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STGOD2k6 Discussion Thread

Posted: 2005-12-31 04:16am
by Spyder
I think we've waited long enough.


Main Thread

Discussion Thread

OOB Thread

Diplomacy Thread (Depricated)

Posted: 2005-12-31 01:13pm
by Lancer
we going to do territory claims anytime soon?

Posted: 2006-01-01 12:43am
by Dahak
Matt Huang wrote:we going to do territory claims anytime soon?
What "claims"?
We already settled the rough locales of our empires.
It's not like we have a defined amount of "galaxy" to divide upon...
If you're a major power, you're a major power, be it 5 planets or 50 planets...

Posted: 2006-01-01 01:31am
by Spyder
Any sort of territorial claim within the cluster is probably going to result in a war of some kind.

However, there will be empty spots outside the cluster to move to and fight over.

Posted: 2006-01-01 01:35am
by Surlethe
Erm ... I'm interested in joining; is there anything in particular I have to do, like slog through 41 pages of the 2K5 TGOD, to get a sense of what's going on? Or will this be completely new?

Posted: 2006-01-01 02:50am
by Spyder
Easiest thing would be to read the last couple of pages in the "Proposed STGOD setting" thread. Instructions for how to declare your empire are in the STGOD2k6 OOB thread.

Posted: 2006-01-02 04:22am
by Spyder
I tried not to rip off EVE, I really did. Concord just fits too damn well for a navy that formed as "just another cog in the machine."

Anyway...Pablo, Nitram, you guys ready?

Posted: 2006-01-02 01:05pm
by SirNitram
Spyder wrote:I tried not to rip off EVE, I really did. Concord just fits too damn well for a navy that formed as "just another cog in the machine."

Anyway...Pablo, Nitram, you guys ready?

Uh. I mean. Let's go.

Posted: 2006-01-02 01:30pm
by Dahak
Ready when you are :D

Posted: 2006-01-02 01:39pm
by Thirdfain
I propose that we follow ancient STGOD tradition and start with a Diplomacy thread. There's no scientific research behind it, but I'd point out that all the most effective STGODs started with diplo. threads, while the least effective ones did not.

Posted: 2006-01-02 03:15pm
by Dahak
Thirdfain wrote:I propose that we follow ancient STGOD tradition and start with a Diplomacy thread. There's no scientific research behind it, but I'd point out that all the most effective STGODs started with diplo. threads, while the least effective ones did not.
Sure, suits me :)

Posted: 2006-01-02 05:42pm
by Spyder
One diplomacy thread coming right up...

Yo Nephtys, I'm working you out at about 50 points over budget.
3380 pts, Warships
400 pts, Strike Craft
220 pts, Defenses and Troops

Posted: 2006-01-02 10:05pm
by Spyder
It begins

Note to any Empire's not specifically mentioned in the opening broadcast: don't feel that just because you weren't detected doesn't mean that you're not allowed to make an appearance. More people that mix it up, the better.

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:20pm
by Nephtys
Spyder wrote:One diplomacy thread coming right up...

Yo Nephtys, I'm working you out at about 50 points over budget.
3380 pts, Warships
400 pts, Strike Craft
220 pts, Defenses and Troops
Oh oops. Sorry about that. I revised my last list a little and probably messed the numbers.

Scratch one Swiftstrike (-50 pts). I'll go edit the post.

Posted: 2006-01-03 12:58am
by Spyder
Sweet as.

Posted: 2006-01-03 02:51pm
by Pablo Sanchez
An 863-point battle station that nobody knows the location of isn't happening. Taking it and the rest of your OOB together, it certainly looks like you're going to be trying out a style of gameplay that reads something like,

"I will provoke other players by launching espionage/sabotage/terrorism raids on their territory and then retreat to my invulnerable hidden fortress of doom, muahaha!"

That kind of crap is detrimental to gameplay, needless to say. Try something else.

Posted: 2006-01-03 03:57pm
by Adrian Laguna
Why not? I say it would introduce an interesting element to gameplay, not to mention give an incetive for people to protect their territorires. It simply needs a bit of tweaking, namely: nobody knows the location of his 1337 space station yet. If somebody takes the time to to find him, maybe task 3-6 cruisers or escorts to it, and some of the Military Intelligence Branch, then after a while the location should be known to them. Then this person can perhaps sell this valuable information to someone. Or form an aliance with a like-minded nation and go kick some ass. Though 1726 points of defensive ass kickery is fucking scary. Which makes it more fun, especially since the station is not going anywhere one can take one's time planning an assault.

It would be something of a challenge on the moderators, but I think it would work. Granted, the moderators can simply say they don't want to deal with that, for whatever reason (if they even want to give one). In which case DesertFly is going to have to put his station on the map.

In my opinion you should at least put some more thought into this.

Posted: 2006-01-03 04:00pm
by SirNitram
As someone who has thought on it, I say no. It breeds a 'Heehheehehe, we're so clever!' nonsense posts and an inability to respond; it's not fun for anyone but the person hiding behind his shield. As well, the station is ridiculous in it's power; even if he wants to be steathly, one station of that power is out of the question.

And if it isn't, well, the Abomination can come from the other side of the planet.

Posted: 2006-01-03 04:02pm
by Nephtys
I say we let 'em have that monster station. As long as it's blindingly obvious where it is. If one has an invincible fortress of /that/ magnitude, able to defeat whole fleets by itself, it should be pretty prominent, don't you agree? Perhaps even mobile. With weaknesses to small, very lucky farmboys in strike craft.

Posted: 2006-01-03 04:06pm
by phongn
His fleet is so weak that he can be blockaded anyways and large asteroids thrown at his position.

Posted: 2006-01-03 04:56pm
by Raxmei
In my opinion the super station of doom is inconsequential compared to the super spies of doom. They're just asking for a ton of auto-hit covert strikes. If he had to actually fight in order to attack people the station would just be a waste of points.

Posted: 2006-01-03 05:10pm
by SirNitram
Frankly, if someone wants uber spies perhaps they should invest points in them. Because hey, I invested points to have my internal infrastructure and ground forces. An intel committee which will no doubt be wanked as even better should be paid for.

Posted: 2006-01-03 05:14pm
by Raxmei
It would be nice from an accounting standpoint to know exactly what is given up in exchange for cloaking.

Posted: 2006-01-03 05:18pm
by weemadando
Pablo Sanchez wrote:DesertFly:
An 863-point battle station that nobody knows the location of isn't happening. Taking it and the rest of your OOB together, it certainly looks like you're going to be trying out a style of gameplay that reads something like,

"I will provoke other players by launching espionage/sabotage/terrorism raids on their territory and then retreat to my invulnerable hidden fortress of doom, muahaha!"

That kind of crap is detrimental to gameplay, needless to say. Try something else.
"The power to build that space station is insignificant next to the power of ROCK!!!!!"

Remember - that the RockShip plot device is always capable of coming into effect.

Posted: 2006-01-03 06:02pm
by DesertFly
After having read some of the other OOBs I realized that the station is ridiculously powerful, but it was late and I didn't feel like changing it. Of course, reading some of what others have said, I'm more inclined to keep it now, but I suppose I would be willing to compromise and put it on the map, or at the very least make it so the information to find it is out there somewhere, obtainable if enough effort is put into it. Who knows, maybe you can bribe a disgruntled low-level spy who's been passed over for promotion a dozen times with his own warship or something.

I'm also willing to keep it hidden and lower its point value to allocated points for my spies. The only thing here is that my intention isn't for conquest, it's for profit. I have no intention or interest in attacking other fleets, that's not my style. What I would like is for something along the lines of a gameplay mechanic where other players can hire me right before a battle, and, if the mods agreed on it, we could have something like having the fleet strength reduced right before the battle or something like that, to reflect that I just offed the commander or governor.

Another possible compromise is that when I send operatives in, they accomplish whatever they were going to do, but then invariably get caught, which causes them to self destruct, along with their ship. THat way, there would still be whittling away of my numbers, just through attrition instead of all-out battles.