Basically, I don't wanna necro it but like venting, I think this is something that's a living thread -- the ownage just doesn't stop after one thread, people keep on gaming and I'm sure the rest of you on SDN can contribute some great stuff.
At the very least, last time I posted that, I'd not yet played the Call of Duty franchise and oh boy do I have stories...
Call of Duty: UO
Brecourt -- on the back side of the woods by sneaking around the head-on idiocy of the open field mayhem. I notice that 1) I'm not noticed by 4 people in the machine gun nest and that 2) I'm w/in satchel range. I cook off, move closer, throw and duck. Kill += 4.
I move through the bunker and pick off a guy on the other side w/ my bolt actoin rifle. 6.
When I'm in the middle, a Thompson freak jumps in my face, I dance left and right, pick up the Thompson of my previous victim and and kill this guy. 7.
On the other side of the bunker, I encounter 2 guys, one I kill w/ SMG spray (8 now) the other, T-Bag, I beat down in a frenzied duel to the death when we both had little ammo. 9. Finally, I jumped out of the trenches and smacked one last guy in the back of the head before a shitton of allies noticed I'd just shollacked 10 of their guys in no time.
Oh yeah, looking at the pic of the last kill, I'm reminded why I beat down the last guy: I was out of Mauser ammo and that Thompson I grabbed didn't have more than 2 magazines either.
Also a long time ago back in Korea, I remember it was Rhinevalley CTF. I was on the American side-slope as a German sniper. The round was ending so I decided to take a long-range potshot at some jeep driver -- and nailed him in the head! That fucker moves fast! Apparently a german ally who had very recently died also saw it through my eyes.

Another uber-ownage moment in Korea: Hurtgen forest. Headquarters. Anyway, the bunker with the machine gun that looks at an opposing ridge, with the bridge to the right from the MGer's perspective. I'm roughly to the side of this bunker, but on the same hill as it. Anyone who's played this map knows that players just LOVE to jump off the high cliff behind that bunker to relative cover. THey only expose themselves for a bried instance before letting gravity take them to safety. Well, one crackerjack tried this shit and I popped off his head while he was in midair. I'm sure he was screaming "OMG! TEH AIMBOT!"

More recently, on Rhinevalley again, I was having a field day with the jeeps. It was a bad game of CTF to be sure, my team sucked like balls and the germans were nabbing our flag left and right. On what woulda been their 6th such smash and grab operation, I watched in dismay as a 3rd party called in arty on our flag, as a 2nd jeep threw smoke all over the place and as they drove in, took the flag and drove off. Too fast for me to get a good shot. So I climbed the hill, saw that they were about to move out of my LOS, took aim... and hit the flag holder at his MG spot! The driver, no doubt incredulous, lost composure and instead of turning around JUMPED OUT OF THE JEEP. That was HIS only mistake.

I then very casually ran the distance and recovered the flag. A lost game but my skill with the scope wasn't lost on those 2.
Outside of those brief instances of 1337ness, it's just a lot of 1-3 shots with a bolt-action, en masse, racking up the kill counts.

All snipers. All looking downfield, with scopes, at me. All dead.

One of these days, I'm gonna record my exploits real-time to prove my accuracy with the bolt-action rifle. For now, screen shots of Post-Game will suffice. ^^
Finally, since I almost forgot this -- the pictures reminded me. Super Long Range Sniped a guy on Rhinevalley, piss him off, he also learns where he was shot from...

The riveting conclusion!
Some of my better games.
Jesus photobucket, resize that one enough?