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Godamn this got me hooked

Posted: 2006-01-20 01:23pm
by Faram

Picked it up in the bargian bin for ~10 us dollars and so far it is utterly addactive, I am so hooked.

Anyone that likes RTS and RPG games shold get it, like NOW! :D

Posted: 2006-01-20 03:30pm
by Acidburns
I've been thinking about getting it for a while, but never did. Hmm, I'll check it out.

Posted: 2006-01-20 09:14pm
by Tasoth
I'll have to check it out. I did this once with the first disciples game. I immediately tracked down and bought the rest of them.

Posted: 2006-01-20 09:54pm
by Stark
It looks cool, but I doubt there's a single copy in Australia. :(

Posted: 2006-01-20 10:24pm
by weemadando
Actually, check any EB, its been on the bargain shelves/in the bargain bin for a while now.

Posted: 2006-01-20 10:29pm
by Stark
Really? I've been in EB a bit lately (what with the Guild Wars fiasco) and haven't seen it. I guess I'll have to trawl through the bins full of Homeworld and Capitalism 2?