In the 20 man AQ raid, we got done killing Big Bug Boss #1 (Forget his name....had a whole bunch of X's and n's in it) and raid leader says "Whatever you do, DON'T speak to the NPCs yet.
We proceed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass for 20 minutes. Why? I don't know, but I was surfing the web and shifting back to WoW to move me from "afk". Third time I shifted back to WoW I noticed people running up to the NPCs and walking away from them. I think:
I follow one of our hunters (less than 10 yards behind him) He runs up, stands in front of the NPC, walks off. Making what I thought was a reasonable inference based upon available information I ran up, started talking to the guy, and then the bug-mob came.Doesn't think things through wrote: Holy Shit! Did I miss something? Do we need to talk to this guy?
Well, that's my brain fart. Any of you guys have Brain fart stories?