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Retail gaming, under Walmart control

Posted: 2006-04-12 11:11am
by Ace Pace
The Escapist
Do you buy your electronic games at Wal-Mart? Never mind, doesn't matter. The retail games you buy at GameStop or Best Buy or online are the games Wal-Mart has decided you can buy.

Publisher sales reps inform Wal-Mart buyers of games in development; the games' subjects, titles, artwork and packaging are vetted and sometimes vetoed by Wal-Mart. If Wal-Mart tells a top-end publisher it won't carry a certain game, the publisher kills that game. In short, every triple-A game sold at retail in North America is managed start to finish, top to bottom, with the publisher's gaze fixed squarely on Wal-Mart, and no other.

But how long will that last?

The Power
By consolidating many manufacturing sources and optimizing its supply chain, Wal-Mart has shifted the center
of business power from manufacturing to retail. This has forced most American industries to move offshore, but the software business, and electronic games in particular, have been less affected this way. Though selected art resources are increasingly outsourced to India and Southeast Asia, games are largely still produced in relatively small, integral domestic groups. Is this because North American creators understand their audience better than overseas coders? Because the creators here are better skilled? Or is it simply that Wal-Mart customers, who unfailingly seek the lowest prices for food and appliances and shampoo and garden hoses, will still pay high prices for top-line computer games?

For whatever reason, the game business has so far resisted most competition from lower-wage workers overseas. Compared to physical manufacturing, software profit margins remain comfortable and can support professional-class salaries. Yet make no mistake, Wal-Mart's effect remains powerful.

Tom Gilleland, with the indie developer BeachWare (which has sold casino games through Wal-Mart), says, "Wal-Mart is working from a very strong position that enables them to dictate the content of their software product line. Wal-Mart tells the distributor/publishers what they want, and the distributor/publisher goes and finds it, or has a developer make it. They certainly know what their customers want, or they wouldn't have been so successful. They also have a very complicated situation in terms of public image, so they avoid controversial products."

Thus, because of the company's influence, nowadays it is practically impossible to market a game that contains nudity. "We're not going to carry any software with any vulgarity or
nudity - we're just not going to do it," Wal-Mart spokesman Tom Williams told Reuters in October 2002.

have produced "special Wal-Mart editions" of some games, such as Duke Nukem 3D and Blood, that delete the two principal bugaboos, nudity and excessive gore. Other developers just sanitize their games across the board. As a Ritual Entertainment developer remarked in an online chat promoting their Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2 game (2000), "There's not much nudity other than statues. Wal-Mart is picky about that. When you have to decide between feeding your family or putting nudity in the game, you choose food."

For the U.S. version of Giants: Citizen Kabuto (2000), Planet Moon put a bikini top on Delphi, the game's topless sea-nymph heroine, after Wal-Mart refused to carry the seminude version. In an effort to gain a Teen rating from the Electronic Software Ratings Board (ESRB), Planet Moon also toned down the language and changed the red blood to green - but the game got a Mature rating anyway. (Soon afterward, a patch that removed the changes mysteriously appeared online.)
Of course, Wal-Mart, like other major retailers, pulled Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from its shelves after the "Hot Coffee" fiasco. Take-Two Interactive revised that quarter's financial guidance down by $45 million. Wal-Mart has since resumed selling a modified version.

Wal-Mart has shaped the field in other ways. Remember five years ago, when computer game boxes all got smaller? That was Wal-Mart. "Wal-Mart was a significant force in driving videogameproducers (and software producers of all kinds) to dramatically reduce the size of their boxes," says Charles Fishman, senior writer for Fast Company magazine and author of the bestselling book The Wal-Mart Effect. "Wal-Mart's goal is to put as much merchandise on the shelves inside a given store-size as possible. By cutting the box size of games and software, Wal-Mart could easily increase the amount of product it displayed by 20 or 30 or 40 percent. More product in the same shelf-space. That's good for Wal-Mart, and good for customers, and maybe even good, ultimately, for game makers. Smaller boxes cost less.

"And Wal-Mart is increasingly interested in the environmental impact of such changes," Fishman says. "If
you literally cut the packaging of gaming software and routine software in half, [...] that eventually comes to forests of trees not cut down. This is something Wal-Mart works on consistently, not just in software boxes." Fishman's book opens with a similar story: Wal-Mart eliminated cardboard boxes for deodorants and antiperspirants to save shelf space and money and to reduce waste. (This is part of a larger Wal-Mart environmental initiative.)

More pertinent than the packaging of games is their content. Wal-Mart and other retailers display an ever- decreasing range of game types. More
and more, it is difficult-to-impossible to market an adventure game, or a non-Microsoft flight simulator, or a non-Maxis city-builder, or a non-Civilization turn-based strategy game. Did the audiences for these forms simply wither away? No, they're still out there - but they're not sufficiently profitable for big-box retail chains. The commercial range of games shrinks because of the free market's uncompromising pursuit of the majority at the expense of all minority tastes. We see this most clearly in Wal-Mart's signal triumph in game design, Deer Hunter.

The Audience
In the 1990s, Wal-Mart discovered a previously unrecognized demographic: The mass market gamer, who plays while holding a mouse in one hand and a can of beer in the other.

Game designer Harvey Smith wrote in 2002 about his meeting with Robert Westmoreland, "the cool redneck biz exec behind Deer Hunter":

"He claims that he looked at data on how much software Wal-Mart was selling at the time, thought about the average Wal-Martshopper, thought about what kind of games the average Wal-Mart shopper would want to play (which, with the exception of Bass Fisherman, was at odds with the kinds of games being sold in the store), and then pitched the concept of Deer Hunter. Multiple publishers turned it down, calling it ridiculous in some cases. It cost about $110,000 to make. The franchise has allegedly sold 10 million copies. I bet Robert drives a really nice truck."
Hardcore gamers derided Deer Hunter (1997) and its many imitators because they were dull and looked like crap. (The most recent version, Deer Hunter 2005, looks better.) So what? The games cost $20 and ran on low-end hardware - and their subjects spoke to far more customers than did Quake or Command & Conquer. Programmer Zac Belado wrote at the time, "It's not just computer nerds and simulation freaks that are buying computers and games. Deer Hunter
[buyers] haven't seen a product that directly appeals to them, have been largely ignored by the game market (or, worse, ridiculed by games like Redneck Rampage), and have finally proven that they have not only the desire for software products, but the money to pay for them."

Several publishers, running entirely below the industry radar, have found excellent business catering to the Wal-Mart demographic. Clay Dreslough, former executive producer at Midway Games, now runs Sports Mogul Inc. in Middletown, Connecticut. Dreslough's sports management sims, like the new Baseball Mogul 2007, are sold at Wal-Mart, though most of his sales are online. "I think people in the hardcore market are frustrated with Wal-Mart because they might only carry the very top-selling FPS or [MMOG] titles. But for small companies like us, Wal-Mart creates a lot of upside without much downside. That is, even if Wal-Mart drops us one year, we still have other retail outlets,
and we still have a strong fan base online.

"I have heard a lot about Wal-Mart hurting the industry and hurting innovation," Dreslough says, "the theory being that you have to write a specific kind of game to get the scarce shelf space at Wal-Mart, and if you don't get into Wal-Mart, you can't be profitable. My experience has been different. I think there's tons of room for innovation without Wal-Mart.
Specifically, even with retail distribution, we still make most of our money online, through downloads of the product and through our popular Baseball Mogul Online. Publishing online, without worrying about the retail market, gives you more flexibility to innovate."

The whole industry is learning that lesson. Game publishers are working hard to create online services that trump Wal-Mart the way iTunes has trumped the music cartels.

The Escape
Many game publishers are already chafing to move to online distribution, not least because it cuts out the used-game market. They also believeonline distribution will reduce file sharing - anyway, hope springs eternal.

As national availability of broadband grows, Valve has already started its Steam distribution network. Ritual Entertainment - which ran afoul of Wal-Mart not only for Heavy Metal, but also for its hyper-gory 1998 shooter SiN, is using Steam to distribute its new SiN Episodes, almost as if it had been waiting for online distribution before making a sequel. Lead designer Shawn Ketcherside blogged, "Episodic gaming, because of its faster turnaround, offers the ability to react to consumer feedback (this has been talked about endlessly already), but it also offers flexibility to try new and really innovative ideas. [...] Basically, it's giving all gamers more choice. Gamers can pick and choose titles, options and gameplay that really appeal to them."

All the next-gen consoles embrace online, to varying degrees. Xbox Live is already up and running, and Nintendo has said the Revolution will offer downloads of classic NES games. Sony's PlayStation Network Platform will offer a free service similar to XBox Live.
On a Gamasutra "Question of the Week" feature about digital distribution, most respondents predicted eventual victory for online distribution. BioWare's Rob Bartel wrote, "The shift to digital distribution is coming to all platforms, and we now find ourselves at the start of that lengthy transition. It will be complete within a decade." And where is Wal-Mart then? "The big players in the Digital Distribution Era will be those who own the unified portals that will serve as the digital marketplace, and those who own the big-budget games that will serve as development platforms and delivery mechanisms for future content."

But don't interpret that to mean Wal-Mart will just fade away. The company owes its current supremacy to its embrace of high tech logistics, and that attitude remains strong; Wal-Mart, along with the Defense Department, is the chief force behind the imminent adoption of radio-frequency ID tags (RFIDs or "arphids"). So it's possible Wal-Mart itself might move into online games.

But in the digital distribution era, Bentonville's unquestioned domination of electronic games will still decline.
It's simply too easy to get online without their approval; online is the realm of the infinite shelf. "New opportunities will open up at the micro-studio level," Bartel says, "where small teams, both casual and professional, first-party and third- party, will be able to develop, market and sell compelling gameplay and new intellectual properties within the frameworks created and supported by the larger players."
Then, like the great trusts and monopolies of the early 20th Century, Wal-Mart's dominion will finally fade.
Simply shocking and deeply annoying.

Posted: 2006-04-12 11:16am
by BloodAngel
This sounds like conspiracy-theorism to me. But if it's true, I wonder if it extends to things besides gaming as well...

Posted: 2006-04-12 11:50am
by Vympel
What buys his games from Wal-mart? I've never bought a game from any store besides a specialized game store in my life. I just won't do it.

Posted: 2006-04-12 11:54am
by Deathstalker
I'm with Vympel. I don't think I've even bought a discount bargin bin game at a Wal-Mart or Target. I've always bought at game store like EB.

Posted: 2006-04-12 12:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
We've always primarily bought games from either Best Buy or Amazon. The closest we get to shopping at Wal-Mart is buying stuff from Sam's Club.

Posted: 2006-04-12 12:17pm
by Lagmonster
There are two realities at work here:

The reality that many product developers develop in response to or at the mercy of the people who will market and sell their product.

And the reality that there will always be brash upstarts who make quality products for the sake of doing so, and damn and hell with the censors and the suits.

The two don't precisely cancel each other out, but the gaming world isn't in any danger of being purified by corporate shenanigans or right-wing monkeys any more than it's on the verge of a renaissance of digital breasts and blood.

Posted: 2006-04-12 12:33pm
by 2000AD
This doesn't effect Europe does it? That would really piss me off if our games are being influenced by an American supermarket. It's not like ASDA (owned by Wal) sells that much of the video game market over here (AFAIK)

Posted: 2006-04-12 12:45pm
by Utah Jak
God help us if this is true.

Posted: 2006-04-12 12:59pm
by Dartzap
2000AD wrote:This doesn't effect Europe does it? That would really piss me off if our games are being influenced by an American supermarket. It's not like ASDA (owned by Wal) sells that much of the video game market over here (AFAIK)
Yeah, I was thinking about ASDA earlier, but as far as I know they have a very minimal share in the games selling buisiness, so I doubt it really effects us.

Posted: 2006-04-12 01:24pm
by Vendetta
2000AD wrote:This doesn't effect Europe does it? That would really piss me off if our games are being influenced by an American supermarket. It's not like ASDA (owned by Wal) sells that much of the video game market over here (AFAIK)
Well, the decision is made at publisher level. If the games are published in America (or primarily for sale in America), then their content will be governed by what can be sold there.

Though, of course, we have a decent and eventually now mature model for content rating in the form of the BBFC, which is increasingly being applied to games. There's no uproar about things like Hot Coffee here, because the game was rated 18 anyway, and since the model has been applied to films for so long, there's no stigma around it like there is in the US.

Posted: 2006-04-12 08:46pm
by GuppyShark
I remember using this to win an argument a few years back. This guy was ranting in IRC about how America is just one country, he shouldn't have to know anything about it, it didn't affect him so his ignorance was justified.

I then hit him with Wal-Mart's influence on the games he plays.

Pwned. He skulked off after that.

Posted: 2006-04-15 10:13pm
by Johonebesus
BloodAngel wrote:This sounds like conspiracy-theorism to me. But if it's true, I wonder if it extends to things besides gaming as well...
Wal Mart has a reputation for dictating to producers and influencing entire industries, though I think it's usually in the way of prices, i.e., "we won't buy any pants from you this year if you do not lower cost by another 5%." It isn't conspiracy theory, it's just the nature of capitalism when one entity has such a dominating presence in any market.

Posted: 2006-04-16 04:22am
by Spyder
I can imagine that this would be true with any mainstream publishing houses, particularly someone like EA wouldn't batter an eyelash at the prospect of canning a title to appease walmart, it would be foolish to spend millions producing something that a mainstream retailer isn't even going to carry.

What I'd be curious to see is what sort of game ideas are getting canned and if Walmart's telling companies that they won't be buying their games at all or will only buy in limited quantities. I'd be interested in their criteria for determining what games are likely to be good sellers.

One thing of note is that developers like Valve and CCP are retaining their own distribution rights and selling through the internet. If more developers push for this kind of distribution technique then the whole publisher/retailer portion of the supply chain is going to lose relevance.

Posted: 2006-04-16 01:29pm
by ArmorPierce
I buy games at wal-mart. From my experience, Wal-mart games are at least $5 cheaper.

Posted: 2006-04-19 08:08pm
by Darth Fanboy
I used to buy games at Wal Mart because not only were they cheaper than other retailers, but they were the only real option. There are quite a few places lacking in specialized game retailers, or even retailers that carry used games. With the internet now widely availiable its a lot easier but if you don't have a debit or credit card, or if you prefer to buy products in person like many people do, then the options become limited.

Posted: 2006-04-19 10:08pm
by Adrian Laguna
ArmorPierce wrote:I buy games at wal-mart. From my experience, Wal-mart games are at least $5 cheaper.
From my experience, games cost exactly the same everywhere. Exept EB Games, where I can find used games that are cheaper than brand new for obvious reasons.

Posted: 2006-04-20 09:20pm
by Sephirius
fuck wal-mart and fuck their family-friendly biblebeltish bullshit, they've done nothing but fuck everything up for industry worldwide, while lining their pockets. Only the dregs of society shop there anyway.
:evil: :evil: :evil: /endrant.

Posted: 2006-04-20 11:09pm
by DarkSilver
....I take offense at that Sephirius.

I'm not a dreg of society, yet I will shop at Wal-mart. Admittedly i don't like going there (to bright, to crowded, and annoying half the time), but I will go. And there are some games at Wal-mart which will get a lower price point quicker than at the other retail outlets. World of Warcraft, for instance, is currently $39.95 at Wal-mart, while everywhere else (even Gamestop, EB Games, and Best Buy), it's still $49.95.

Posted: 2006-04-20 11:35pm
by Sephirius
DarkSilver wrote:....I take offense at that Sephirius.

I'm not a dreg of society, yet I will shop at Wal-mart. Admittedly i don't like going there (to bright, to crowded, and annoying half the time), but I will go. And there are some games at Wal-mart which will get a lower price point quicker than at the other retail outlets. World of Warcraft, for instance, is currently $39.95 at Wal-mart, while everywhere else (even Gamestop, EB Games, and Best Buy), it's still $49.95.
I apologize, I should have said 'in my experience'. clearly you are not a dreg of society, and I am sorry for having offended you.

Posted: 2006-04-21 03:22am
by The Dark
I've bought one game at Wal-Mart, and that was while I was at college, where Wal-Mart was a ten minute walk and any other game store was an hour's bus ride. Besides, finding Railroad Tycoon II anywhere else was almost impossible at the time.

I generally stick with EB, though. Best Buy seems very slow to reduce prices around here when games start aging.