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The Battle for Middle Earth {help}

Posted: 2006-01-18 04:11am
by Stuart Mackey
I have this game.
I play on medium difficulty.
I cannot get past Helms Deep.
Its too damn difficult, for no matter what tactic I try, I still lose.
Any hints or cheats that are plausible {a reasonable numbers limit would be nice}?
I havent found anything remotly usefull on the internet, despite umpteen hours of trying.

Any suggestions welcome.

Posted: 2006-01-18 08:37am
by Vympel
I can't imagine why you're having difficulty, what's causing you to lose exactly? I finished it ages ago, but as I recall, all I did was build a hell of a lot of Elven Archers for the walls, put them with Legolas, and kept Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir (you did save Boromir, right?) at the gate to stop Uruk-Hai from trying to batter them down. Then it was just a matter of waiting for Eomer to show up. By the time you're at Helm's Deep, you should have Eomer equipped with nothing but the two types of Rohan cavalry, fully upgraded and levelled up as far as the progression so far allows.

Posted: 2006-01-18 09:32am
by Trogdor
Vympel's pretty much got it. Archers, and lots of them, with flaming arrows are the answer.

You have to watch very carefully for the orcs carrying that bomb that will blow up the walls, because if you lose the walls, you pretty much lose the level.

Posted: 2006-01-18 09:43am
by El Moose Monstero
Of course, he could be fighting on the Orc side trying to get in, but the tactics were for the most part similar relying on archers to clear off the walls quickly so you could get some ladders up and some bombs in. Can't remember what happened after you'd breached the perimeter, but I think lots of pikemen to clear any cavalry that runs down stairs and slowly advance towards the golden hall.

Wargs also came in handy for clearing off the walls on the interior I think. Can't remember much else. I seem to recall getting stuck as the good side on a level prior to Helms Deep but stomping through as the dark side in no time.

Posted: 2006-01-19 01:01am
by Civil War Man
Trogdor wrote:Vympel's pretty much got it. Archers, and lots of them, with flaming arrows are the answer.

You have to watch very carefully for the orcs carrying that bomb that will blow up the walls, because if you lose the walls, you pretty much lose the level.
Not necessarily. I've always lost the walls, but have never lost the level. Of course, by the time the walls explode, I basically have already pulled all of my units back to the keep. So it's basically a metric shit-ton of archers + Legolas sitting on the walls shooting any Uruks that try to go up the ramp, the other heros sitting at the door waiting to kill any that make it through, a farm and archery range sitting behind them, and a few Uruk ballistas that almost manage to kill off an archer batallion by the time a) another archer batallion's created, or b) Heal is ready to be cast again. Then Eomer shows up and the map gets cleared pretty quick.

Posted: 2006-01-19 03:47am
by Nephtys
Mass up a huge roving force early, with Theodin's army, and clean the fields from each small wave. When the main invasion comes, fall back to the walls and stay the hell away from that grate. Use a team of all your heroes as a roving force to keep enemies away from the archers and to destroy groups of them... when the wall goes down, just run for the keep and hole up until Gandalf arrives. Easy as that.

Posted: 2006-01-20 07:47pm
by Stuart Mackey
Thank you. A couple of new Ideas. If I fail now I shall kill you all in retaliation. :P :)