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7000 Word "Elder Scrolls Oblivion" HandsOn Preview

Posted: 2006-03-05 10:32pm
by Adrian Laguna ... n%20Review

Note that the guy that wrote it is a big Elder Scrolls fan, considering he owns that fansite. However, I don't think it detracts from the review.

Posted: 2006-03-06 04:15am
by DPDarkPrimus
Any spoilers? I'll kill you with a Daedric Blade if you lead me to spoilers.

Posted: 2006-03-06 05:16am
by Mr Bean
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Any spoilers? I'll kill you with a Daedric Blade if you lead me to spoilers.
Spoilers abound during one section but as long as you read line by line there are Spoiler tags in the text however it's limited to the Tutorial play on story comments.

The author played Tutorial then started trying to off civilians and rob people blind so you don't have to worry about anything be spoiled anyway.

Bad news on that point however apperntly the guards in Oblivion used Minority Report technices however as the author goes into how he tried to off civilians in their sleep and somehow the guards knew where he was(When killing in the City.) however outside of the city he stole a Horse(YES Horses!) just fine.

I'm guess this was to avoid the "get enough money to pay the murder fine then murder the shopkeep and sell his store" technice of making money in Morrowind.

Posted: 2006-03-06 03:42pm
by Arrow
I has hoping this review would have some new information on it, but its pretty much a repeat of what's already been published. I like how he bashed the fast travel system and the compass - let's see if he still bashes 150 hours into the game and he's trying to finish a quest before he has eat dinner/go to work/whatever. Really, some of the things people complain about are absolutely mind boggling, especially when they have little/no hands-on experence with the game (yes, I'm staring at you, TES forums!).

Posted: 2006-03-06 05:44pm
by Captain tycho
If you don't like the fast travel, don't fucking use it. Its as simple as that.

Posted: 2006-03-06 06:34pm
by Vendetta
Fast Travel was a godsend in Daggerfall.

Seriously, you couldn't even dream of riding, let alone between Daggerfall itself and the first town, let alone the other side of the map.

Glad to see it's back.

Posted: 2006-03-06 08:17pm
by Captain tycho
Vendetta wrote:Fast Travel was a godsend in Daggerfall.

Seriously, you couldn't even dream of riding, let alone between Daggerfall itself and the first town, let alone the other side of the map.

Glad to see it's back.
Yeah, fast travel is an absolute godsend. I probably won't use it for the first parts of the game; I'd like to reach each city on my own and see the sights. But running courier missions? Hell yeah, I'll use fast travel all the damn time.

Edit: fucking tags

Posted: 2006-03-07 01:04am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
The reviewer sings the praises of the Minority Report-like guards, but it sounds like a load of crap to me. Sounds a lot like Daggerfall, in fact, which pissed me off to no end in that regard. What's the point of being a bad man if you can't get away with any crimes?

Posted: 2006-03-07 03:00am
by Mr Bean
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote: What's the point of being a bad man if you can't get away with any crimes?
He notes that outside of town you kill with relative impunnity so murder and mayham might simply be limited to hamlets rather than major citys. Plus it makes me wonder if we can't do belltower snipe jobs in major citys. Nothing was funner in Morrowind that climbing up a guard tower then going nuts with the bow as the poor guards tried to climb up to you.

Posted: 2006-03-07 04:20pm
by Captain tycho
Although it might be possible the guards were summoned not beacuse the woman was killed, but because she screamed before she died. I wouldn't put that part past the developers.

However, the x-ray vision on stolen goods still sounds annoying.

Posted: 2006-03-07 04:24pm
by Flagg
That review was almost as bad as one of Harry Knowles' "I woke up, took a medium sized shit (slightly runny), wiped 37 times..." movie wankfests.

Posted: 2006-03-07 05:02pm
by Oberleutnant
That's not really a review, it's a short hands-on preview.

Posted: 2006-03-07 05:33pm
by Adrian Laguna
Flagg wrote:That review was almost as bad as one of Harry Knowles' "I woke up, took a medium sized shit (slightly runny), wiped 37 times..." movie wankfests.
I liked it...
Could you specify what exactly did you dislike?
Oberleutnant wrote:That's not really a review, it's a short hands-on preview.

Posted: 2006-03-07 05:47pm
by Flagg
Adrian Laguna wrote:
Flagg wrote:That review was almost as bad as one of Harry Knowles' "I woke up, took a medium sized shit (slightly runny), wiped 37 times..." movie wankfests.
I liked it...
Could you specify what exactly did you dislike?
Oberleutnant wrote:That's not really a review, it's a short hands-on preview.
The lame attemps at humor by calling the Emperor "Patrick", and the facetious comments about being in prison, and the fact that it was far more of a preview than a review, despite being advertised as a review. He rambled on far too much for my tasted too. Plus there was absolutely zero information in this that you can't find on any number of websites that have people who can actually write something that gets to the point, and isn't tedious.

Posted: 2006-03-08 07:14pm
by Arrow
One of the devs had something to say about the "Minority Report" guards:
Emil Pags wrote:Well, it's not like you're in the Army and they add chevrons to your arm whenever you gain rank, so no, it generally doesn't show on your clothing. But it's not simply a title, either. Rank could affect everything from the way you're addressed by NPCs, to the types of special services that are available to you.

Well, note that in the example of that failed attempt, he didn't actualyl kill his victim. So of course any nearby guards would be alerted to the sounds of combat. It really depends on a lot of factors. Is it EASY to murder someone? In the cities, no. They're crawling with guards and lots of people who can report crimes. So you have to set up your kills carefully and use every resource at your disposal. Or, ever better, kill someone in a more remote location. A roadside inn, or a farm.

In that example, the previewer also chose to resist arrest. And then the guard killed him. But he just as easily could have paid the fine or gone to jail, and then went back and finished off the weakened target!

He doesn't have to directly witness it. The NPC being attacked sent out an alarm/alert, and the guard was close enough to detect it. It's not as if the guard pulled a Lobot, switched himself into active mode, and then automatically went to the house. It wasn't scripted -- he had to be close enough to receive the alarm... which is itself sort of a simulation of the victim's cries and how that gets spread. And there are so many guards in the cities, the chances of the alarm/alert being heard or spread to one are pretty high. If we DIDN'T do it that way, you'd be able to slaughter people indiscriminately.

Posted: 2006-03-08 07:26pm
by InnocentBystander
Wait, does that mean that inside and outsides of a building are seemless? So a guard patrolling the street could walk into a shop and kill me?
That's pretty sweet!

Posted: 2006-03-08 07:37pm
by Darth Quorthon
New Screenie 1

New Screenie 2

Yes, from what I've heard, enemies can follow you through loading zones. Desslock wrote a hands-on in PC Gamer where he described starting a rumble in a church, and noticed that one church-goer fled outside. He then took his character outside, only to find that the angry mob had followed him. He then noticed that the one church-goer who had fled at the beginning of the brawl had actually ran to his home to fetch a sword.

Posted: 2006-03-08 07:57pm
by GuppyShark
Darth Quorthon wrote:Yes, from what I've heard, enemies can follow you through loading zones. Desslock wrote a hands-on in PC Gamer where he described starting a rumble in a church, and noticed that one church-goer fled outside. He then took his character outside, only to find that the angry mob had followed him. He then noticed that the one church-goer who had fled at the beginning of the brawl had actually ran to his home to fetch a sword.
If I had any doubts about buying this game, that just killed them.

Posted: 2006-03-08 10:33pm
by Pick
Darth Quorthon wrote:
Yes, from what I've heard, enemies can follow you through loading zones. Desslock wrote a hands-on in PC Gamer where he described starting a rumble in a church, and noticed that one church-goer fled outside. He then took his character outside, only to find that the angry mob had followed him. He then noticed that the one church-goer who had fled at the beginning of the brawl had actually ran to his home to fetch a sword.
Oh my God, that is just completely awesome. :shock: I want this game so badly; it's just a shame I doubt it'll run well on my POS computer. Someday, though, I vow... .

Posted: 2006-03-08 11:25pm
by LeftWingExtremist
Horse(YES Horses!)
HORSES! HORSES! (you dont know how much i wanted a horse in morrowind) *hyperventalates*

Posted: 2006-03-09 12:22am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Morrowind didn't have horses? Daggerfall had horses.

Posted: 2006-03-09 04:09am
by Mr Bean
InnocentBystander wrote:Wait, does that mean that inside and outsides of a building are seemless? So a guard patrolling the street could walk into a shop and kill me?
That's pretty sweet!
This also raises the question of if one can distract the guards via setting fire to the nearyby old copper's retierment home and bingo hall.

Either that or remeber to put the arrorw through the windpipe of the target. If you can't do it ingame, I'm going to start my own mod for it. :P

Posted: 2006-03-09 06:42pm
by Adrian Laguna
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Morrowind didn't have horses?
The native flora gives them tummy aches. Non-SOD, I don't know why the deveolpers didn't put them in. I suspect they had problems with the engine.

Posted: 2006-03-09 08:22pm
by Ghost Rider
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Morrowind didn't have horses? Daggerfall had horses. was bloody weird.

Still you could get running speed pretty decent as well as flight, but it was funny being Superman or the Flash.

Posted: 2006-03-09 08:54pm
by Stark
C'mon, who else bounced their way across Morrowind, Gummi Bears-style? If only the physics engine had allowed me to damage people by falling on them from a great height... :D

Covering hundreds of metres in a single jump = funny.