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Favorite OS

Posted: 2005-12-20 03:20am
by USSEnterprise
Favorite Operation System. Windows, Unix, Mac, etc. Mine is Win 2000, closely followed by MS-DOS 6.22

Posted: 2005-12-20 03:53am
by Xon
All OSs suck. Some just suck more than others.

Posted: 2005-12-20 03:59am
by Uraniun235
I don't know about favorite, but I know it really pisses me off when users running Windows updates on the XP machines at work causes the computer to re-enable the Windows firewall, which fucks over Internet connectivity, forcing one of us to trudge out and re-disable the fucking firewall. And the fucking bubble pop ups offering to clean up the desktop and wipe my ass... GAH! XP is definitely not my favorite.

Posted: 2005-12-20 04:08am
by General Zod
2k is the one I hate the least out of the choices given. While I like Linux, it's too intimidating for me to get any more than a passive interest in. Plus it won't run half my software.

Posted: 2005-12-20 06:43am
by Bounty
XP has been working fine for me. It takes a while to get it to do what you want it to do, but on the whole I can't really complain.

MS-DOS with Win 3.11 was a lot of fun, back in the day. Clumsy by modern standards, but still fun to play with once in a while.

My only Linux experience has been a brief flirt with Damn Small Linux, so I can't really comment on it. It worked allright, I suppose...

Posted: 2005-12-20 06:48am
by Ford Prefect
While I haven't used enough to determine which is my favourite, Mac OS X Tiger is the best named OS in the universe.

Posted: 2005-12-20 07:42am
by Ace Pace
I can't speak for Mac OSes but out of the one's I tried, XP. 2K was too annyoing, Linux was hell to setup. 9x series along with 3.11 sucked.

Posted: 2005-12-20 07:42am
by Faram
2000 Server less grief than NT4 and no bling like 2003.

Posted: 2005-12-20 07:49am
by Xon
Uraniun235 wrote:I don't know about favorite, but I know it really pisses me off when users running Windows updates on the XP machines at work causes the computer to re-enable the Windows firewall, which fucks over Internet connectivity, forcing one of us to trudge out and re-disable the fucking firewall. And the fucking bubble pop ups offering to clean up the desktop and wipe my ass... GAH! XP is definitely not my favorite.
Use the Group Policy, Uraniun235!

Posted: 2005-12-20 09:01am
by phongn
ggs wrote:Use the Group Policy, Uraniun235!
Yes, GPO is your friend!

Posted: 2005-12-20 09:43am
by Durandal
Why anyone would choose DOS is a total mystery to me. It was a POS when it was introduced, and it continued to be one all the way through Windows XP. Maybe it made people feel 1337 or something back in 1994, but it's a command line for pussies.

As for the rest of the list, Mac OS X is the clear winner.

Posted: 2005-12-20 10:35am
by Alferd Packer
Linux, specifically Debian GNU/Linux. It's what I use at home and work for everything other than gaming, and it's free. :D

Posted: 2005-12-20 11:52am
by Uraniun235
ggs wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:I don't know about favorite, but I know it really pisses me off when users running Windows updates on the XP machines at work causes the computer to re-enable the Windows firewall, which fucks over Internet connectivity, forcing one of us to trudge out and re-disable the fucking firewall. And the fucking bubble pop ups offering to clean up the desktop and wipe my ass... GAH! XP is definitely not my favorite.
Use the Group Policy, Uraniun235!
Ahh, forgot about that, it's been a long time since that course I took on Windows networking...

I'm not the network admin but I might bug him about it... thanks!
Why anyone would choose DOS is a total mystery to me.
Well, at one point there were lots of hot games made for it, but even then there are those out there with horror stories of trying to wrangle enough conventional memory out of DOS to play certain games.

Posted: 2005-12-20 12:40pm
by nickolay1
Windows for Workgroups 3.1 for the win! :)

Posted: 2005-12-20 01:19pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
MS-DOS sucks major elephant-penis. Multitasking? Only faked multitasking in Windows 3.x, DOSSHELL or some third-party utility. Graceful recovery from rogue programs? Hell no. Ctrl-Alt-Delete and hope for the best. Failing that, the one-fingered salute involving the Reset or Power switch. Good memory management? Hell no. Only 640K max base memory, and much of it was sucked up by drivers and other TSRs. Accessing extended memory was a real sonofabitch.

I mean, it was okay for some hokey 8088/8086 system or an 80286/slow 80386 box. But on an faster 386DX/486 or better box, Linux is a vastly better choice. Unless you're playing a lot of MS-DOS games, in which case, you keep that three-fingered salute ready.

Oh yeah, all Windows variants with MS-DOS running at the core suck too (95, 98, ME . . . especially ME. Especially "I'm a lucky boy if I don't have to reinstall this POS every six months" ME.)

OS X, not bad. Windows XP Pro, okay (compared to the shit that is XP Home,) a few more features than Windows 2000, though it sucks up memory like a Thai whore. Me, I prefer Win2k on my Wintel boxes, though I acknowledge it isn't for everybody. I horrified myself the other day by advising my dear old mother to buy a Mac. I felt dirty, having grown up as a damn-those-Mac-using-hippies PC kid. But I've grown up since my DOS fanwhore days.

Posted: 2005-12-20 01:32pm
by Lancer
XP Pro (gaming FTW).

Posted: 2005-12-20 03:13pm
by Braedley
The only thing XP has over the rest of them is software. For now, I'm stuck using XP because my Dad's Mac is just too slow (it is 10 or so years old). In Janurary, I'll be setting up my computer to daul boot with Linux, and only because I want to be able to still play games on it.

Posted: 2005-12-20 04:25pm
by Praxis
Mac OS X. But you all knew I was going to say that.

As Braedley said, the only thing Windows has over the others is volume of software.

I'm planning to get me a dual boot Windows/Mac OS X on the Intel Macs.

Posted: 2005-12-20 05:48pm
by Braedley
Praxis wrote:I'm planning to get me a dual boot Windows/Mac OS X on the Intel Macs.
That's assuming that either A) Windows will like the new Mac hardware (shouldn't be a problem, but you never know), or B) The new Mac OS will like generic Intel hardware.

Posted: 2005-12-20 05:51pm
by Stark

Posted: 2005-12-20 06:03pm
by Praxis
Braedley wrote:
Praxis wrote:I'm planning to get me a dual boot Windows/Mac OS X on the Intel Macs.
That's assuming that either A) Windows will like the new Mac hardware (shouldn't be a problem, but you never know), or B) The new Mac OS will like generic Intel hardware.
Apple has said they won't do anything to prevent users from installing Windows on the new Macs. They will prevent OS X from running on generic Intel hardware though.

People with the dev kits have already installed Windows on the machines and report that it boots fine, the only problem being that it didn't support the graphics card out of the box and they couldn't go above 800x600. So I'll wait for a hacked driver before I can play games. :)

And hackers have gotten the current Intel Mac builds running on Dell laptops (I have the video), but this would be illegal by OS X's license agreement.

Posted: 2005-12-20 06:06pm
by Dahak
I prefer my XP pro. I like it, I can game on it, and work in my true and trusted environment.
Personally, I try to avoid Linux like the plague, it always gets my irritated.
Though sometimes this year, I want to get a small MiniMac to give Macs a try. You never know...

Posted: 2005-12-20 06:33pm
by Spacebeard
OpenBSD and Solaris. Neither one is listed, though of course we needed to list about seven (!) different versions of Windows. I'm torn between Linux and Mac OS X as the least worst option listed on the poll; I think I'll give it to Linux.


I find it especially silly that the OP chose to distinguish between DOS and older versions of Windows which were just a graphical shell running over DOS, but doesn't distinguish between Mac OS classic and Mac OS X which are completely different under the hood.

Posted: 2005-12-20 07:08pm
by Stark
It's called a loaded poll. The OP doesn't define the question well either: OS X is the best OS I've used, but I certainly don't use it on any of my desktops, since it's utterly worthless for gaming. It's just stable, easy to use, attractive and I love it.

Posted: 2005-12-20 07:14pm
by Xon
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote: Oh yeah, all Windows variants with MS-DOS running at the core suck too (95, 98, ME . . . especially ME. Especially "I'm a lucky boy if I don't have to reinstall this POS every six months" ME.)
Windows 9x (Win95,98,ME, etc) are not MS-DOS based!

Sure it bends over backwards(and takes it up the ass) and has significant core architecture design choices to enable MS-DOS applications to run as first class citizens but it is not MS-DOS based!