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Rapture Occurs on WoW Moonrunner Server; Chaos ensues

Posted: 2006-01-07 07:56pm
by Lonestar
Alll the Alliance NPCs in the Eastern Kingdoms just upped and disappeared on the Moonrunner server about 20 minutes ago. Almost as if on cue, massive Horde raids on IF, SW, and Theramere (They boarded the boats in Menethiel, which is empty).

Clearly, the damn dirty Horde are behind this(Horde still has NPCs).

Has anyone seen this before?

Edit: Incidently, they had to be over a Hundred on both sides fighting it out on the Bridge into SW.

Posted: 2006-01-07 09:37pm
by Lord Pounder
Makes a fecking change from the usual marauding clan of 20 lvl 60 Alliance scum that have been ganking noobs and killing the quest giving ncp's at the crossroads every night since i started the damn game. Victory for the Horde.

Posted: 2006-01-07 09:39pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Pounder, now's your chance. KILL those Alliance scumbags!

Posted: 2006-01-07 09:44pm
by DPDarkPrimus
1) I demand screenshots.

2) I demand videos.


Posted: 2006-01-07 09:49pm
by Lonestar
Lord Pounder wrote:Makes a fecking change from the usual marauding clan of 20 lvl 60 Alliance scum that have been ganking noobs and killing the quest giving ncp's at the crossroads every night since i started the damn game. Victory for the Horde.
PLease, the "poor wittle Horde" is an Old routine. If I had a nickel For everytime the Horde spanked the Alliance in the BGs I'd have a lot of nickels.

Especially in AV when they have a ten-man lead on us.

Posted: 2006-01-07 09:57pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Lonestar wrote:
Lord Pounder wrote:Makes a fecking change from the usual marauding clan of 20 lvl 60 Alliance scum that have been ganking noobs and killing the quest giving ncp's at the crossroads every night since i started the damn game. Victory for the Horde.
PLease, the "poor wittle Horde" is an Old routine. If I had a nickel For everytime the Horde spanked the Alliance in the BGs I'd have a lot of nickels.

Especially in AV when they have a ten-man lead on us.
So the Alliance doesn't do good teamwork in the BG. That in no way invalidates the ganking complaints.

Posted: 2006-01-07 10:17pm
by Lonestar
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
So the Alliance doesn't do good teamwork in the BG. That in no way invalidates the ganking complaints.
Plus, the (so far as I know) only serious attack on an enemy capital on Moonrunner thus far (and I've been on it since it was formed n July) Was by the Horde on Darnassus. They racked up a lot of dead Nightelves, that day.

Posted: 2006-01-07 10:34pm
by Ghost Rider
Please let's not go "Horde gets ganked by Alliance Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah." :roll:

It's bullshit, given I've seen from both sides ganking fuckers who have gone on massive raids in Crossroads, Southshore, Tarren Mill, Westfall, and Goldshire.

There are fuckers on both sides, just on most servers Alliance outnumbers Horde 2:1 so their fuckers are more frequent to show and do shit then Hordlings.

Posted: 2006-01-08 02:36am
by Defiant
I've heard of this happening before, but that time all npcs disappeared. It was a complete slaughter in Undercity.

How long did it take to get the server back to normal?

Posted: 2006-01-08 09:02am
by Alan Bolte
Funny, on Magtheridon AV consists of Horde farming rep and hoping the Alliance will kill the general soon so they can get the endgame bonus. The fishing can get downright peaceful sometimes.

Posted: 2006-01-08 10:31am
by Lord Revan
Lonestar wrote:
Lord Pounder wrote:Makes a fecking change from the usual marauding clan of 20 lvl 60 Alliance scum that have been ganking noobs and killing the quest giving ncp's at the crossroads every night since i started the damn game. Victory for the Horde.
PLease, the "poor wittle Horde" is an Old routine. If I had a nickel For everytime the Horde spanked the Alliance in the BGs I'd have a lot of nickels.

Especially in AV when they have a ten-man lead on us.
don't know about your server but in Draenor the alliance outnumbers the Horde by 3:1 (at least) sure massive number of those are cowards who run when faced with propper oppostion, but frankly I can't recall a single time when the alliance was outnumbered by the horde.

Posted: 2006-01-08 10:36am
by Lonestar
Lord Revan wrote:don't know about your server but in Draenor the alliance outnumbers the Horde by 3:1 (at least) sure massive number of those are cowards who run when faced with propper oppostion, but frankly I can't recall a single time when the alliance was outnumbered by the horde.

Don't get me wrong, the Alliance outnumbers the Horde on Moonrunner, though it's much closer to parity than on some servers. I've noticed, however, Hordies (as a rule) tend to be more aggresive and organized than the Alliance, which makes a qualitative difference.

Posted: 2006-01-08 10:41am
by Lord Revan
Lonestar wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:don't know about your server but in Draenor the alliance outnumbers the Horde by 3:1 (at least) sure massive number of those are cowards who run when faced with propper oppostion, but frankly I can't recall a single time when the alliance was outnumbered by the horde.

Don't get me wrong, the Alliance outnumbers the Horde on Moonrunner, though it's much closer to parity than on some servers. I've noticed, however, Hordies (as a rule) tend to be more aggresive and organized than the Alliance, which makes a qualitative difference.
it's more organizined on Draenor too, but the Alliance is far more aggressive (if turn on the World Defence channel on you'll get numerous attacks on Durotar or the Barrens, but similar locations on the Alliance are quite safe (and Draenor is PvE realm)basically they raid low lvl horde zones with lvl 60s with epic gear (and 20 allies at XR is isn't uncommon))

Posted: 2006-01-08 10:17pm
by GuppyShark
Man, some of the earliest PVP I saw on the game's release was Shamans in Westfall using a chain lightning exploit to flag and gank newbies.

The Horde are no different, they just have better racials and a lower population with the corresponding advantages and disadvantages.

Posted: 2006-01-08 11:00pm
by Uraniun235
This thread reminded me of a story I once found at the SA forums.
KinkyJohn wrote:
Poor foresight by devs is what allowed me to almost single handedly destroy an ultima online shard about a year ago.

I didn't know much about uo at the time, so I read a lot of guides on uo stratics and asked some questions on SA, only to find that the shard was customized a shitload and very little of what I read was actually useful. They seemed to be a dry humorless community which would all congregate in one irc channel and have circlejerks around the devs and "Aeros" their leader.

The shard has very strict rules about not swearing, stealing, pking, macroing in the bank, etc. Luckily you're allowed to make as many accounts as you'd like, as long as you have a few extra email accounts.

So everybody was happy in their monotonous, macro macro macro spar spar spar all day long world. until...

Phase One: Learning the ropes
I make my first character, which is of course a thief. My first day I find out that you can't steal. period. it gives you some message about it not being allowed. bummer. On my second day I see some guy with nice armor idle in the outskirts of britain. I hide nearby and wait... he's not moving for a while, so I wander over to the nearby "zoo" that the devs built which is full of nasty creatures. I open the gate and let them follow me like the pied piper towards my hapless victim. I hide or die when I get to him (can't remember which one), and let them tear into the guy. So after all that, I open up his soggy corpse and pick up all the nice shiny stuff.

But. As I try to haul my booty to safety, I learn that the game takes the weight of your backpack into consideration, and I can't carry all that much, being a new character and all. So I'm walking a few steps, resting, walking, throwing a piece of armor on the ground to make the burden lighter. After a few minutes the guy comes back to his naked corpse with a trail of armor and various objects leading away from the crimescene towards me. I greet him with a hearty "hello", but he seems to be filled with hot hot rage. I drop the load and after 20 minutes of playing hide-and-seek with him, I finally give him the slip, all while he's screaming bloody murder. So I log out and make a new character, and go join him and the GM he summoned. We have a good ol talk about those pesky thieves, and I tell them I hope they catch that hooligan before he strikes again.

Phase Two: Taming the wild
The new character I randomly picked turned out to be a ranger which has the ability to tame animals and rename them (the names are then displayed proudly above their heads). So I come across a bunny rabbit, tame it, and set it free, at which point another one spawns, leaving TWO BUNNIES. So I quickly amass an army of multiplying rabbits all named SEX (imagine a hoard of rabbits with the word SEX spammed above them), and lead them into town where I set them free.

I'm getting the hang of this Ranger business, so I go tame everything I see and park them all over the streets of britain. They're all named appropriately of course, using random swearwords and intricate messages of beastiality. I make sure to place stray dogs in busy streets advertising my vendor's goods above their heads. I also put two canaries in the room where newbies first log into the game, named IwillEatYourSoul and WelcomeToHell. The bank in britain is quite the busy place where many people like to hang out and talk about their armor, so the next day I find a pack of zombies which hit really hard, and lead them all the way into the bank, where chaos errupted while I kept running around yelling "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE". I did this a few times until I got banned by Aeros the man himself, but my Ranger legacy lives on, where you will still find "Cunt" the cat or "LegFucker" the dog wandering the alleyways of britain.

Phase Three: Massacre in the sparring grounds
I tried a Paladin next, and noticed that the devs thought it would be a good idea to give each class a special item that they can find in random loot, and only their class can use. It turns out that the paladin can use crystal balls to trap monsters inside and then set them free at will. So I went and bought up all the market's crystall balls (which was cheap at the time since everybody thought they were pretty mediocre items), and then proceeded to capture a collection of the highest level, highest loot monsters. I set them free inside the vesper graveyard, where they would be trapped behind the fence. It was also convenient that the paladin had a special spell where you can "turn" any monster against another, so I would set a bunch free and then have them kill eachother, finish off the last one myself and then pick up the phat loots.

This went on for some time until I was caught during the act by a GM/developer, and sent to prison for a week. I escaped minutes after I got locked up by using the new runebooks the devs decided to implement recently, and wandered the streets a free man until I got "set free" a week later.

The leveling system of this shard was steep and it took a damn long time to level, so a lot of people were constantly in the sparring area doing their macros. To me this was a little sad, because everybody were just letting their macro programs play the game for them while they watched the numbers slowly tick by. The sparring area was in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by fencing - only way in and out is through a portal in the corner. It was a fun place to use the paladin spell and make people "accidentally" kill eachother and also let people's horses attack random people until either one dies. But one busy sparring night I decided to stir things up a bit. I ported in, dropped the game's most viscious dragon on the ground which started its timer for it to be set free, then ported back and logged out.

Porting back in with a different character, I witnessed a scene of hilarity and bloodshed as people were running around the corpse-ridden grass trying to get away from the big-ass dragon which was just dropping people left right and center. After joining the slew of corpses on the ground, I stayed for the ensuing drama bomb as all the GMs and devs locked everybody inside and started asking questions, demanding that the person who is responsible come forth, otherwise nobody gets to leave, and if you leave you're a suspect. A lot of people, including one or two GM's characters, lost all their armor and everything they had on them. The devs nerfed the paladin's crystal ball into oblivion and rebuilt the sparring area to be "safer". I was quick enough when I planted the dragon not to be noticed, and to this day nobody on the shard knows who did it.

Phase Four: Magical thievery
After getting bored of the paladin, I decided to try out my old thief character again. And look what those crazy developers came up with for the class' special item: a magical robe that disguises the thief as any other person you use it on. So once again I stocked up on this item for cheap, since people selling it saw it as only a useless gimmicky item. After a while I figured out an exploit in this badly thought out system. The robe worked like this: you use the item on somebody, and you then look exactly as they do - player name and all. After a minute or so the effect gets reversed, and all the "phantom" items on you disappears. It requires a hefty amount of dexterity to use, so I put hundreds of dexterity potions and robes in a random chest in town, logged in with a new character, drink the potion then use the robe on somebody sporting nice armor/weapons, then go put it all in a chest after which I logged out and deleted the character. I found a way to dupe anything in the game being worn by anybody else, but the duped armor, although looking the same, had very low stats.

As it were, the best armor in the game was crafted, and the game had an intricate system of rare ore required to make the armor. To make people better understand the different ores and armor, the devs had implemented a nice display area in town, where npc "models" were sporting the goods. I then duped the npcs, dropped the armor off for a crafter friend who then smelted it for the precious ore, then began to gradually destroy the entire economy by flooding the place with whatever rare ore/armor/epic item the devs could throw at the game. I would leave exceptionally rare items and expensive armor everywhere in chests around cities for people to find, until the shard finally showed that it was about to die and then I stopped playing. Also, capturing all the vendors inside paladin crystal balls, effectively destroying all the items for sale, didn't help the economy much either.

Posted: 2006-01-08 11:14pm
by Soontir C'boath
Uraniun235 wrote:This thread reminded me of a story I once found at the SA forums. *snip*
That's fucking hiliarous especially with him releasing the dragon and the animals' names. :lol:

Posted: 2006-01-09 12:25am
by Uraniun235
I loved the bit where he lead the zombies into the bank.

Posted: 2006-01-09 03:27am
by Alan Bolte
Something similar might be possible in WoW, I'm not sure. If I could just find a way to kite the invincible mobs in the Blasted Lands to Stormwind...

Posted: 2006-01-09 07:42am
by Ghost Rider
Alan Bolte wrote:Something similar might be possible in WoW, I'm not sure. If I could just find a way to kite the invincible mobs in the Blasted Lands to Stormwind...
I've seen the invincibles from the Blasted Lands there, but the problem is while fun, they are stretches where there are not enough NPC to keep it there, and people do stop and wait, and then go on.

Some Horde have done it before, and really the best was a roaming boss in Stormwind or Orgimmar, since a bunch of random sixties would charge and try to kill it, and it would take over the city for about two-three hours....then a GM would zap it away and no one would care.