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Perfect Dark to be released over xbox live arcade

Posted: 2006-04-01 10:56am
by Instant Sunrise
From HC Weekly.
SEATTLE-In a stunning move today, Microsoft and subsdiary Rareware announced today that they would be prining the classic Nintendo 64 game "Perfect Dark," the predecessor to the hit Xbox 360 title Perfect Dark Zero, to the Xbox Live Arcade system. Coming just weeks after Rareware annouced that none of their titles would be appearing on the rival systems "Virtual Console." Following the announcement, Microsoft's Peter Moore was able to sit down and talk to us about this upcoming game.

Happycat: So, when will this be released to the general public?
Peter Moore: Sometime in the fall, and or early summer.

HC: Can you give us a dae at this time?
PM: I can't, sorry.

HC: Are there any new features that the xbox 360 version will have that the original did not have?
PM: Well, for starters, there is going to be online play over Xbox Live, and new LAN modes. Also, the game will now have leaderboards, so you can compare your stats in this game compared to other players.

HC: How many players will this support?
PM: The original game, if you remember, was limited by the hardware. You could have 4 people and 12 bots playing at once. Now we have support for up to 32 players at once in the newest builds. But that number may change.

HC One last question, How well does the game run on the xbox 360 hardware?
PM: Well, we had to recompile the entire game for the hardware of the Xbox 360, but it does run much better than the original game did.

HC: Thank you for your time.
PM: You're welcome.
Note: Acheivements for Perfect Dark have already been spotted on the internet, such as in this screenshot:

Microsoft has released several screenshots from preliminary builds of the game, more to come soon:
Image Image Image

Posted: 2006-04-01 11:17am
by Bounty
Fucking traitors.

Posted: 2006-04-01 01:33pm
by Praxis
Bounty wrote:Fucking traitors. very gullible.
Click the link.

Posted: 2006-04-01 01:34pm
by Bounty
Praxis wrote:
Bounty wrote:Fucking traitors. very gullible.
Click the link.
I stand corrected and covered in eggs.

Posted: 2006-04-01 02:32pm
by TheBlackCat
Sorry, I'm stealing this. It will drive the gaming forum I go to absolutely nuts.

Posted: 2006-04-01 02:35pm
by Instant Sunrise
TheBlackCat wrote:Sorry, I'm stealing this. It will drive the gaming forum I go to absolutely nuts.
Go ahead, as long as you post a link.

Posted: 2006-04-01 02:54pm
by DesertFly
I don't know how much of a joke this is. It's very likely to be true very soon.

Posted: 2006-04-01 03:15pm
by DPDarkPrimus
That's hilarious.

Posted: 2006-04-01 03:15pm
by Praxis
Hehe, I reposted this twice, it's beautiful.

Posted: 2006-04-01 03:23pm
by Praxis ... .php?t=339 ... topic=2121

Once someone realizes it is an april fools joke, I'll post the link to this thread :)

EDIT: Wow, nobody EVER checks the source article :shock:

Posted: 2006-04-02 01:25pm
by Instant Sunrise
Happy April Fools day! Yes, this was faked.

The acheivements were photoshopped, and the screenshots were taken with an emulator running at 720p and the game in 16x9 mode. I actually replaced my gamercard in my sig with a photoshopped version that says that I played the original Perfect Dark to help sell this prank. Good job all around.

BTW, TheBlackCat, I want to see links, I want to see how far this joke spread.

Posted: 2006-04-02 01:48pm
by Agent Fisher
You are a bastard.

Posted: 2006-04-02 02:49pm
by TheBlackCat
skyman8081 wrote:Happy April Fools day! Yes, this was faked.

The acheivements were photoshopped, and the screenshots were taken with an emulator running at 720p and the game in 16x9 mode. I actually replaced my gamercard in my sig with a photoshopped version that says that I played the original Perfect Dark to help sell this prank. Good job all around.

BTW, TheBlackCat, I want to see links, I want to see how far this joke spread.
Here, not very many people have seen it yet so I will wait to let them know until later.

Posted: 2006-04-02 07:35pm
by Xon
Praxis wrote:EDIT: Wow, nobody EVER checks the source article :shock:
Not suprised there. Despite requiring the ability to read, people do remarkably little of the activity on forums.

I wouldnt be suprised if Perfect Dark was release on Xbox Live Arcade, since Microsoft does thave the rights & IP to Perfect Dark franchise.