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Final Fantasy XII is apparently fucking awesome (Famitsu)
Posted: 2006-03-10 12:33am
by Joe
Final Fantasy XII may still be a ways off for Western gamers, but it's right on the verge of being released in Japan, having scored a perfect review from the folks at Famitsu.
It ain't easy earning a 40 out of 40 from Famitsu, a feat which only the following titles have duplicated up to now: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Soul Calibur (for Dreamcast), Vagrant Story, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Nintendogs.
The score should hopefully reassure FF fans who've been shaken by all the game's delays in release and changes in personnel (as well as gameplay). At any rate, the title's localization for other territories should be well underway, even if the release dates outside of Japan haven't been officially announced yet.
I've been somewhat on the fence about this game...but Famitsu is one of the stingiest mags around, and anytime they give a game a perfect score it's certainly worthy of notice.
Posted: 2006-03-10 01:06am
by Seggybop
Nintendogs was one of the few games they gave a perfect rating? My apologies if that doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in their judgment.
Posted: 2006-03-10 03:12am
by Praxis
Seggybop- you have to recall that this is the Japanese market we're talking about. In Japan, Nintendogs is a record holder and has IIRC sold over a million (on a console that's only been out a year, that's rather impressive). It's *insanely* popular over there.
Posted: 2006-03-10 03:12am
by Sriad
Virtual pets are definately not everyone's cup of tea, but Nintendogs (based on my limited experience with the game) is the genera's apotheosis.
If they rated it on how well it accomplished the goal of Virtual Pet vs. how well it appealed to Random Gamer X, then a perfect score isn't unreasonable.
Posted: 2006-03-10 04:30am
by Darth Raptor
I've been sheltering myself from as much FFXII news as possible. Not for fear of spoilers, but it's easier on my blood pressure if I'm not constantly anticipating a game that should have been out ages ago (*cough* Twilight Princess *cough*).
This is good news though, and only serves to reinforce my schoolgirl-like glee that it takes place in Ivalice and not some post-modern shithole like Spira. It's Final Fantasy. The high-tech stuff should be ancient and underground. Or in space.
Posted: 2006-03-10 07:49am
by Ghost Rider
Darth Raptor wrote:I've been sheltering myself from as much FFXII news as possible. Not for fear of spoilers, but it's easier on my blood pressure if I'm not constantly anticipating a game that should have been out ages ago (*cough* Twilight Princess *cough*).
This is good news though, and only serves to reinforce my schoolgirl-like glee that it takes place in Ivalice and not some post-modern shithole like Spira. It's Final Fantasy. The high-tech stuff should be ancient and underground. Or in space.
Ivalice in the movies is more modern then Spira ever hoped to be.
As for my better fucking be immensely good given the sheer delays and the demo was shall we say?....inspiring.
It was good, and filled with candy, but there was not much of any true substance there.
Still this, KH2 and Zelda.
Posted: 2006-03-10 07:54am
by Admiral Valdemar
Pirate of the sky with my own airship and crew? You bet your yen I'll be there. X and X-2 never really appealed, but XII looked awesome in the previews and I'm too stingy to enjoy the online catgirls of XI.
Posted: 2006-03-10 09:25am
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pirate of the sky with my own airship and crew? You bet your yen I'll be there.
I take it you never played Skies of Arcadia, huh?

Posted: 2006-03-10 11:45am
by Equinox2003
What is the speculation as to when we in the US can expect this game?
Knowing it is only spec, as Japan does not even have it out yet, but did anybody hear anything?
Posted: 2006-03-10 11:47am
by LadyTevar
I'd rather wait and know it's been done right, than have another Kotor 2
Posted: 2006-03-10 11:49am
by NeoGoomba
I enjoyed watching the preview at Gamestop awhile back, thinking "hey, this looks pretty badass"...and then I saw an army of bunny-rabbit looking fuckers tumbling down a flight of stairs.
Maybe XII will borrow from Oddworld Stranger and let me shoot those little punks out of a crossbow.
But one thing I WAS hoping for, since I probably will rent this game, who am I kidding, is that since its in Ivalice, if there will be swordsman skills like the once Orlandu used in Tactics. That would be friggen sweet.
Posted: 2006-03-10 02:51pm
by Sharp-kun
So when is it out in Japan?
Posted: 2006-03-10 03:17pm
by Old Peculier
SAMAS wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pirate of the sky with my own airship and crew? You bet your yen I'll be there.
I take it you never played Skies of Arcadia, huh?

Final Fantasy XII is going to be like SoA? *looks* Holy Shit! Vaan? Ashe? Skyships?
I'm starting to think that to people who know about this game I'm pointing out the obvious here, but bugger me if that isn't some idea poaching going on here.
Also would this be a good time to point out I that I love Dalton's 'Blue Rogues' flag in his sig?
EDIT: And there's a place called Archadia? I'd be be seeking out vengeance on this game if it wasn't for the fact that I quite like the idea of returning to the open skies once more. Damn, it's only PS right? *grumbles*
Posted: 2006-03-10 03:30pm
by Vendetta
Old Peculier wrote:
Also would this be a good time to point out I that I love Dalton's 'Blue Rogues' flag in his sig?
Doesn't everyone?
Did anyone use any of the other flags once you got your own ship
Posted: 2006-03-10 03:32pm
by Darkdrium
Not me in any case, I like being taken seriously.
I never looked at any informations regarding this game,but judging by some of these comments, they took a few idea from Skies.