Who wants levels of Jesus
Posted: 2006-04-30 11:19pm
Now, last night, I was watching Princess Mononoke with my friends, and when we saw the Deer God walking on the water, I naturally said the first thing that came to mind. That being, "Oh, he must have levels of Jesus."
Well, one thing led to another, so I started making a prestige class. What do you think of it?
Hit Die d4
Alignment: Any Good
Feats: Vow of non-violence
Skills: Craft (woodwork) 8 ranks, Diplomancy 8 ranks, Perform (oratory) 8 ranks
Special: Must believe is son of deity.
Only those truly chosen ever become Jesuses, and those that do often find their lives a constant trial after they take up the path. However, while they often bemoan this fact, they accept their fate with humility.
Introspective monks often find themselves drawn to become Jesuses, and bards and paladins are also likely Jesuses, although the latter may find it difficult to cast aside their warlike ways. Still, the most common class to become a Jesus is actually the Expert, due to the expert's greater connection with the common folk.
BAB: poor (as per wizard)
Saves: all good (as per monk)
Skills per level: 2+int
Class Skills: Craft (woodwork), Concentration, Diplomancy, Knowledge (religion), Perform (oratory), Profession (fisherman)
Weapon/Armour Proficiencies: A Jesus gains no new weapon or armour proficiencies.
Spells per day:
A Jesus casts spells spontaneously based on his charisma. He can cast any spell from the following list:
level 1: Cure Light Wounds/Light/Detect Evin/Protection from Evil/Purify water/Create Water
level 2: Cure Moderate Wounds/Create Food and Water/Circle of protectiobn from evil
level 3: Cure Serious Wounds/Leomund's tiny shack
level 4: Heal/Leomund's secure Shelter/Raise Dead
Nimbus of light: As a standard action, a Jesus can surround himself with a nimbus of light for ten minutes per class level per day. This nimbus of light provides a +2 bonus on charisma based checks when dealing with non-evil creatures.
Water to Wine: A Jesus can turn enough water into wine each day to please one party.
Cure disease: A level 1 Jesus can cure disease once per day as a spell like ability. The number of times per day he can do this increases every third level thereafter.
Jesus saves: A Jesus adds his charisma bonus (if positive) to all saving throws. This ability does not stack with the Paladin's divine grace.
Resist Temptation: At level 3, a Jesus gets a +1 bonus on all rolls vs fiends. This bonus incresese to +2 at level 6 and +3 at level 9.
Walk on Water: A Jesus of level 5 or higher can walk on water as though it were solid ground. If the water is rough, he gets movement penalties for travelling over rough terrain.
Evasion: At fourth level or higher, if a Jesus makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Jesus is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Jesus does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Loaves and Fishes: If food is available, a Jesus may increase the amount of food once per day to feed everyone present.
Mettle: At seventh level or higher, if a Jesus makes a successful Fortitude or Will saving throw against a magical attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth: At eighth level, a Jesus gets a bonus on Perform (oratory) checks equal to his class level when orating to the poor.
Improved Evasion: At tenth level, a Jesus's evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Jesus does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Resurrection/Zombie Jesus: If a level 10 Jesus sacrifices his life for others, then three days later he will be resurrected as per the spell true resurrection. This ability only works once. If he is raised as a zombie during these three days, then he gains the zombie template, retains his Jesus levels and wis, int and cha scores and is not under the control of the one who raised him.
EDIT: I guess I should mention that this is for D&D, but it's probably obvious enough for you to figure that out yourselves.
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!
Well, one thing led to another, so I started making a prestige class. What do you think of it?
Hit Die d4
Alignment: Any Good
Feats: Vow of non-violence
Skills: Craft (woodwork) 8 ranks, Diplomancy 8 ranks, Perform (oratory) 8 ranks
Special: Must believe is son of deity.
Only those truly chosen ever become Jesuses, and those that do often find their lives a constant trial after they take up the path. However, while they often bemoan this fact, they accept their fate with humility.
Introspective monks often find themselves drawn to become Jesuses, and bards and paladins are also likely Jesuses, although the latter may find it difficult to cast aside their warlike ways. Still, the most common class to become a Jesus is actually the Expert, due to the expert's greater connection with the common folk.
BAB: poor (as per wizard)
Saves: all good (as per monk)
Skills per level: 2+int
Class Skills: Craft (woodwork), Concentration, Diplomancy, Knowledge (religion), Perform (oratory), Profession (fisherman)
Weapon/Armour Proficiencies: A Jesus gains no new weapon or armour proficiencies.
Code: Select all
lvl Special Spells per day
1 2 3 4
1st Nimbus of Light, Water to wine 0*
Cure disease 1/day
2nd Jesus Saves 0
3rd Resist Temptation +1, 1 0
Walk on water
4th Cure disease 2/day, Evasion 1 0
5th Loaves and Fishes 2 1 0
6th Resist temptation +2 2 1 0
7th Cure disease 3/day, Mettle 3 2 1 0
8th The meek shall inherit the Earth 3 2 1 0
9th Resist Temptation +3 4 3 2 1
10th Resurrection/Zombie Jesus 4 3 2 1
Improved Evasion,
Cure disease 4/day
*Where a Jesus gets 0 spells of a particular level, he gets only bonus spells due to a high charisma.
Spells per day:
A Jesus casts spells spontaneously based on his charisma. He can cast any spell from the following list:
level 1: Cure Light Wounds/Light/Detect Evin/Protection from Evil/Purify water/Create Water
level 2: Cure Moderate Wounds/Create Food and Water/Circle of protectiobn from evil
level 3: Cure Serious Wounds/Leomund's tiny shack
level 4: Heal/Leomund's secure Shelter/Raise Dead
Nimbus of light: As a standard action, a Jesus can surround himself with a nimbus of light for ten minutes per class level per day. This nimbus of light provides a +2 bonus on charisma based checks when dealing with non-evil creatures.
Water to Wine: A Jesus can turn enough water into wine each day to please one party.
Cure disease: A level 1 Jesus can cure disease once per day as a spell like ability. The number of times per day he can do this increases every third level thereafter.
Jesus saves: A Jesus adds his charisma bonus (if positive) to all saving throws. This ability does not stack with the Paladin's divine grace.
Resist Temptation: At level 3, a Jesus gets a +1 bonus on all rolls vs fiends. This bonus incresese to +2 at level 6 and +3 at level 9.
Walk on Water: A Jesus of level 5 or higher can walk on water as though it were solid ground. If the water is rough, he gets movement penalties for travelling over rough terrain.
Evasion: At fourth level or higher, if a Jesus makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Jesus is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Jesus does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Loaves and Fishes: If food is available, a Jesus may increase the amount of food once per day to feed everyone present.
Mettle: At seventh level or higher, if a Jesus makes a successful Fortitude or Will saving throw against a magical attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth: At eighth level, a Jesus gets a bonus on Perform (oratory) checks equal to his class level when orating to the poor.
Improved Evasion: At tenth level, a Jesus's evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Jesus does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Resurrection/Zombie Jesus: If a level 10 Jesus sacrifices his life for others, then three days later he will be resurrected as per the spell true resurrection. This ability only works once. If he is raised as a zombie during these three days, then he gains the zombie template, retains his Jesus levels and wis, int and cha scores and is not under the control of the one who raised him.
EDIT: I guess I should mention that this is for D&D, but it's probably obvious enough for you to figure that out yourselves.
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!