Amusing WoW face swap bug
Posted: 2006-01-09 01:03pm
There's a whole range of hilarious WoW bugs that occur when a character fades out of drawing range and is then reloaded later (a common one is a character's arms are stuck in a casting animation, but otherwise moves normally). Here is one of the more unusual ones....
This happened during a Dire Maul tribute run with some friends. We lost the key to open the final doors because of a weird bug. He hearthed back to Ironforge to collect a skeleton key for the door, and was summoned back. However upon his return I was amazed to find that my character's face was mapped onto his! He still had his own eyes and eyelids however. You can see my night elf druid in the background of the first image. It's happened a couple of times before, but was always another character's face mapped onto mine.
This happened during a Dire Maul tribute run with some friends. We lost the key to open the final doors because of a weird bug. He hearthed back to Ironforge to collect a skeleton key for the door, and was summoned back. However upon his return I was amazed to find that my character's face was mapped onto his! He still had his own eyes and eyelids however. You can see my night elf druid in the background of the first image. It's happened a couple of times before, but was always another character's face mapped onto mine.