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2nd Dawn of War expansion announced
Posted: 2006-01-30 02:45pm
by Shinova
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TWO new races. One of them confirmed to be Tau. The other yet unannounced.
But I'm betting that it'll probably be Necrons.
Posted: 2006-01-30 02:58pm
by thecreech
Rock i wanted the tau to be one and your probably right the other will be the necrons but i would rather have the nids
Posted: 2006-01-30 03:07pm
by XaLEv
I hope the Tau get Gue'vesa. Be nifty, if not terribly useful.
Posted: 2006-01-30 03:11pm
by Companion Cube
That's unbelievable; how are they going to balance seven races?

Posted: 2006-01-30 03:19pm
by Stark
Will it be implemented as a complete new executable, and will it be possible to use the new races without using the new - probably broken - ruleset?
Call me nuts, but balance isn't really desirable in an RTS - you'd get WWI. So long as the points you pay aren't too high or low, and no group gets shafted on antitank or whatever weapon, it'll work fine. Hence the retarded 'IG only get lascannon Sentinels, even though Sentinels can't use lascannons, because the IG need mobile AT and we're too lame to implement the IG-standard HW trailer-thingy' decision.
Posted: 2006-01-30 03:54pm
by SirNitram
F'ing SWEET! The Tau should be there.
Chaos, Marine, Guard, Eldar, Ork, Tau... And who?
Necron's are a very 'bland' army as they are centred around the horde of Necron Warriors, with almost no upgrades.
Tyranids are a clear choice, going Zerg style in the RTS format.
Inquisition(And their attached Orders Militant)?[/list]
Posted: 2006-01-30 03:57pm
by Stark
Tyranids would be cool... although I'd hope they wouldn't take the Tyrants/Zoanthropes = vehicles thing too far.
Posted: 2006-01-30 04:13pm
by taz
SirNitram wrote:
Tyranids are a clear choice, going Zerg style in the RTS format.
Cue the stupid Starcraft fanboys.
Tau are good, since every RTS game needs communists.
Tyranids could be very good, but need to be implemented right, or they will suck.
Posted: 2006-01-30 04:23pm
by XaLEv
Stark wrote:...even though Sentinels can't use lascannons...
Yes they can.

Posted: 2006-01-30 04:36pm
by Lancer
Hehe, I can see it now. Tau Railhead spam, on the same level of cheapness as Eldar Fire Prism spam or Space Marine Terminator/Dreadnought deep-strikes.
Posted: 2006-01-30 04:37pm
by Stark
XaLEv wrote:Stark wrote:...even though Sentinels can't use lascannons...
Yes they can.
I've only seen the IG codex, and it doesn't have rules for wacky 'pattern' Sentinels, just regular heavy flamer ones. So sue me! :p
Posted: 2006-01-30 04:45pm
by Captain Cyran
Considering the appearance of the Necron at the end of Winter Assault I'm gonna put my vote in with the Necron as well.
And this will make my wish of having a single player where you can just play through as one faction (and one for each faction of course) almost impossible.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:07pm
by XaLEv
Stark wrote: I've only seen the IG codex, and it doesn't have rules for wacky 'pattern' Sentinels, just regular heavy flamer ones. So sue me! :p
And the IG codex is where I got that.
Anyway, I recall seeing something about a small mod that makes the Necrons in WA playable, like the one done for the IG in DoW. Anyone know anything about that?
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:12pm
by thecreech
I know this will never happen but i would also like to see special characters also. I.E like Dante for the blood angels maybe one of the phoenix lords for the eldar and such.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:13pm
by SirNitram
XaLEv wrote:Stark wrote: I've only seen the IG codex, and it doesn't have rules for wacky 'pattern' Sentinels, just regular heavy flamer ones. So sue me! :p
And the IG codex is where I got that.
Anyway, I recall seeing something about a small mod that makes the Necrons in WA playable, like the one done for the IG in DoW. Anyone know anything about that?
only enables the two Necron units found in the DoW:WA campaign. Slow moving Monoliths and slower moving Necron warriors. The Monoliths can't spawn warriors.
A larger, full Necron mod is in the works. Here's their site.
Eclipse Of Existance. Hoping they finish this. Looks good.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:15pm
by InnocentBystander
SirNitram wrote:Inquisition(And their attached Orders Militant)?
Exterminatus, that's a good way to end a stalemate

Posted: 2006-01-30 05:16pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Hm. On one hand, two new races, yay!
On the other... the balance and mechanics took a damned nose-dive with WA to the point where my friends and I prefer playing matches in the original sans new units just for the balance.
If they're doing new units for each race a la WA, here are my picks:
Marines: Command/veteran squads.
Guard: Heavy weapon squads.
Chaos: Bloodletters!
Da Boyz: Needz sum FLASHGITZ! Or Kommandoz.
Eldar: Striking Scorpions.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:30pm
by thecreech
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:
If they're doing new units for each race a la WA, here are my picks:
Marines: Command/veteran squads.
Guard: Heavy weapon squads.
Chaos: Bloodletters!
Da Boyz: Needz sum FLASHGITZ! Or Kommandoz.
Eldar: Striking Scorpions.
I would rather have Swooping hawks instead of striking scorpions...
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:36pm
by Vanas
Woo, Tau. Should work nicely with my strategy of standing a long way away and watching orks make a large pile. Plus, Marathon Symbols up the wazooh. It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
As a random aside, Necrons always remind me of Mars Attacks Martians. I can just see them advancing very slowly, bellowing "ACK! ACK ACK! <Do not run, we are your friends>"
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:41pm
by SirNitram
If they add more units, I hope to God the Land Raider is no longer the SM 'Super Unit'. It completely runs contrary to it's position in their structure, and it's a crappy one as well when compared with the 13 barreled monstrosity of the Baneblade. However, for a normal unit addition, bikes would rule.
I'm all for Striking Scorpions or Swooping Eagles; both are strong Aspect Warriors. But I would vastly prefer Wraithguard. They fufil an important role which the Eldar hurts in.
Chaos needs either Bloodletters or Flesh Hounds. I'd like to see more units than just Khornate ones, but I doubt they'll do that much work. A Chaos Dread, if they can work in it's unpredictable nature, would be amusing but unlikely to go well.
Orkz need Cyborkz! Though Flash Gitz would be fun.
IG needs heavy weapons teams, but I'd also settle for one of the Leman Russ variants. As Steel Legion's mod puts it: From the Dark Age of Technology... Executioner Plasma Tank, Ready To Deploy.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:50pm
by Duken
Vanas wrote:I can just see them advancing very slowly, bellowing "ACK! ACK ACK! <Do not run, we are your friends>"

Thanks for that I needed it.
While the 'nids would be cooler to play it'll probably be the Necrons (unless GW brings back the Squats

Addition Hopes:
SM: Terminator and Jump-Pack Upgrades for the commanders. Attach command works only with squad of the same type
Ork: A TT Kan?
Chaos: Real devotion system.
Eldar: Dunno
IG: Heavy Weapon Squads.
Actual Balance and Bugfixes. And maybe the patch that was 'possed to be out months ago.
VDR would own but like that would happen.
Posted: 2006-01-30 05:54pm
by thecreech
SirNitram wrote:I'm all for Striking Scorpions or Swooping Eagles; both are strong Aspect Warriors. But I would vastly prefer Wraithguard. They fufil an important role which the Eldar hurts in.
mmm i am going to have to agree with you there i would prefere wraithguard also. I forgot about them... for shame
Posted: 2006-01-30 06:01pm
by Uraniun235
Oh, goodie, the Tau...
I was hoping for Tyranids and Necrons, myself.
Posted: 2006-01-30 06:08pm
by Lord Revan
I'd like them to add some difference between the factions of main "races".
Posted: 2006-01-30 06:46pm
by weemadando
I'd love to see 'Nids, buts it gotta be Necrons. Or - they are going to be SUPERCHEAP! and make Kroot and Tau two seperate factions.