing enemy fighters as missles are close to useless. Except if someone tries to outrun them and then they will work just fine. But get someone doing a 90 degree turn at high speed and the things are worthlesss.
Posted: 2005-12-14 01:30pm
by Arrow
Shogoki wrote:When you have as much stuff going on at the same time something has to give. For all the things people say about BF's netcode is has to be the best there is, im supprised it can keep up with 32 players doing so many things, from so many places and still keep pinging at 30.
Oh I'm not bitching about the netcode. As long as you stable connection between you and the server, the netcode is pretty solid. I'm complaining mainly about the graphics. The game looks really sweet when everything is cranked, but the amount of RAM used, and the amount of shader use, is on the fugly side (and its only gotten worse with the 1.12 patch and SF, especially the night maps). It takes forever to load a map, and an infinity + 1 to unload when you exit the game, even with a top of the line machine. If you turn the settings down, the game does use far less resources, but you lose too many details (for instance, the mini-gun looks like a bear can).
I don't know, this just could be the way all next-gen games are, given that I have similar complaints about FEAR. But I would hope that games like UT2K7 and Oblivion have superior designs and are more optimized.
Posted: 2005-12-14 01:37pm
by Captain tycho
Indeed, BF2 (and Special Forces even more so) is ridiculously unoptimized. Even with a top of the line machine and medium settings, you can literally get 20 frames per second in lots of maps, particularly Devils Perch.
The changes sound good for the most part. No more dolphin diving? Color me tickled pink...if its true.

Posted: 2005-12-14 02:14pm
by Alyeska
Two things I am still waiting for.
First is to fix it so vehicles don't act like beached whales when going up hills.
Second, mod every single BF2 map so that they may be played as a Special Forces map.
Posted: 2005-12-14 03:47pm
by Losonti Tokash
Good, the bunnyhoppers can burn in hell for all I care. Anyone care to elaborate on the "sprint exploit" and "prone spamming" things they mentioned?
Posted: 2005-12-14 03:56pm
by Captain tycho
Losonti Tokash wrote:Good, the bunnyhoppers can burn in hell for all I care. Anyone care to elaborate on the "sprint exploit" and "prone spamming" things they mentioned?
I don't know about the sprint exploit, but I assume prone spamming is basically jumping, then going prone in midair, allowing you to shoot your gun AND presenting a prone target to your opponent. And then doing it over and over.

Either that or dolphin diving, which is basically hitting the prone button the second you spot the enemy and firing on the way down.
Posted: 2005-12-14 04:26pm
by Losonti Tokash
Captain tycho wrote:Losonti Tokash wrote:Good, the bunnyhoppers can burn in hell for all I care. Anyone care to elaborate on the "sprint exploit" and "prone spamming" things they mentioned?
I don't know about the sprint exploit, but I assume prone spamming is basically jumping, then going prone in midair, allowing you to shoot your gun AND presenting a prone target to your opponent. And then doing it over and over.

Either that or dolphin diving, which is basically hitting the prone button the second you spot the enemy and firing on the way down.
Oh, well...I usually go prone the second I see a bad guy but I don't know how you'd possibly be able to hit anything while you're flying down.
On another note, it's good that they're making the anti-tank kit's weapons a bit better. As it was, they'd have to use an entire clip or two to kill somebody.
Posted: 2005-12-14 04:33pm
by InnocentBystander
By Adjusted for accuracy, does that imply they've gained, or lost it?
Posted: 2005-12-14 04:35pm
by Mr Bean
InnocentBystander wrote:By Adjusted for accuracy, does that imply they've gained, or lost it?
For the love fo Bob, Allah, Buddah and Vinsnu we all hope it's ganing in accurasy.
Posted: 2005-12-14 06:53pm
by Alyeska
I classify two types of bunny hoppers.
Those that are mother fucking assholes who I want to burn in hell. And those that hop once or twice in an attempt to survive an engagement but otherwise remain firmly rooted to the ground and I never despise them.
The current adjustments would appear to fix much of the bunny hopping. You can hop to try and survive, but you can't shoot. You can't hop and go prone. Meaning people will still hop around like idiots when reloading, but other then that, its a non issue.
Posted: 2005-12-14 07:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
AA missile lock has been improved
Hell yeah
Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
Damn, well that’s the end of being able to actually throw C4 packs, a capability which made the commandoes super uber
Posted: 2005-12-14 07:31pm
by Jon
Ahahaha, excellent. I'm looking forward to this. Sick to death of being blown up by bunny hopping noob tubing pricks who couldn't play fair for shit.
Nice to see the fix on the defibs too, so many times I put them away and switch to my L85 only to pull them out for a quick revive and find they're uncharged. Decreasing the missile load on the choppers is interesting, that's really going to change maps like Kubra Dam and Clean Sweep, same lowering hit points on all air vehicles I guess. I'm really looking forward to this patch, actually.
Posted: 2005-12-14 08:11pm
by Chris OFarrell
Mr Bean wrote:Gaius want to know the super dirty trick for avoid the AA missles that always works(But hopefuly not anymore).
See the missles can't do more than 100 degree turn. Any more than that and they vear off. When your locked on, go vertical, hit the afterburner while doing a pullover. Nine times out of ten the missles will arch off. Doing rolles will also screw with their tracking AI and make them go insane. Rapid violent manviors or one big strong multi-gee turn will easily fling them off. I've had three aircraft on me salvo off fourteen rockets at me and dodge them all with the above. Infact I normaly only use guns when downing enemy fighters as missles are close to useless. Except if someone tries to outrun them and then they will work just fine. But get someone doing a 90 degree turn at high speed and the things are worthlesss.
In fact I almost always use guns only when shooting at enemy aircrat, unless they are low, slow and just used their countermeasures.
I keep my targeting system in air to ground mode, sneak up behind enemy aircraft and rip them to peices with a 2 second burst. Missiles just let the enemy know that someone is after them, nothing more or less. And half the time they'll just shoot down a friendly aircraft and get you labled at TKer

Posted: 2005-12-14 08:11pm
by Alyeska
I've also heard word that the rank system is going to be redone yet again.
They are going to add ranks all the way up tp flag rank. If they do that, they have got to rework the ranks yet again and lower the points needed for whats available. And with this, I forsee rapid promotion for current players.
Posted: 2005-12-14 08:16pm
by Hotfoot
I still am lost as to how the ranks are working. I've done a lot of playing, and as of last patch, I've been somehow demoted(?), and someone who has played for something like eight hours total has somehow matched my rank (half that time was spent playing together, I should note) and is pretty much where I am.
Any listing concerning what the rank changes have been in the various patches?
Posted: 2005-12-14 08:16pm
by Arrow
About the only ranks they could rework would be the Master Sgt/First Sgt, Sgt. Major and Lt. ranks. Everything else is already fairly easy to get. Not that I mind a reworking.
And one of the better suggestions I've seen is a time fuse on the grenade launcher, to prevent point blanking with it. I don't mind getting nailed with the GL when the guy firing it is a good distance away, but I hate the point blank bullshit.
Posted: 2005-12-14 09:33pm
by Davis 51
I will forgive EA when they release a patch making BF2 compatible with the Pixel Shader 1.4. Till then, I laugh at my brother who buys the expanstion pack, hoping it will "make the game more fun."
If you can't tell, I don't like the game. Which is why I'm getting FEAR for Chrsitmas. No doubt I will give this new patch a try, but I don't have high hopes.
The engine sucks. Literally. Sucks up my CPU's horepower even at Medium-low settings, while HL2 runs at near full without a hitch.
Posted: 2005-12-14 11:00pm
by Stark
Is it wrong of me to laugh at the latest in a long line of multi shooters that suffer from the exact same set of problems/exploits and yet don't bother resolving them during development, preferring to get on the nerf roundabout afterwards? Ha!
Seriously, shooters were wrangling with the issue of bunnyhopping, transition shooting, auto accuracy and such five years ago, but developers never seem to notice and include all the 'classic broken mechanics' in every new release.
Posted: 2005-12-15 01:12am
by InnocentBystander
Honestly, the BF2 jumping feels very wierd. There's a lot more air there than there should be if you ask me. It's almost like UT, which is supposed to be the way it is because... it's unreal, and shit...
Did that make any sense?
Meanwhile, the stingers just don't strike me as accurate. And to be honest, I'd like to see an infantry stinger, like in 1942, the side with the good pilots often times does loads better. I agree that good pilots should make a difference, but shit, there needs to be more ways to take them down. Consider Midway, if those stinger sites can't stop aircraft then the aircraft pilots pretty much have free reign over the map... not good!
Posted: 2005-12-15 01:13am
by Fire Fly
A lot of the patch improvements should kill all of the crappy, cheapy players pretty quick. I'm glad that the MG has finally, finally, finally been fixed for improved accuracy. I love to play supporting roles, but the gun was just never accurate enough nor lethal enough. The accuracy of the heavy MG should be comparable to that of the .50 cal, in my opinon.
Next wish list for BF2: a god damn urban Chinese map. I don't want anymore vehicle dominated maps nor air craft dominated maps. General concensus, it seems, is that urban maps are much more fun. I much prefer the tight knit, infantry assaults since everyone gets to do something.
Posted: 2005-12-15 03:32pm
by InnocentBystander
All maps seem to provide me with an equal opertunity to use my shock paddles