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WoW has destroyed my free time...

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:08pm
by Defiant
Ok, haven't posted on the forums really in about a year (except for a couple here and there). Let me explain.

WoW (World of Warcraft) came out about a year ago, and this game has effectively destroyed my free time. Between that and going to grad school, my time is pretty much screwed.

That being said, I will be making more of an effort to keep track of whats going on here at

My question: Has anyone else who plays WoW experienced something similar?

Re: WoW has destroyed my free time...

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:14pm
by Straha
Defiant wrote:Ok, haven't posted on the forums really in about a year (except for a couple here and there). Let me explain.

WoW (World of Warcraft) came out about a year ago, and this game has effectively destroyed my free time. Between that and going to grad school, my time is pretty much screwed.

That being said, I will be making more of an effort to keep track of whats going on here at

My question: Has anyone else who plays WoW experienced something similar?
Feh! I say! Feh! To you and your World of Warcraft! You know what I use to destroy my time?! None of your Graphics and doodads, but good old fashion TEXT BASED MUDS. Namely Discworld MUD.

So again I say feh!

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:41pm
by Sriad
Definately. When I started WoW, I would skip university classes (...not that it's such an unusual thing... :oops: ) to play. Even now I'll put in over 10 hours a week.

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:47pm
by Trogdor
Read the news, man. People in Asia (usually S. Korea, IIRC) have played marathon rounds of WoW until they literally dropped dead at the computer.

Posted: 2006-01-02 11:56pm
by Mr Bean
Trogdor wrote:Read the news, man. People in Asia (usually S. Korea, IIRC) have played marathon rounds of WoW until they literally dropped dead at the computer.
Just like for other games... Like Starcraft, Everquest, and Counterstrike... but that one was a heart related condition as no serious CSer would play after the twentith hour as your hands start twiching throwing off your aim so bad your easy meat.

Take a month off from WoW and suddenly it's not so fun anymore. Most MMO's are like that. Step off the treadmill for a few days/weeks and suddenly you wonder why you were so addicted.

Posted: 2006-01-03 12:37am
by Captain tycho
Frankly, I'm amazed anyone can play a game so much for so long. I would suggest quitting for a few weeks; you'll come back to it and probably won't like it anywhere near as much.

Posted: 2006-01-03 01:21am
by GuppyShark
... until you find yourself being pulled back onto the treadmill!

Posted: 2006-01-03 01:59am
by darthdavid
Heh, i got like that on Maple story for a month or so back when someone made a thread on it. About thanks giving I got busy with some other things and couldn't get back into it. So yeah, the hop of the tread mill idea usually helps with MMORPGs.

Posted: 2006-01-03 02:16am
by Netko
It was the midterms for me, caused me to not play WoW for a week and a half and suddenly it didn't make much sense to do it anymore. Helped that I picked a class which is crappy and is about to get even crappyer in the next patch (Paladin).

Posted: 2006-01-03 11:28am
by Lord Pounder
WoW owns my world. My Tauren is now at lvl 59. I've been playing near enough every day since i bought it, leveling many alts when the warrior got boring. Admitidy I thought i had killed my addiction a few weeks ago, but then Battle Grounds got it;s talloned hookes into me and I'm hopelessly addicted again.

Re: WoW has destroyed my free time...

Posted: 2006-01-03 11:42am
by Dartzap
Straha wrote:
Defiant wrote:Ok, haven't posted on the forums really in about a year (except for a couple here and there). Let me explain.

WoW (World of Warcraft) came out about a year ago, and this game has effectively destroyed my free time. Between that and going to grad school, my time is pretty much screwed.

That being said, I will be making more of an effort to keep track of whats going on here at

My question: Has anyone else who plays WoW experienced something similar?
Feh! I say! Feh! To you and your World of Warcraft! You know what I use to destroy my time?! None of your Graphics and doodads, but good old fashion TEXT BASED MUDS. Namely Discworld MUD.

So again I say feh!
I could never get the hang of the Disc MUD, The controls just annoyed me to no end and I wanted to kick it into Great A'tuin's nostril :( If they made a proper online game based on the Disc, that would be cool....

On topic: I get bored with games easily, so I've never played one for long periods of time.

Posted: 2006-01-03 12:19pm
by Ghost Rider
Was addicted, but never enough not to spend time.

And well quit for a few months, and had a friend drag me back in. Having two Epic specced characters(warrior and Pally), and two rare/UBRS specced alts(Rogue and Shammy).

It got boring, unless I want to solo a warlock or hunter.

Posted: 2006-01-03 12:49pm
by Arrow
I haven't played WoW, but I was addicted to Battlefield 2 - it ate a lot of my time from June to December. Getting fucked over (not owned, because I was kicking their asses) by whine little shits the last time I played was what broke my addiction. I even feel a little guilty for letting a game consume so much of my life (although, I have a feeling Oblivion is going to do the samething to me).

So, you might want to try seeking out loads of flaming idiots to ruin your fun as a method of breaking your addiction. I understand from the last WoW thread that there are plenty of retards that are willing to assist you.

Posted: 2006-01-03 07:00pm
by Raw Shark
Straha wrote:You know what I use to destroy my time?! None of your Graphics and doodads, but good old fashion TEXT BASED MUDS. Namely Discworld MUD.
I used to love that game! I was the High Priest of Hat for a while like ten years ago before WoDMUSH ate my hobby time. :D

Posted: 2006-01-03 09:12pm
by Vympel
Leave WoW alone for 3 months. When you go back to it, you won't understand why it was so compelling. That's what happened to me. I haven't played it in months.

Posted: 2006-01-04 10:44am
by Lonestar
Speaking of WoW...what does everyone think of the 1.09 patch?

Posted: 2006-01-04 01:12pm
by Ghost Rider
Lonestar wrote:Speaking of WoW...what does everyone think of the 1.09 patch?
Well...My pally is offically a farm bot, though looks damn cool. Having the Judgement set looks sweet. I'm sorry, they nerfed Holy shield beyond words, insulted Paladins by placing it as 31 pont talent and while some talents are cool, does not change that Reckon bombing the enemy is standard, above and beyond Seal of Command.

The inhuman task of farming for mats has made the AH into a madhouse of Runecloth =30 G on my server. Linen goes ofr 1 GOLD per stack...LINEN! But it gets me rep to buy a new dwarf rogue wants all four!

I await the day to fight giant killer bees because killing Nefarion is getting boring.

Posted: 2006-01-04 02:42pm
by Nephtys
1.09 totally screwed Pallies. I play a Balance/Resto druid, and our 1.08 buffs were amazing. Made the class's various options very viable, especially Feral.

This patch? All they did was shift around a few talents, and add a bunch of useless ones. Holy Shock for example. It's simultaneously the worst damaging attack in the game in terms of mana efficiency, and worst heal. 5 mana for 4 healing?! Mine are 1 mana for 2.5 healing...

But hooray for the auction houses. The game is now playable in Ironforge thanks to it. :)

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:04pm
by Ghost Rider
Nephtys wrote:1.09 totally screwed Pallies. I play a Balance/Resto druid, and our 1.08 buffs were amazing. Made the class's various options very viable, especially Feral.
Hells look at what they did for Hunters.

Warriors(the other major I play) got some eh, though Fury keeps getting more screwed, and I'm sorry the 33% Defense nerf is because Blizzard are sons of whores.

That and add the slow speed nerf(oh yeah Blizz....people went for the Arcanite Reaper because it was just so kick ass looking).
This patch? All they did was shift around a few talents, and add a bunch of useless ones. Holy Shock for example. It's simultaneously the worst damaging attack in the game in terms of mana efficiency, and worst heal. 5 mana for 4 healing?! Mine are 1 mana for 2.5 healing...
Holy Shock was always useless, any Pally using it for heal is a moron. Every 30 secs for a minor heal that my Flash Heal does more......yeah 31 point talent here I come!

Though this patch did give Pallies Raid Blessings. Finally :roll: .

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:08pm
by Nephtys
Warriors should totally not complain, when they can three-shot anyone with leather or cloth. They've got itemization options and a pair of commonly found excellent weapons. (Ice Barbed Spear for the budget, Arcanite Reaper for others).

I still am waiting for the Shaman patch. Just watch them make 'Purge' even more able to shut down 2 classes entirely...

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:13pm
by Ghost Rider
Nephtys wrote:Warriors should totally not complain, when they can three-shot anyone with leather or cloth. They've got itemization options and a pair of commonly found excellent weapons. (Ice Barbed Spear for the budget, Arcanite Reaper for others).
Screw that Rogue can two shot, Hunters can two shot, Hells....most class can, barring Paladins. I'm complaining not because of the stealth nerf of slow weapons. That one is more a "Why Blizz...because too many are armed with slow axes?!"

I complain because the Defense nerf was pointless bullshit, and by 33% is immense. It hurts new Warriors because they get critted much worse, and higher ones now have to have the entire guild compensate because Blizzard didn't like a few guilds beating BWL faster then they predicted.

As for PvP, if they think Def plays any real part in it, Blizzard are high motherfuckers. No warrior worth it's salt has 400-500 Def gear on when Pvping.

Defense matters in raids, so the nerf fucks everyone who isn't playing PvP.

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:15pm
by Nephtys
I don't even think Defense is factored in to PvP. If everyone got burned (IE, Defense in raids), then I think it's fair. It's a rebalancing. Not a nerf.

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:21pm
by Ghost Rider
Nephtys wrote:I don't even think Defense is factored in to PvP. If everyone got burned (IE, Defense in raids), then I think it's fair. It's a rebalancing. Not a nerf.

If it was factored as a balacing, then why does it only affect PvE? A PvP warrior never gives a rat's ass, but every warrior who is main tank now needs a druids and priests to keep a larger eye on him and every DPS class has to keep more an eye on their meters. because Blizzard one day decided to cut a essential stat by 33%.

Every PvE warrior suffers because Blizzard thought it was too powerful? And their reason was because they saw after much pontifacting, it was too powerful. Somehow given it only affects one particular class, and one particular side of gameplay, it's a nerf because of this; it alters every part of a raid, to be slower and wipe more.

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:27pm
by Nephtys
Ghost Rider wrote:
Nephtys wrote:I don't even think Defense is factored in to PvP. If everyone got burned (IE, Defense in raids), then I think it's fair. It's a rebalancing. Not a nerf.

If it was factored as a balacing, then why does it only affect PvE? A PvP warrior never gives a rat's ass, but every warrior who is main tank now needs a druids and priests to keep a larger eye on him and every DPS class has to keep more an eye on their meters. because Blizzard one day decided to cut a essential stat by 33%.

Every PvE warrior suffers because Blizzard thought it was too powerful? And their reason was because they saw after much pontifacting, it was too powerful. Somehow given it only affects one particular class, and one particular side of gameplay, it's a nerf because of this; it alters every part of a raid, to be slower and wipe more.
It's a balance because everyone across the board is affected by it. Let's say, a Mage's frost nova spell increased in mana cost and broke easier. That's a nerf. It hurts them against every other class of player and PvE.

By hurting all Protection warrior tanks, they just basically made all instances harder. It's across the board. Horde and Alliance both use warriors as maintanks. No rogue is going to WTFPWN you because you're not wearing 500 defense. Sure, it may even make DruidBears, Prot Pallies and Rockbiter Shamans better tanks relative now. :P

Interestingly though, my guild's raid (White Haven can explain, I don't raid) made it completely through Ony + MC for the first time AND first time no wipes today. So it can't be that crushing if we've never beaten Rag period, and the day after the patch they did the whole deal perfectly.

Posted: 2006-01-04 03:40pm
by Ghost Rider
Nephtys wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:
Nephtys wrote:I don't even think Defense is factored in to PvP. If everyone got burned (IE, Defense in raids), then I think it's fair. It's a rebalancing. Not a nerf.

If it was factored as a balacing, then why does it only affect PvE? A PvP warrior never gives a rat's ass, but every warrior who is main tank now needs a druids and priests to keep a larger eye on him and every DPS class has to keep more an eye on their meters. because Blizzard one day decided to cut a essential stat by 33%.

Every PvE warrior suffers because Blizzard thought it was too powerful? And their reason was because they saw after much pontifacting, it was too powerful. Somehow given it only affects one particular class, and one particular side of gameplay, it's a nerf because of this; it alters every part of a raid, to be slower and wipe more.
It's a balance because everyone across the board is affected by it. Let's say, a Mage's frost nova spell increased in mana cost and broke easier. That's a nerf. It hurts them against every other class of player and PvE.

By hurting all Protection warrior tanks, they just basically made all instances harder. It's across the board. Horde and Alliance both use warriors as maintanks. No rogue is going to WTFPWN you because you're not wearing 500 defense. Sure, it may even make DruidBears, Prot Pallies and Rockbiter Shamans better tanks relative now. :P

Interestingly though, my guild's raid (White Haven can explain, I don't raid) made it completely through Ony + MC for the first time AND first time no wipes today. So it can't be that crushing if we've never beaten Rag period, and the day after the patch they did the whole deal perfectly.
It doesn't hurt for raids when you realize what to do. Ask White Haven how many times the Guild went out and strategized, wiped, and returned to bloody it's nose again to figure out MC and Ony. Shitload of hours he won't get back and each wipe is a good hit in the bank account let alone time.

Defense allows for a margin for error when facing a boss and suddenly that warrior instead of recivieng 20 criticals recieves 30 and the party wipes. And not all tanks are protect warriors, and their only thing was Defense. They have shit attack, and are as useful in PvP as a blind paladin think his Holy Strike will kill a Rogue.

And you bring up the red herring What if such and such class had this spell broken. That nerf only affects them, this is an affect to every class, but specifically anyone who tanks, because once a tank dies, the raid more then usually wipes. Defense affects the entire raid group because now they have to insure to heal more because the spike damage will happen, and the only thing that lowers this was reduced by 33%. To say nothing of how it takes to acquire the money, materials and items to insure that tank is good enough to keep alive in front of said boss. Now they just went "too powerful, even if it took you four months of gathering."

So tell me how is a 33% reduction in a vital talent not a nerf?