Stark wrote:Deary, deary me.
I live in the world where GalCiv2s UI is regarded as sub-optimal, with unnecessary deviations from 'normal' window standards and unclear information. Do GalCiv2s fan cry like little girls? No.
I haven't played GalCiv2 and thus couldn't care less about its UI. What the fuck is your point?
Stark wrote:I will take my copy (perfectly legal, ordered off their website, thanks for baseless accusations, btw)
Since the game comes with a big printed manual, what the fuck should I conclude when an asshat like you says he never did have a manual? Fuck off.
Stark wrote:and show a dozen people. What will they say? Will they say 'zomg excellent' or 'wow, obtuse'. Be honest.
They'd probably say that the interface needs some work in some areas, but I hardly think they'd automatically go 'zomg suxx0r!' like you've been doing here.
Stark wrote:The game can be good - indeed, D2 is the best fantasy-themed strategy game out, IMO - and have a impenetrable interface.
Yes, though the Dom2 interface is hardly impenetrable. Espeically if one takes even a casual look at the manual.
Stark wrote:Piss and moan all you like, but as I suggested originally, the game makes simple tasks 100% manual (the community is resistant to any degree of additional automation, which is absolultly damning),
Yes, there is too much micro if you want to optimize everything, which you don't need to do unless you play competitive cutthroat MP. As for teh community, I hardly share that opinion. There have been numerous calls for lessening micro, and aside from a few people, that stance has received quite a bit of support.
Stark wrote:or conceal information without spreadsheets to display it.
What do you mean? That the manual didn't contain data for all the units, weapons, armor and magic sites too? It'd have been 300 pages instead of 134 if that were the case, and it would have served no purpose because those things have changed quite a bit with the patches. The information is in the game and accessible when you encounter those things, except for the special properties of a few magic sites (such as the Hall of Flayed Skins) and the terrain restrictions of sites. The site DB is as complete as it is only because IW kindly gave me access to the relevant section of the actual source code.
Stark wrote:It's pretty funny that the game has functions for two of my most annoying issues, which isn't in the 'manual' (really, it's a spellbook and item list) nor did anyone on the forums seem to know it existed.
I'm honestly curious now. How do you get these to appear?
Stark wrote:Since you've accused me of being a criminal (I'm prepared to send you my order details, but you're too much of a cockhead to ever admit you're wrong) I think I'm going to assume you're lying about it.
You made a comment to the effect that you never did have a manual when the game ships with one, so it is not an unreasonable
question if you pirated it. I asked if you had, and you said you had not, so that's good enough.
Stark wrote:Hey guess what? As a response to my first post, you could have said 'yes, yes they have'.
And you could have asked 'Have they fixed the following UI issues: x, y, z?' instead of just bitching about the whole thing being broken. I asked what your complaints about the UI were, and you started whining and moaning, so you got exactly what you deserved with the following flames.