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Monster Rancher 4 fun. :)
Posted: 2006-02-02 06:12pm
by Enigma
Ever since the game series was mentioned here my interest has been piqued. I bought the first game but didn't use it but I got MR4 and I've played quite a bit on it. I like it!
The game runs in a similar line as the first Digimon game but with some changes to it.
Since I am playing MR4 I am not bothering with the first game.
Posted: 2006-02-02 06:16pm
by Akhlut
I like the first one a lot. The graphics look far worse, but I like it because of the "job-system" of raising skills and getting cash. Also, I forgot how I managed it, precisely, but I somehow have $2 million in the first. And a shitload of totally awesome monsters. The second was also okay, very similar to the first, but with a few extra monsters. Haven't played the third. I do like the fourth, except for the method of getting new attacks for one's monsters.
In the first and second, if you sent your monster off to a month-long training session, he had a chance of getting new skills. In four, you have to find those damn jewel pieces every month AND the damn trainer. AND you can only hold one jewel piece at a time. Seriously, what the fuck. So, I never have a monster with more than 4 attacks, which pisses me off, since in 1 and 2, I had monsters with around a dozen attacks.