i disagree, there will be always some joysticks, they are far from cheap but as long as MS will brought every x years a new MS Flight Sim, there will be an interest in producing joystick, just look at all the modifications for the overblown thrustmaster's Cougar, a 250euros piece of hardware, i know a lot of friends that put 200+€ more to have a working piece of equipment...
if you thought to buy a new one: here are a quick review of the potential target (all HOTAS):
Thrustmaster Top gun2: (around 60-70€ i think), does the job, no fancy advanced programming but perfect for your use i guess, i had it and i sold it cause i haven't time to "fly" anymore, if i go back to fligh sim, i'll take one again (or maybe a Saitek one)
Saitek X45:(if shops have it: it should be under 100€ but cannot tell precisely) considered as one of the top HOTAS system, replaced by the X52 but some people still prefer it: harder spring, tougher construction (and it's futuristic design is far from doing unanimity
Saitek X52:(130€) idem as X45 but: an LCD built in throttle to use as an MFD, more functions to program, soft spring (butter spring say some people) good for warbirds as his great brother
Cougar (199€ + price of a mod): all metal, advanced programming, but shitty electronic, if you are in a remote place you'll have to wait like forever if you want to change potentiometers, gotta check for the mod: they don't have the same effect and some are more adapt to some kind of gaming than another
(Cougar is dedicated to modern jetfighters with FBW most of the times maybe not the best for a space sim)
PS: for you problem, i don't think i can help, you could try frugal's world of simulation if anyone know the reference for the "potentiomètres" (sorry dunno the english word)