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Darwin Pond again (ChristmasNinja, holy shit!)

Posted: 2006-05-10 04:06am
by LordShaithis
So I'm dicking around in DP tonight. For the hell of it I toss 6 Master Race, 6 Explosivo, and 6 of the default Eels into one food circle, and color them all identically red so they'll interbreed. I also toss one ChristmasNinja in there, also colored pure red.

I come back after 14k ticks, the population long since having topped out at 400, and what do I notice? Amidst the sea of random interbred red mutants, there is a single pure-yellow ChristmasNinja rowing along serenely.

I picked him up and saved him, gave him a close look by inspecting the .dna file. Only 3 genes (besides color, obviously) had changed at all. One was completely unchanged all the way down through all six figures.

This despite the fact that only one CN was dumped into the pond at the beginning, and this one was thus the result of several generations of breeding with random crap.