Gaming moments spoiled by previews
Posted: 2005-12-14 05:44pm
This thread contains spoilers this is the OP, don't bitch because if you read the first line you know this would be a spoilierific thread.
This came to mind today as I was playing a good old mix of Call of Duty 2 and Quake IV. Great moments in games that just because they look cool they decided to spoil them in the game previews or the trailers. Trailers and previews are supposed to clue you in on how totaly awsome things are but often in the proccess they destroy what would have otherwise been a great gaming moment.
Classic example of this from the trailer area is Call of Duty Two's poor MG'd SOB. In the Brit Campain for CoD2 there is a part were you watch as a poor smuck starts to kick in a door. (Which is a hallmark of war games to stop you from advancing apprently only one guy in the entire army has the strength to kick doors down and they must bring him to the front every time to do it. Thus hemming you in and stoping your advancement until he's done his work.)
Well Mr Meatbag starts to kick the door in only to have it blown in by a German MG-42 set up inside the house. A good ohshit! moment... except it's in every trailer for CoD2. It was even in the games opening crawl. So you could not even start playing the game without watching that moment get spoiled.
From the ruined by preview area Quake IV is a classic example. At one point in the game you are captured and then "Stroggfied". In one of the nastyess First person shots I've ever seen in the game. A nice oh shit they just cut me in half! moment... except every single Quake IV preview listed the fact and detailed it for all to hear. How much more effective would that nasty business have been if you went into it blind, not knowing what was going to happen to you as you woke up tied to a gunnery going down passgeway...
This came to mind today as I was playing a good old mix of Call of Duty 2 and Quake IV. Great moments in games that just because they look cool they decided to spoil them in the game previews or the trailers. Trailers and previews are supposed to clue you in on how totaly awsome things are but often in the proccess they destroy what would have otherwise been a great gaming moment.
Classic example of this from the trailer area is Call of Duty Two's poor MG'd SOB. In the Brit Campain for CoD2 there is a part were you watch as a poor smuck starts to kick in a door. (Which is a hallmark of war games to stop you from advancing apprently only one guy in the entire army has the strength to kick doors down and they must bring him to the front every time to do it. Thus hemming you in and stoping your advancement until he's done his work.)
Well Mr Meatbag starts to kick the door in only to have it blown in by a German MG-42 set up inside the house. A good ohshit! moment... except it's in every trailer for CoD2. It was even in the games opening crawl. So you could not even start playing the game without watching that moment get spoiled.
From the ruined by preview area Quake IV is a classic example. At one point in the game you are captured and then "Stroggfied". In one of the nastyess First person shots I've ever seen in the game. A nice oh shit they just cut me in half! moment... except every single Quake IV preview listed the fact and detailed it for all to hear. How much more effective would that nasty business have been if you went into it blind, not knowing what was going to happen to you as you woke up tied to a gunnery going down passgeway...