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Verizon's Network Sucks.

Posted: 2006-02-09 01:03am
by Exonerate ... 86/1981442

62% packet loss. SIXTY-TWO PERCENT. Jesus fucking Christ, carrier pigeons are more reliable than that, Verizon SUCKS. I've been wondering why my connection has been so shitty lately, but this is beyond all expectations. If Verizon doesn't get this fixed soon, I am going to try and find another ISP.

Posted: 2006-02-09 01:51am
by InnocentBystander
Just as an aside, my friend's router was causing similar issues. One day it just up and started getting huge amounts of packetloss, so we took the other router (was being used as a repeater), hooked it up, problem went away. Can't say as I know why it happened, but if you're behind a router, make sure that isn't the issue, as it appears it could be under some circumstances (Note that we were using this really cheap AT&T Super-G router, it's been flaky in the past so this really didn't surprise anyone).

Posted: 2006-02-09 02:10am
by Faram
This is HOS venting stuff.