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Microsoft buys Lionhead

Posted: 2006-04-06 09:17am
by Master of Ossus
A Fabled idea.
Reuters wrote:NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) on Thursday said its in-house video game studio acquired Lionhead Studios, the British developer started by the famed game maker Peter Molyneux.

Most recently, Lionhead was responsible for "Fable." Released on Microsoft's Xbox platform, the game has sold more than 2 million units worldwide.

Molyneux is also known for innovative "God games" like "Black & White" that give players omnipotent power over a world.

Microsoft Game Studios said Lionhead would now develop exclusively for the Xbox 360 and Windows-based PCs.

Video game publishers frequently acquire the external developers that are responsible for their hit franchises, not only to increase their own in-house development talent but also to cut down on milestone and royalty payments that independent developers command as part of making a game.

Microsoft had previously acquired high-profile developers like Bungie Studios, maker of the "Halo" franchise, and Rare Ltd., which made some of Nintendo's most popular games of the 1990s.

Posted: 2006-04-06 10:28am
by Faram
Molyneux's games are crap nowdays.

There was a time his games was fun and fresh.

Now look at Black & White, more hype and less content than 99% of all other games.

Posted: 2006-04-06 10:48am
by Laughing Mechanicus
I know alot of guys at Lionhead from when I worked there - or at least I used too, alot of them were laid off in the recent job cuts.

I have to wonder if Moly's going to stay with the company for more than a year or so after this...

Posted: 2006-04-06 11:11am
by Xon
Maybe they'll move from producing tech demos to actual games now that they got someone big to buy them up.

Posted: 2006-04-06 12:31pm
by MKSheppard
That was awfully cruel, Xon. :twisted:

Posted: 2006-04-06 12:52pm
by Vympel
Xon wrote:Maybe they'll move from producing tech demos to actual games now that they got someone big to buy them up.
ROFLMAO. Good call. A better description for the vacuum of nothingness that was Black and White I have not heard.

Posted: 2006-04-06 01:20pm
by Praxis
So basicly, if you develop for XBox and make decent games, expect Microsoft to buy you.

MS can never seem to make good games on their own. Find me more than one good game that was developed in-house by Microsoft and that they created the IP.

Flight Sim was created by the Bruce Artwick organization IIRC. Age of Empires is Ensemble. Halo is, obviously, Bungie. etc, etc.

The sad part is that Peter Molyneux was one of the proponents of the Revolution. He's gone on about how much he likes it and has even gone onstage at Nintendo conferences. Now apparently MS is forcing him to go 360 and PC exclusive.

Posted: 2006-04-06 01:28pm
by Xon
To be honest I'm pissed at the glorified tech demos Lionhead released. While I didnt pay for any of them(borrowed them from a friend :wink: ), there was so much potential that if you added a traditional (read; usable) UI it would be so much better.

There is a lot of "cool tech" slapped into Lionhead "games", but it is like someone was checking off a buzz word list when adding features. Not trying to build a working game.
  • Mouse gestures
  • Creatures
  • Limited sphere of direct influence
  • "worshippers" that are terminally stupid, you either had too many of the fuckers to manage or not enough. No middle ground (it might exist but you couldnt hit it due to the UI)
  • Lack of UI means the game just doesnt scale as your worshippers takes off. Some pissy little god you(the player) end up being, a few hundred worshippers and you are pushed to the limit of your ability to micromanage. There is zero capacity for automation or delgation. And the fucking creature doesnt count.
No, I'm not bitter.

Posted: 2006-04-06 01:30pm
by Xon
Praxis wrote:MS can never seem to make good games on their own. Find me more than one good game that was developed in-house by Microsoft and that they created the IP.
Hey, you cant complain Microsoft has NIH syndrome with games :P

Posted: 2006-04-06 05:13pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Praxis wrote: MS can never seem to make good games on their own. Find me more than one good game that was developed in-house by Microsoft and that they created the IP.
Microsoft isn't a video game-centric company like Nintendo is.

Can you name me a game that Sony had developed in-house and that they created the IP?

Posted: 2006-04-06 08:40pm
by Praxis
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Praxis wrote: MS can never seem to make good games on their own. Find me more than one good game that was developed in-house by Microsoft and that they created the IP.
Microsoft isn't a video game-centric company like Nintendo is.

Can you name me a game that Sony had developed in-house and that they created the IP?
Quite a few. ... ssonyenter
Dark Cloud (RPG)
I.Q. Remix+: Intelligent Qube (Music)
Ico (Action/Fantasy)
Kinetica (Mech Racing)
NBA Shootout 2003 (Sports-Basketball)
NFL Gameday 2001 (Sports-Football)
Popolocrois III
Rise to Honor (Action/Martial Arts)
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (Action/Shooter)
The Mark of Kri (Action)

Dropship: United Peace Force
EyeToy: Play/Groove (Miscellaneous)
Formula One 2001
Formula One 2002
Formula One 2003
GhostHunter (Horror)
Primal (Action)
This is Football 2002 (Sports)
Wipeout Fusion
World Tour Soccer 2002 (Sports)
World Tour Soccer 2003 (Sports)

Ally of Justice
Ape Escape 2 (Action)
Ape Escape 2001 (Action)
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (RPG)
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2
Fantavision (Puzzle)
Forbidden Siren (Suspense)
Hungry Ghosts
Mojib Ribbon
Operator's Side
Phase Paradox
Poinie's Poin
Sky Gunner
Sky Odyssey
Space Fishermen

EDIT: Looks like Microsoft did develop Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, Phantom dust, and some sports games. So the software side of their games division hasn't been completely quiet.

And some demo disks ;) lol

Posted: 2006-04-06 09:18pm
by Vympel
Xon wrote:To be honest I'm pissed at the glorified tech demos Lionhead released. While I didnt pay for any of them(borrowed them from a friend :wink: ), there was so much potential that if you added a traditional (read; usable) UI it would be so much better.

There is a lot of "cool tech" slapped into Lionhead "games", but it is like someone was checking off a buzz word list when adding features. Not trying to build a working game.
  • Mouse gestures
  • Creatures
  • Limited sphere of direct influence
  • "worshippers" that are terminally stupid, you either had too many of the fuckers to manage or not enough. No middle ground (it might exist but you couldnt hit it due to the UI)
  • Lack of UI means the game just doesnt scale as your worshippers takes off. Some pissy little god you(the player) end up being, a few hundred worshippers and you are pushed to the limit of your ability to micromanage. There is zero capacity for automation or delgation. And the fucking creature doesnt count.
No, I'm not bitter.
Go above all that- what exactly was the point of Black and White? It was bloody pointless. There was no sense of ... well, doing anything substantial, really. Just dicking around on some lame island play pen.

Posted: 2006-04-06 10:02pm
by Star-Blighter
Vympel wrote:What exactly was the point of Black and White? It was bloody pointless. There was no sense of ... well, doing anything substantial, really. Just dicking around on some lame island play pen.
I'm getting this feeling with more and more new games. I finished Quake IV, DoA IV, Perfect Dark Zero, and Call of Duty II. In retrospect I wonder why I even bothered to purchase them in the first place when they would just get tossed aside so quickly. Only Call of Duty gave me any sense of real achievment.

Even the damned 360 gives me moans of dispair. The piece of shit has a loose loading tray that actually gets stuck and requires pushing it in the final 10th of its movement range. It gets errors consistently when started up without a disk in the drive, occasionally freezing up when playing Halo II. And where the fuck is my backwards compatibility?!? I can't play Black since it isn't out for 360 yet and the much vaunted ability to play Xbox games seems to drop through the floor when it comes to any game but Halo II (Crimson skies, Need4Speed Most Wanted, and any other relics from the age of Xbox don't work for me). I've searched for workarounds and updates to atleast let me play Black but none seem to exist.

Why exactly would anyone want such a ham-stringed, ill-concieved, and boarderline unfinshed product is beyond me. I am truly kicking myself for falling for graphics and hype that never had merrit to begin with. Nintendo Revolution, here I come....

My rant for the day.

Posted: 2006-04-08 07:15pm
by Max

Posted: 2006-04-08 08:05pm
by Vendetta
Star-Blighter wrote:I've searched for workarounds and updates to atleast let me play Black but none seem to exist.
Emulation for Black was added about a week ago. Put the disc in, it will download the update.

From what I hear, however, as soon as you get over the gun porn factor it's pretty hollow stuff.

Posted: 2006-04-08 10:04pm
by Star-Blighter
Vendetta wrote:
Star-Blighter wrote:I've searched for workarounds and updates to atleast let me play Black but none seem to exist.
Emulation for Black was added about a week ago. Put the disc in, it will download the update.

From what I hear, however, as soon as you get over the gun porn factor it's pretty hollow stuff.
That makes sense since the last time I tried making it run was three weeks ago. I'll give it another go. The only reason I play it is for gun porn wankage anyways...

Posted: 2006-04-09 09:23am
by Dooey Jo
Praxis wrote:The sad part is that Peter Molyneux was one of the proponents of the Revolution. He's gone on about how much he likes it and has even gone onstage at Nintendo conferences. Now apparently MS is forcing him to go 360 and PC exclusive.
If he wants to do Revolution games, he can always leave. I don't think there are many game developing companies that would turn him down, especially if he would have a new concept...