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Reading M$ Works files with Kubuntu Linux

Posted: 2005-12-28 11:34pm
by Dave
My mother needs to be able to read and modify files we dragged off of the Windows partition, but OpenOffice can't read them
(General Input/Output error).

Does anyone know of an application that will read "Works" files for Linux?

Posted: 2005-12-29 01:26am
by Pu-239
Copy them over to a Windows computer w/ MSOffice somewhere and save them out to the appropriate format?

Posted: 2005-12-29 01:41am
by Uraniun235
God, Works. They still make that?! Barf.

Last time I used it was in 1998.

Posted: 2005-12-29 12:22pm
by Dave
Yes, M$ still makes Works as a cheap alternative to Office. :evil:

I have a friend that has Works, so he could convert them to RTF documents, but "the powers that be" insist it should be done locally.
Any recommendations?

Posted: 2005-12-29 10:54pm
by Pu-239
You could try running the MS works converter under WINE...