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Mac users check in here!

Posted: 2006-01-02 08:47pm
by Jack Bauer
2004 vintage iBook 1.2 GHz PowerPC G4, 256 RAM, running OS X 10.4.3

Thinking about picking up a Mac mini...

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:20pm
by Styphon
14 inch 2005 iBook G4... I'm not good with the technical stuff, but I think this is more or less top of the line...

Best. Christmas. Gift. EVER! :P

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:25pm
by Vohu Manah
Currently an upgraded Power Mac G4 "Digital Audio," will be replaced by a 17" Powerbook G4 if the fucking thing ever ships.

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:32pm
by Jack Bauer
Styphon wrote:14 inch 2005 iBook G4... I'm not good with the technical stuff, but I think this is more or less top of the line...

Best. Christmas. Gift. EVER! :P
While your new iBook has been upgraded in the last year (1.3 GHz, 512 RAM standard, Bluetooth enabled, and an increase of 10 GB in HD space to 40 total), iBooks in general are not the top of the line of the Apple laptops. That distinction unambigiously goes to the PowerBooks, which have also been recently upgraded.

But not to quibble, your laptop is still better than mine. :wink:

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:36pm
by Styphon
well obviously I meant the top of the iBook line, not the Mac laptop line in general... :P

seriously, I assume there's some Powerbook or something with a G5 in it...

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:38pm
by Jack Bauer
Styphon wrote:well obviously I meant the top of the iBook line, not the Mac laptop line in general... :P

seriously, I assume there's some Powerbook or something with a G5 in it...
Not as of yet. In fact, I'm very doubtful that they can make the G5 processor fit into the compact PB platform.

Posted: 2006-01-02 09:56pm
by Glocksman
Do we have enough Mac users on the board to fill up a phone booth? :P
All kidding aside, I thought about buying a Mac Mini to go alongside Sinanju (my desktop PC) until Apple announced the switch to Intel.

Now I'll just wait for the hacked x86 OSX. :lol:

Re: Mac users check in here!

Posted: 2006-01-02 10:46pm
by Praxis
I've got a 500 MHz G3 Pismo PowerBook (yes, I know, old) to myself and use the family 12" 1 GHz PowerBook G4. I plan to get a new Mac Mini next month.
Order 66 wrote: Thinking about picking up a Mac mini...

ThinkSecret (who are right 99% of the time, generally even on the exact specs, and have insiders at Apple) has claimed Intel Mac Mini's at MacWorld Expo in two weeks, and their word is law :P AppleInsider also agrees. There will be new Mac Mini's by the end of the month. Do not buy one now.

Buy one after the MacWorld Expo.
Not as of yet. In fact, I'm very doubtful that they can make the G5 processor fit into the compact PB platform.
Actually, according to ThinkSecret, we're going to be having Yonah this month in iBooks and Mac Mini's. w00t.

I can't wait to get my dual core Yonah PowerBook.

Posted: 2006-01-02 10:57pm
by Quadlok
Dual G5 1.8 Ghz, 1 gig RAM, 80 gig HD, 9600XT, OS 10.3.9 and more casefans than you can shake a stick at. You see, the reason Apple never made a G5 laptop is because it would set your pants on fire.

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:32pm
by Laird
Real Vintage Ibook, G3 Tanagrine 366mhz, 10 gig hd, 192mb ram etc..

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:37pm
by Durandal
Dual 1.8 GHz G5.
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB.
200 GB and 80 GB HDDs.

Posted: 2006-01-03 08:00am
by Mobius
got a Mac Classic, that's vintage!

More seriously, i plan to switch to a powerbook in 2007

Posted: 2006-01-03 09:06am
by Jew
I have a Mac mini with OS X Tiger. And if you're thinking about picking up a Mac mini, don't bother waiting for the Intel Macs. You don't want one anyway. You want a Mac that Just Works, and OS X for Intel will surely have some kinks to be ironed out in the next year. Not to mention that most programs haven't been compiled for Intel so you'll have to run them in interpretted mode, which slows it down, and the Mac mini isn't the fastest of beast anyway.

Posted: 2006-01-03 01:10pm
by Praxis
Yes, but in the case of a switcher...the biggest thing preventing me from replacing my PC desktops with a Mac has been, quite simply, the software. I have too much Windows software. Dual booting Windows, and more importantly, installing WINE for Mac, solves that problem. :D

Plus the TV recording capability means that my DVD burners won't go to waste anymore, and I'll have some real content to burn other than fan videos and movie trailers.

EDIT: Did I forget to mention that in my above post?
Apple's Mac mini will be reborn as the digital hub centerpiece it was originally conceived to be, Think Secret sources have disclosed. The new Mac mini project, code-named Kaleidoscope, will feature an Intel processor and include both Front Row 2.0 and TiVo-like DVR functionality.

While the specific model and speed of the Intel processor in the new Mac mini is unknown, sources are confident the system will be ready for roll-out at Macworld Expo San Francisco, in line with other reports Think Secret has received that Intel-based Macs will be ready some six months sooner than originally expected.

The new Mac mini is also said to sport a built-in iPod dock, a feature that was scrapped from the Mac mini Apple first introduced one year ago. Other hardware specifics are unknown, such as whether the Mac mini will feature video recording out of the box or whether an add-on will be offered for those looking to employ the Mac mini not as a second computer but as their living room command center.

It is similarly unknown whether Apple will scrap the 2.5-inch hard drive currently featured in the Mac mini in favor a standard 3.5-inch hard drive, both to boost storage capacity that heavy media users demand and to trim costs; such a move would undoubtedly result in a larger Mac mini.

Specifics surrounding Front Row 2.0 and Apple's DVR application are limited at this point, although sources with knowledge of the project have dubbed the latter a "TiVo-killer." The moniker might not be without some bias, however, as sources report that talks of an Apple-TiVo deal recently fizzled, prompting TiVo to independently announce this month that it will soon offer customers the ability to copy stored content to a video iPod.

Also, Intel iBooks:
Apple is planning to release its first entry-level iBook laptops with Intel processors next January at Macworld Expo in San Francisco, highly reliable sources have confirmed to Think Secret.

It is not known exactly what processors or price points the new models will debut at, but it is thought Apple will expand the iBook line with one additional model and will lower prices—in some cases possibly $200 or more—to entice current Windows users and prove to the market it will be more competitive with the likes of Dell, Gateway, HP and Sony.

Those behind the report of Intel-ready iBooks are the same sources responsible for past reports of the Mac mini and photo iPod, first reported by Think Secret.
(ThinkSecret reported the photo iPod and Mac Mini correctly, including the price point and features, weeks before they came out- the only thing they got wrong as that the Mac Mini was supposed to have an iPod dock, a feature that was scrapped)

You do have a point about the first gen intel macs possibly having problems though. So yeah, decide if you want a PowerPC Mac Mini or Intel one- if you want PowerPC, buy now.

Posted: 2006-01-03 01:19pm
by Jew
That's a good point, Praxis. I wasn't thinking about dual-booting. I switched from Linux so I was able to run my irreplaceable programs using Apple's X server. For people who have irreplaceable Windows programs it might be worthwhile to wait for the Intel Macs.

Posted: 2006-01-03 01:44pm
by Praxis
Which is precisely why I'm waiting for them :) Dual boot and WINE.

...and maybe WineX for my games... :D

Plus, some in the family still insist on Windows so we'll always have Windows software.