Looking for players for ST v SW SEIV game!
Posted: 2006-03-08 02:36pm
http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic. ... &start=950
Not sure if this is allowed by the rules, but well. We're looking for a few more people for the Space Empires 4 games we've been running. The current mod is a variation of the Trek Mod, where the Galactic Empire is a seperate force and ridiculously powerful. We need more Trek nations to start!
If you own SEIV, try this. Its' fun.
Not sure if this is allowed by the rules, but well. We're looking for a few more people for the Space Empires 4 games we've been running. The current mod is a variation of the Trek Mod, where the Galactic Empire is a seperate force and ridiculously powerful. We need more Trek nations to start!
If you own SEIV, try this. Its' fun.