OWNAGE Gaming moments -- 2006.

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OWNAGE Gaming moments -- 2006.

Post by Medic »

A little over a year ago I posted this thread.

Basically, I don't wanna necro it but like venting, I think this is something that's a living thread -- the ownage just doesn't stop after one thread, people keep on gaming and I'm sure the rest of you on SDN can contribute some great stuff.

At the very least, last time I posted that, I'd not yet played the Call of Duty franchise and oh boy do I have stories...

Call of Duty: UO

Brecourt -- on the back side of the woods by sneaking around the head-on idiocy of the open field mayhem. I notice that 1) I'm not noticed by 4 people in the machine gun nest and that 2) I'm w/in satchel range. I cook off, move closer, throw and duck. Kill += 4.
I move through the bunker and pick off a guy on the other side w/ my bolt actoin rifle. 6.
When I'm in the middle, a Thompson freak jumps in my face, I dance left and right, pick up the Thompson of my previous victim and and kill this guy. 7.
On the other side of the bunker, I encounter 2 guys, one I kill w/ SMG spray (8 now) the other, T-Bag, I beat down in a frenzied duel to the death when we both had little ammo. 9. Finally, I jumped out of the trenches and smacked one last guy in the back of the head before a shitton of allies noticed I'd just shollacked 10 of their guys in no time.

Oh yeah, looking at the pic of the last kill, I'm reminded why I beat down the last guy: I was out of Mauser ammo and that Thompson I grabbed didn't have more than 2 magazines either.

Also a long time ago back in Korea, I remember it was Rhinevalley CTF. I was on the American side-slope as a German sniper. The round was ending so I decided to take a long-range potshot at some jeep driver -- and nailed him in the head! That fucker moves fast! Apparently a german ally who had very recently died also saw it through my eyes. 8) :twisted:

Another uber-ownage moment in Korea: Hurtgen forest. Headquarters. Anyway, the bunker with the machine gun that looks at an opposing ridge, with the bridge to the right from the MGer's perspective. I'm roughly to the side of this bunker, but on the same hill as it. Anyone who's played this map knows that players just LOVE to jump off the high cliff behind that bunker to relative cover. THey only expose themselves for a bried instance before letting gravity take them to safety. Well, one crackerjack tried this shit and I popped off his head while he was in midair. I'm sure he was screaming "OMG! TEH AIMBOT!" :twisted:

More recently, on Rhinevalley again, I was having a field day with the jeeps. It was a bad game of CTF to be sure, my team sucked like balls and the germans were nabbing our flag left and right. On what woulda been their 6th such smash and grab operation, I watched in dismay as a 3rd party called in arty on our flag, as a 2nd jeep threw smoke all over the place and as they drove in, took the flag and drove off. Too fast for me to get a good shot. So I climbed the hill, saw that they were about to move out of my LOS, took aim... and hit the flag holder at his MG spot! The driver, no doubt incredulous, lost composure and instead of turning around JUMPED OUT OF THE JEEP. That was HIS only mistake. :twisted:

I then very casually ran the distance and recovered the flag. A lost game but my skill with the scope wasn't lost on those 2.

Outside of those brief instances of 1337ness, it's just a lot of 1-3 shots with a bolt-action, en masse, racking up the kill counts.

Oh, :banghead: duh. Brecourt. Recent. I'm going along with the stupid head-on idiocy of the open field rush in Brecourt. The allies of course, have at any given time, 6 snipers in the prone aiming down range. So I scan from right to left (so as to not give those to the left my silhoutte)

All snipers. All looking downfield, with scopes, at me. All dead. :twisted: :lol: :o

One of these days, I'm gonna record my exploits real-time to prove my accuracy with the bolt-action rifle. For now, screen shots of Post-Game will suffice. ^^

Finally, since I almost forgot this -- the pictures reminded me. Super Long Range Sniped a guy on Rhinevalley, piss him off, he also learns where he was shot from...
The riveting conclusion!

Some of my better games.

Jesus photobucket, resize that one enough?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Battlefield 2.

Not much to say, really. My friend and I hopped in a Strike Eagle on Clean Sweep and set the map on fire. Hell, the dedicated machine itself probably caught on fire, we were so hot. I was flying and my friend gunning and we left a wake of unmitigated destruction in our wake. Shot down only two or three times the entire round (it was a long round), always to ground AA, because even in the Strike Eagle, the worst dogfighter in the game, I was shooting down Flankers and Fulcrums left and right while my gunner pounded ground targets. It was glorious.
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Post by Arrow »

Hehe, I haven't had any good ownage moments lately. In BF2, everytime I start to put together a good kill streak, a teammate invariably blows my head off. Although one of my best ownage moments was a while ago, as the Americans on Wake Island, where I was playing support with the MG36. The Chinese had us pinned to the North Base, and there was no way they were going to let us win, and they were just slaughtering us. So two other guys and I have had enough of getting spawn killed, and we start pushing. I started charging toward the airfield, and amazing, after I had cleared out the squad sitting on the top the hill just south of North Base, I saw two squads of friendlies following. And those squads had AT and SpecOps, and did they ever rip the Chinese armor a new asshole when they got to my position. Meanwhile, one of the other two vet players on the server leads a charge to North Village, and takes it; IIRC, it was defended by a tank and at least one squad. And the other vet player manages to solo cap the South Village with the Blackhawk - he got lucky, because the Chinese owned the skies.

So, with the Chinese armor destroyed, and with three of the five CPs under our control, the my group heads to the airfield, with me on point. Just as we get there, the airfield tank respawns, and charges at us. We scatter - myself and a few others went over the south cliff and up the beach to the airfield, while others when over the north cliff and moved around to hit the airfield from the aircraft spawn point. A couple of our AT guys stayed to play hide-and-seek with the tank, and the tank won (he was shortly destroyed by our tank coming from North Village, though). So with the tank preoccupied, we assault the airfield CP. My MG36 mowed down most of a squad, while the other guys that went up the beach with me started to take the CP and secure the area. This, over course, pissed off the Chinese waiting by the aircraft spawn, and the open fire on us. Its a long range fight, and each only took a few losses, and the medics quickly revived those losses. However, our little fire fight kept the Chinese from noticing the our other group coming up from north cliff - who proceded to wipe the Chinese off the map.

While our fight for the airfield was going on, a group of our troops had spawned at the South Village, and they moved to take the Beach, which the captured in quick order (around the time we took the airfield).

So, a battle that we would have lost, had not three veteran players decided to take it to the enemy, turned out to be a very close victory, shocking the Chinese team, who could only watch in horror has their last hundred ticks click off the scoreboard. The final score was about 5-0, USMC. It was one hell of a fight.

Also, I use to kick some serious ass in COD:UO, but I tend to nothing more than target pratice in COD2....
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Post by wautd »

Eve online

The fight in SNFV-I

The war against Stain Alliance, Huzzah Federation and KAOS Empire was at its height. Systems in the east were already fallen to enemy hands and the long, bloody siege of FAT-6P has started (our main base in the Catch region and the last line of defence to our home Querious region). With this background I decided to join a frigate raid in occupied territory.

Our gang started with around 12 guys in a mix of frigates, interceptors and assault frigates and went up north to the HED-GP pipe.
The first kill came pretty soon when we arrived in X4. The lonely Vexor never had a chance

Going further up in the HED pipe, targets were spotted but they kept eluding our gang. In HED we saw our friend from X4 back, this time in a Celestis cruiser

Upon arrival in HED, we went back down south and killed a Vengeance assault frigate, Vagabond heavy assault cruiser, a Rupture cruiser and a Maledicton interceptor at the loss of 2 ships of our own. Happy with the kill of an expensive Vagabond, we decided to go the direction of the V2-VC2 system which the enemy used as a bridgehead to invade our territory. A system at the doorstep of V2 was named SNFV-I and it was there were I had one of my most fun fights ever.

We jumped in SNFV-I and see an Armageddon battleship 15km of the stargate. The gangleader shouted on Teamspeak to engage and so we did. The Armageddon was quickly swarmed and warpscrambled. His big guns had much difficulty of hitting our fast, small and agile ships at point blank range and slowly slowly he was going down. When we got his armor down to 50% suddenly a second Armageddon warps in at medium range. "Oh shit, don't panick, lets kill them all or die trying" and our leader ordered an interceptor to start scrambing the 2nd Armageddon while we kept pounding on the first. A bit later a rare Gila faction cruiser jumps in, but he turns back direction V2, probably getting some more friends.

There goes one of our guys again. "Keep it up guys, the first Geddon is down to structure. Warp out when you're taking damage and warp back in for another run". Eventually, the first Geddon got destroyed and we all jumped on the 2nd one.

This guy had even a stronger tank but slowly he was going down. Oh crap, he released drones and I got 2 of them on my six. I push my afterburner to full trottle to outrun them, which works fairly good.

Fuck, shield collapsed.
*Bam* *Bam*
Argh, armor nearly down, Repair dammit. Fuck repair drained power off the afterburner, there are those drones again. WARP! WARP! no power? Argh I'm dead. No... wait... PHEW managed to warp away with barely enough power left. Repairing myself somewhere safe, I hear trough teamspeak his armor is nearly down when local is filling up with hostiles. Uhoh, there comes the cavalry. Lets hurry on this Geddon. I warp back in to the fight and we just took down the 2nd Geddon when his reinforcements warp in with a Gila faction cruiser, Typhoon battleship, Cormorant destroyer, Thorax cruiser, Caracal missile cruiser, 2 rifter frigates and a kestrel missile frigate. Outnumbered and outgunned but with good spirit and leadership we decided to stick to the fight.

Looking at the way they warped in, the enemy seemed to lack coordination, something we were glad to exploit. The rare Gila found himself cut off from his main gang so we made best speed to him and killed him. The destroyer was the biggest direct treath so we went in their gang and took him out first. Then the Caracal and then we split up to take down the 3 frigates: 123

Left were only the Thorax and the Typhoon. The phoon got scrambled while the survivers of our gang started pounding on the Thorax. The Thorax locks me, starts draining my power and sends his fast drones at me. To make things worse, I fly myself stuck at the gate so I'm a complete sitting duck. My ship blows up but I manage to get to a safespot in my pod. The rest of our gang managed to get the Thorax to 50% hull but losses were to high and the survivers had to retreat. With a handfull of surviving ships and the rest in pods, we went back to FAT, happy we inflicted millions worth of damage upon our enemies at the loss of relatively cheap ships on our side

ps. off all those kills, we didn't let much pods escape either :twisted: )
Last edited by wautd on 2006-02-19 12:00pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alferd Packer »

R:TW vanilla, just a few minutes ago.

I'm playing a Macedonian game, and after taking Greece for my own, I ship an army off to Italy. I crush the Brutii, take Sicily, and now I have my sights set on Capua. I lay siege and ohshit there's a full stack Scipii army plus the Senate's army and I don't have the high ground. Numbers? 4500 versus 2200.

Needless to say, I get outflanked to the left almost immediately by the Senate and some Scipii. The only reason I wasn't swallowed entirely was my repeated light lancer charges. Three or so charges seemed to make a given unit rout. Anyway, I get them off my left flank and manage to get my lancers on the Senate's flank.

All the while my pikemen are receiving charge after charge of principes and triarii courtest the Senate. My general keeps everyone from routing, and I actually manage to kill a couple generals (or rather, they manage to run themselves into my pikes).

I start spamming light lancer charges, attempting to get the Senate's superior troops to rout. Bit by bit, it starts working. My lancers are taking heavy losses, but to their credit, they're not routing. All the while my pikemen are in the meatgrinder. Both sides are whittling down the other, but the Scipii have inferior troops and the repeated charges quickly exhaust them.

Finally, I get a general rout. It takes me almost six minutes to kill off all the fleeing troops, but I annihilate every single man with my light lancers and general. Out of 2200 men, I have 1600 live to see the next turn. Their survivors? Zero. Capua was mine that turn.

Gah, I'm a putz. I should've taken a screenshot! Oh well, maybe I'll try to replicate the battle and see if I can win it again.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

World of Warcraft: a human Paladin at lvl 60 is riding towards me (~lvl 35 shaman, at the time), clearly about to take me down. I click on him to get his name, and spot an incredible number of buffs on this guy. He must've spent an hour collecting buffs for his character, only to gank a comparative lowbie (what a lamer). So I quickly get out of travel form and while he's riding towards me I spam Purges on him. I got five or six of them off before he killed me, then let my guildies know where he was. I would've loved to see the look on his face when he figured out what I had done.

Super Smash Bros.: Beating my brother when I was at handicap level 1 and he was at handicap 9 in a stock 5 match (though, with items). At one point he could've easily finished me with a green shell, but I reflected it just in time, and later came back to win!
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Post by Embracer Of Darkness »

I have two good stories from a round of Battlefield 2 yesterday, in which I was playing as a U.S.M.C. sniper on Mashtuur City: -

1.) When I connected to the server, the game was already at its peak from what I could tell from the ticket numbers and the rate at which ours were falling. I spawned, and much to my horror, I found myself facing a squad of four M.E.C. troops weilding my slow-reloading M95, and they were closing fast.

I dashed toward them, and hit a hard right as soon as I saw a building that would offer me refuge with a wall on either side of me, and I immediately dropped a claymore behind the shadow of the wall and tossed out a grenade hoping that I would take out the whole squad. I saw the lead member of their squad run by and a "shit!" escaped my lips, I thought my plan had failed, and so I decided to pull my pistol and take a run for him.

I got into a firefight with him, pistol vs. assault rifle, and I decided to jump about to make myself a harder target (but only because he was doing the same.) It was then that I heard the grenade I threw go off, and two kills registered on my screen, at which point I felt inspired to try my luck and throw another since I was dead anyway. Boom, I heard my claymore go off, and got another kill, but I was still in this twisted bunny-hopping duel with their squad leader... At which point the second grenade I threw went off in his face, and I was bombarded in open chat with accusations of being a "nade-whore," a "bunny hopping fag," and using "hax." :roll:

2.) Later that very round, things were getting desperate for the M.E.C. team (a welcome change considering our earlier ass-raping) and the map dynamic was changing too fast for this lowly sniper to keep up with. Our team currently occupied most of the control points, and so I decided to type a quick "All your base are belong to U.S.M.C." taunt into the server chat, to provoke the opposition into trying harder.

I decided to make a run from the power plant (the back lines and previous battlezone) to the mosque (the current front lines.) I dived from the building I'd designated as my camp-site, hit my parachute, and made my way across the small river to the mosque. I made my way up the ladders (never the steps), and found myself nose-to-nose with newly-improved (more accurate thanks to the 1.2 patch) beast known as the PKM.

I thought I was doomed, both me and the support player had hit the dirt and were staring at eachother in total deadlock. I had my pistol out already, and so I decided "sod it" and took a shot. Much to my surprise, the shot landed squarely in his face, and since his health must've been low he was killed instantly. The M.E.C. had taken a couple of bases in the time it took me to travel from the power plant to the mosque, and so the guy I just killed decided to say "all your base are belong to who?" in chat, at which point he was told to shut up by a fellow squaddie since he just got, and I quote, "owned by a fag sniper with a fukin pistol."

While laughing my head off at the verbal echange in the real world, I headed toward the mosque in the virtual warzone. I wanted that flag, badly, but once I got there I noticed the PKM guy spawn right in front of me. He took aim, and I panicked, I tried to switch to a grenade (if he was going to kill me, I was going to take him with me) but unfortunately my knife came out instead. "Shit!!" I cried, loudly in real-life, and decided to take random swings with my knife... Shockingly, I stabbed him squarely in the face while bullets from his PKM flew all over the place and not damaging me one bit. His squad was, again, unimpressed. :)
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Post by White Haven »

Master of Ossus wrote:World of Warcraft: a human Paladin at lvl 60 is riding towards me (~lvl 35 shaman, at the time), clearly about to take me down. I click on him to get his name, and spot an incredible number of buffs on this guy. He must've spent an hour collecting buffs for his character, only to gank a comparative lowbie (what a lamer). So I quickly get out of travel form and while he's riding towards me I spam Purges on him. I got five or six of them off before he killed me, then let my guildies know where he was. I would've loved to see the look on his face when he figured out what I had done.

Super Smash Bros.: Beating my brother when I was at handicap level 1 and he was at handicap 9 in a stock 5 match (though, with items). At one point he could've easily finished me with a green shell, but I reflected it just in time, and later came back to win!

What, did you happen to have a mage sitting right near you kind enough to put Detect Magic on the guy?
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Post by Umbras »

there are mods out there that allow you to asses people of opposite faction and see thier buffs/items worn.

Im not a fan of that stuff as it ruins the PvP aspect.
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Post by Nephtys »

My favorite two moments in WoW...

Level 34 Druid, being chased in Stranglethorn Vale (AKA, Vietnam) by a 49 Undead Rogue. I had no chance, and he was on mount. I jump into the water, and the idiot pursues. I turn, and manage to root him once deep under water. He drowns a horrible death, and I shapeshift to a seal to laugh at him. :)

Level 57 druid. I was doing a holiday quest during X-Mas, when a level 40 tries to attack me foolishly. I turn, and laugh at the zero damage he's dealing me. I whip a snowball in his face, and he panics and starts to run. He jumps clear off the Alterac mountains, and falls to his death under my barrage of snowballs. :P
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Post by Simmon »

Are we talking multiplayer ownage or does uber pwnage of dumb AI's also count?
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Post by Vanas »

Battlefield 2: (I always play as medic, by the by)

So, we were on... Karkand? Unspecified Middle Eastern Country vs. US anyway.

Anyhow, an enemy sniper was busy dusting our men who were trying to take the rail crash flag. Naturally, being the medic, I decided to take out the problem at it's root. After a short swim and hide from a passing tank, I sneak up the tower and pull out the paddles, just as the poor guy turns because he was being shot at from below. *bzap*. Stealthy, like electric Ninja.

BattleFront 2:

I have an annoying habit of a) always playing as the sniper class and b) never sniping 'proper-like' on Battlefront case in point, Kashyyyk. As a Scout Trooper, I once again saw the oppertunity to disrupt enemy sniping. This time, by jumping onto a speeder bike, jetting across the edge of the map and sneaking up on them before sniping them from 3 feet. This was so easy the first time, that the second time, I just stuck down an auto-turret and picked off the survivors with a pistol. hehehe
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Post by Acidburns »

The amount of ownage my friend and I unleash when we get into a chopper in BF2 is unreal. Perhaps our two best games were both on Gulf of Oman.

First game, we were MEC, 64 player EA UK server. Got the chopper at the start, went the whole game without being shotdown. My friend was the gunner, he scored 116 pts IIRC. He's great with the underbelly cannon, but is really something else with the TV missle. I rarely have to use the pilot's unguided rockets, usually only needed when we're going to take two vehicles out in one pass. Against other choppers the TV missle does the job.

The other game was an hour long (60 minute timer, few thousand tickets) 32 player game at the local LAN centre. Co-pilot score: 225, mine, 122. My friend got killed in the cockpit once, but we were in a squad and he just respawned in-flight. We were downed once, in the last 8 seconds of the game :evil:
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Post by atg »

A looong time ago, playing AOE2, Arena Map, (the one with all the trees aroung the edges).

The friend I was playing against thought he was top stuff. I've waited and beat off his attack on my base, while my main army is using onagers(sp?) to destroy the trees behind his base where there are no walls. Set a couple of trebuchets to attack his main walls as a diversion.

Next thing he knows is 80+ cavalry and 20+ seige weapons are raising pure bloody havoc behind his lines, he lasted about 30secs :twisted:

Also paying my boss in Call of Duty 2, payed 8 games, won all of them.
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Post by Stormin »

Last night I (50 blademaster) and two guildies (50 bard and 50 druid) hit Caer Benowyc to try to kill some other small groups and we saw a group of high rr mids (some were RR10 even) buchering unorganised albs. We hit the mids from behind, forced them into the water and killed half of them before the other half got zerged by albs and the three of us got away.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Umbras wrote:there are mods out there that allow you to asses people of opposite faction and see thier buffs/items worn.

Im not a fan of that stuff as it ruins the PvP aspect.
I turn them off on my main. I hate gankers, though, with a passion.
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Post by Duckie »

Just a simple =Rome: Total War= moment.

Full-Stack Macedonia vs. Full-Stack Greece. Custom battle.

I bought all Royal Pikeman for my phalanxes, about 10 cohorts long and set to a 5 deep formation. Very little cav, and 4 units of Cretian Archers.

Facing me are shitloads of militia cav, light cavalry, and crappy phalangites. But in the middle are a triad of Spartan Hoplite units.

It was probably the biggest hoplite line I've ever seen, tons of Greeks in straight line marching slightly akilter towards me versus my 10 Royal Pikeman units arranged in a crescent formation (the rounded part facing outward). The ends of my lines were turned 45 degrees outward to prevent cavalry charges except to my vulernable rear, upon which I rested my hopes that my cavalry would chase them away.

The meeting of the line was rather anticlimactic. Greeks walked into my lines, pikes down, as my sides turned outwards to ward off cavalry and I slammed my little cav complements into their flanks.

Suddenly, I have an idea. Taking the rightward command unit (I split it into three), I focus two hoplite units on advancing past a single one at all costs. The enemy can't stand twice its number in pikes, and though I take many casualties they rout, leaving a hole in their lines. Moving to contain the breach in my own made by the offensive, I return the rightward unit to containing the lesser force of Greeks.

Now it's on. The left unit of Phalangites no longer has an enemy to fight. It slowly inches up through the hole left in the Greek lines, and then suddenly the trap is sprung and unit after unit is encircled. I pull one of the anti-cavalry units away now that my cavalry is off chasing militia cavalry away, and envelope the left side.

That's right, it's the infanterieblitzkrieg. Eventually as their backs and sides were attacked, the Greek Hoplites were forced to retreat and were slaughtered, until my 6 left-command units were encircling three Spartans.

The three Spartan cohorts fought like wildcats, but eventually all of them but maybe 10 were dead and they tried to flee, upon which my cavalry suddenly retreated from their militia cavalry and cut down fleeing hoplites in scores.

All during this, Cretian archers have been laying down suppressive fire on the remaining greek phalanxes on the right, which are about to crumble, but suddenly, as the militia cavalry that is now chasing my heavy cavalry return, 80 flaming arrows smash into unit after unit, routing unit after unit of horsemen singlehandedly.

Totally owned. Hardly fifty of the original full stack Greeks survived, most of them horsemen who I could not chase down and escaped from arrow range. Anyone on foot died by pike or by cavalry eventually.

=Hearts of Iron 2

Simple formula- Huge armor company + Barbarossa + Bad reactive AI = Encirclement of entire eastern front. 70 divisions encircled, hundreds more threatened by secondary attack.
Last edited by Duckie on 2006-02-19 07:06pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Praxis »

atg wrote: Also paying my boss in Call of Duty 2, payed 8 games, won all of them.
A smart person would have at least let the boss win the last game :P
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Post by Captain tycho »

Operation Flashpoint has give me the ability to utterly slaughter opposing players in Capture the Island when I'm a sniper.

Me and a few other AI teamates head out to capture this town, a beach to the south and wooded hills to the north. As We're sitting there capturing the flag, I hear the very bad sound of a BMP-2s chaingun opening up. All my AI teamates are dead within seconds. I managed to escape, so I climb into a three story aparment building with my trusty Barrett, and have a look around. I spot the BMP2 about 300 meters away to the west, along the road. It starts turning off the road and heading north, presenting me with an excellent shot (it was probably trying to avoid entering the city directly, since we had mined a bunch of other towns nearby). I empty a ten round mag of AP rounds as fast as possible, and all ten hit. No apparent damage asides from making the hull a bit swiss cheesed (although a few of the mounts might have been killed).

The crew notices this, turns around, and starts blasting at every building within sight. I narrowly escape certain death by retreating inside this apartment complex. After the BMP2 is satisfied (in this particular game mode kill notifications were turned off) it heads towards the town center. I reposition myself at a window facing the center of the city, and wait. The BMP parks itself by the capturable flag...and leaves its viewports facing me. Right now it was probably less than 30 meters away, and if it saw me I was fucked. I took careful aim and fired a single round through the commander's viewport, and vaguely make out a spatter of blood inside. I repeat this with the driver's viewport. As this is happening, the players in the rear of the BMP pile out, and all fall to my Barrett. It was very difficult handling the beastly recoil on that thing and getting off rapid fire shots, but somehow I did it and was presented with about 8 corpses, all players, judging from the yells of disgust over Ventrilo :twisted: .
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Post by Exonerate »

One game of NS... Basically, the Khaara had 3 hives up and it was almost over for the rines, so we rushed with an HA train + shotguns. Somehow we managed to take down a two fades and an onos, then proceeded to shoot the hive. Along the way I died, so I decided to rambo - headed towards the Sewer hive, and ninjaed a PG in. We sieged, and while that hive was being sieged, I ramboed off again, setting up another PG at the last hive. It was a great game, the marines somehow managed to come back from the brink of defeat.

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Post by Noble Ire »

Halo 2:

I was playing a Big Team Mutlibomb match on Containment (you know, the snow one). Anyways, there was only about a two minutes left, and we were down by one, so we decided to make one last dash for the enemy fortress. I grabbed the bomb and took the cliff route over the battlefield, with three escorts in tow; a sniper, rifleman, and a guy with a brute shot, while the rest of our team is holding off the other team's final assault at our gates. So we make it almost to the side tunnel next to their gates when a sniper on the walls picks off our own sniper, and the rest of us start running blindly. We make it to the overhang near the tunnel, where an enemy soldier is waiting. Our brute shot drives him out into the open and finishes him with a melee, but promptly gets picked off by the sniper.

My remaining escort and I make it saftely into the tunnel and were feeling pretty good; we've still got a minute left, and most of the other team is still occupied with the battle on the other side of the map. So were about to jump out into their base and sneak around to the bomb spot when all of a sudden I hear a rumble. A second later, as were exiting the tunnel, a tank rolls up right in front of us and bears his cannon directly unto us. He paused for a full second, just enough time for us to realize how fucked we were, then pulled the trigger. Needless to say, we lost.

Admittedly, this instance of ownage was on me, but I thought it was pretty awesome nonetheless. Kind of reminded me of the final scene in Glory.

Another moment, one I'm a bit more proud of, happened just yesterday. A Coagulation Neutral Bomb match; I hop into our Warthog's gunner seat and we set off for the center of the map early melee that always occurs on that game-type. In less than fifteen seconds, I killed an enemy Warthog, fully loaded, two guys on the ground, the enemy Banshee, and badly damaged their Ghost before finally going down.
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Post by HSRTG »

Battlefront II

Elite AI, 32/side, Tantive IV map, CTF to 15 points, No heroes, Empire vs Rebels.

Things are going fairly well, since I like to kill stuff and not run away so much I'm hanging back and not running the flag in. I get bored, and decide I want to go on a rampage, so I grab the flag from a teammate after the Rebels get into the flag room, and start running down the middle hallway. I was wanting a fight, and when I saw an AI trooper in front of me go down from laser fire from the right, I decided to turn that way. I wind up looking down the barrels of five regulars, three engineers, and a wookiee. All in different spots in the hallway, some kneeling, and everyone pointing guns at me.

Needless to say, I got fucked over by a hail of blaster fire. Didn't even get a shot or a grenade off to try and fight back.
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Post by Sharpshooter »

Space Empires IV Deluxe: small Galactic Edge, no warp points, 5 5000-point races, 200-ship limit.

It's something like round 900. Me (under the guise of the Galactic Empire with the se-emp race kit) and the Terrans have been slugging it out for almost three hundred turns now, and all other races have been destroyed or conquered. We're deadlocked - they've got a 4-1 system advantage over me, but the AI never utalized any Planet Utilization tech to improve world capacity and resource production. I've been able to block their entry into my systems with Baseship fleets and starbases strategically planted at warp points, and their heavy reliance on Cap-Ship missiles gives me a 1.5-1 advantage in combat, since I use a 5-APB/5-PDC weapons scheme that can kill most of their missiles and return fire with much deadlier force. What the Terrans lack in strength, though, they make up with numbers, and due to the system layout, I have to go through a mine-littered chokepoint. Luckily, the AI never thought of opening another warp point past the front into my home system - which is exactly what I was betting on.

During the last hundred turns, those systems under my control have been churning out a number of small invasion fleets: 4 standard battle baseships centered around a cruiser fitted with a few pieces of stellar manipulation equipment. Self-sufficient and capable of defending themselves, each of these fleets opened up a warp point to a enemy's system, then shut it down afterward and made a run for the nearest sun, and by the time I'd finished deployment, each Terran system was covered. I parked the fleets half-way between the nearest WP, then sent a demand to surrender to the Terrans, who, of course, refused.

With the majority of their forces set up at the front line or set up in one-a-system defense positions throughout their empire, the Terrans couldn't muster a force strong enough to take down these fleets. Dispatching the cruisers from the fleet and sending them to the suns, I then sent my remaining warships to the nearest warp points, and one by one detonated their suns.

Terran, Citizen Fed, Doppleganger, Freespace Alliance - I wiped them all out in a single turn. And by God, was it beautiful.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.
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Post by Hawkwings »

Original Halo:

CTF on Sidewinder, 4 on 4. All 4 of us made a mad dash to the enemy base to take their flag. Suspiciously, we find only one person guarding it. He kills me, and I respawn right outside my base. All of a sudden, I see both tanks rolling up pretty close to me. They spot me, start turning. So what do I do? Me, armed with 2 grenades and a sniper/howitzer (ahem, pistol), proceed to bunny-hop my way into history! At one point, one of the enemy tanks is pretty much trying to climb over the other one because they got stuck on a big rock. I manage to avoid all their cannon fire and a great deal of their MG fire, and take them both out. This was at a friend's party, and when I killed both tanks, we could hear the howling coming from downstairs, it was glorious!
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Post by atg »

Praxis wrote: A smart person would have at least let the boss win the last game Razz
Nah. He'd been bragging about how good he was for weeks. I did let him get close in several games though, and then just when he thought he'd win I crushed his hopes mecilessly :twisted:
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun
Ilya Muromets: And now I have this image of a massive, stern-looking Swede staring down a bunch of military nerds. "It's a tank." "Uh, yes Sir. Please don't hurt us."
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