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First 'in-game' screens from Star Trek: Online released.

Posted: 2006-02-21 10:53pm
by Jon
Thought that these looked pretty sexy. Nothing amazingly special, but after 18 months it's nice to finally see the first renders, following the concept art. From These are part of the 42 deck Galaxy class that is being modelled.




Posted: 2006-02-21 11:03pm
by Noble Ire
That's pretty impressive, I must say. If its even close to that in-game, the enviorments alone well surpass those of Galaxies.

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:13pm
by Vympel
I still don't see how the game's supposed to work. What, is everyone on the crew of a starship, or what? How much do you want to bet that only the signficant parts of a starship are even modelled, so that when you get in a turbolift you have say ... less than half-a-dozen places you can go to.

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:30pm
by Kamakazie Sith
That's pretty damn impressive. I wonder what the combat will look like? I'll probably give it a try just to say I did, but I've pretty much sworn off MMO's.

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:39pm
by Uraniun235
How much do you want to bet that only the signficant parts of a starship are even modelled, so that when you get in a turbolift you have say ... less than half-a-dozen places you can go to.
Based on this article (which mentions that they're working closely with Andrew Probert), it seems likely that they will at least have some degree of artistic integrity. It does sound like they're planning on modelling big chunks of the ship, given that he mentioned the dolphin tanks and the computer cores.

And those screenshots are damn sexy.

I think there's potential.

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:42pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Fuck! Shiny!!

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:46pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Vympel wrote:I still don't see how the game's supposed to work. What, is everyone on the crew of a starship, or what? How much do you want to bet that only the signficant parts of a starship are even modelled, so that when you get in a turbolift you have say ... less than half-a-dozen places you can go to.
I imagine crew gathering going something like this:
Level 60 Starship Captain 1337p1CaRd497 in Stardock Alpha Concourse: LFC fr Qwst: 100 Meds, 400 Eng, 200 Sci, 200 Sec, 99 Cmd, 1 Rouge.

Posted: 2006-02-22 12:03am
by LongVin
I imagine crew gathering going something like this:
Level 60 Starship Captain 1337p1CaRd497 in Stardock Alpha Concourse: LFC fr Qwst: 100 Meds, 400 Eng, 200 Sci, 200 Sec, 99 Cmd, 1 Rouge.
And through the wonders of balancing and player prefence by a fluke of faith everyone in the game is going to be playing rogues.

Posted: 2006-02-22 12:07am
by Nephtys
Instead of 'Stealth' it'll be 'particle phase shift cloak'. Instead of 'backstab' it would be 'Rearwards polar vector strike one'. Instead of 'gank' it will be 'Prime Directive violation'. :P

Posted: 2006-02-22 12:18am
by Mr Bean
The screenshots are shinny, I will be signing up for Beta if nothing more than to look around the ships.