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Metal Gear solid Movie confirmed

Posted: 2006-05-10 06:04pm
by Ace Pace
The linky
LOS ANGELES--When excited attendees left yesterday's Konami press conference, they were handed a catalog for Studio Kojima's forthcoming slate of games. However, many didn't know it, since the brochure was a clever imitation of the newsletter handed out each day at of the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

On the front of the Kojima catalog was a "breaking news" box, which bore the headline "Solid Snake...On the silver screen?" The blurb below it read, "In a late-breaking surprise announcement, director Hideo Kojima revealed that his most famous creation--Metal Gear Solid--is getting the live-action treatment."

Given the semicomic nature of the fake E3 newsletter/Kojima Productions catalog, many thought the story was a joke. However, on the last page of the pamphlet was a page-long article on the project, which showed that Kojima was dead serious when he made the announcement.

After assuring readers at length that German director Uwe Boll will not have anything to do with the project, as rumored, Kojima talked about the film. "I have received many offers to adapt Metal Gear Solid. It has taken a long time, but we have finally settled on an arrangement," said the revered designer. "False facts aside, a movie project is underway. I have finalized a Class-A contract with a party in Hollywood."

Kojima did not mention the name of the party, a release date, or any potential directors or stars. However, ever since the original PlayStation Metal Gear Soild, the English-language dialogue of game hero Solid Snake has been voiced by Hollywood figure David Hayter. Though a prolific voice actor, Hayter has enjoyed greater success as a screenwriter, with credits for X-Men, X2, and the forthcoming Watchmen under his belt.

Posted: 2006-05-10 06:05pm
by Hotfoot
Make sure that Kurt Russel is availble.

Posted: 2006-05-10 06:06pm
by Ace Pace
More like make sure this dosn't slide into LOTR EE length territory.

Posted: 2006-05-10 06:09pm
by Hotfoot
What, you got something against LOTR EE? INFIDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!

That said, twelve hours of Kojima's history lectures and philosophy would be bad. I can barely stand it in the twenty-minute bites that you get in the games.

Of course, he wouldn't have to spend an hour teaching Kurt Russel how to do the movie. Just give him a bandana and a gun and you're good to go.

Posted: 2006-05-10 06:10pm
by Ace Pace
Hotfoot wrote:What, you got something against LOTR EE? INFIDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!

That said, twelve hours of Kojima's history lectures and philosophy would be bad. I can barely stand it in the twenty-minute bites that you get in the games.

Of course, he wouldn't have to spend an hour teaching Kurt Russel how to do the movie. Just give him a bandana and a gun and you're good to go.
My point. I have nothing against EE editions. But MGS EE is scary.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:01pm
by Ghost Rider
Urm...I have bad tidings given that Silent Hill was dumbed down, who knows how bad MGS will be.

Add the lovable translation of games to movies, I just don't see much good from it.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:13pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Alarm bells are going off in my head already. Unless Kojima is directing, writing and producing and Kurt Russell plays Snake, this is going to suck bad.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:17pm
by Darth Raptor
Please oh please don't let it suck!

*crosses fingers*

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:21pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Unless they can build a time machine and go back to 1985 and get a director back then and Kurt Russell to star, then I don't have much hope. We've lost the type of sensibilities to make a film like this these days.

Additionally, I think Kurt Russell now is too old to star as Snake. Maybe ten years ago...

And the first person (other than me right now) to bring up Uwe Boll should be temp banned for a week.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:22pm
by Shogoki
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Alarm bells are going off in my head already. Unless Kojima is directing, writing and producing and Kurt Russell plays Snake, this is going to suck bad.
I hope Kojima isn't writing cause i reeeelly dont need to see dominating genes as cause for super soldiers as part of a movie, i can stand the bullshit on the games cause the actual gameplay is so good it offsets it, but man, most of the plot and dialog in the games redefine "cringe worthy". Not to mention the legions of morons that will undoubtably "elevate" it to Matrix philosophical significance status

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:26pm
by Darth Raptor
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Additionally, I think Kurt Russell now is too old to star as Snake. Maybe ten years ago...
If this is THE Solid Snake, and not Big Boss, they could pluck someone from the old folks' home. Snake suffers from rapid aging due to the fact that he's a clone.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:32pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Shogoki wrote:
I hope Kojima isn't writing cause i reeeelly dont need to see dominating genes as cause for super soldiers as part of a movie, i can stand the bullshit on the games cause the actual gameplay is so good it offsets it, but man, most of the plot and dialog in the games redefine "cringe worthy". Not to mention the legions of morons that will undoubtably "elevate" it to Matrix philosophical significance status
That's only, you know, half the damn plot. Breeding soldiers from a selection of proven superior soldiers isn't a stupid thing, it's exactly what we've done for millenia with animals, the same, if allowed, can happen with physically and mentally fit humans. They helped tinker with the Les Enfants Terrible project though. Other than some corny pieces of dialogue, I can't find much else to fault. It's just about as close as you get to an interactive movie.

But since videogame-to-movie transitions are about as likely to succeed as a Muslim US president, I don't hold much hope for this at all. Kojima-san relieved us somewhat a few months back by saying Boll would never get his greasy, money grubbing mitts on this franchise, but to make a movie at all is a bad move.

Right now, I'm far more concerned with finishing this MGS4 trailer torrent. The final game in the series is pretty much the only driving force right now for me getting a PS3 in the future.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:38pm
by Darth Raptor
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Right now, I'm far more concerned with finishing this MGS4 trailer torrent. The final game in the series is pretty much the only driving force right now for me getting a PS3 in the future.
Same here. That and FFXIII. Fortunately Square-Enix has been getting friendly with Nintendo in recent years. By all accounts Sony still has XIII, though.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:39pm
by Shogoki
Except dominating genes dont make you stonger or taller, a dominating gene in your family can make you have black or red hair, 4 fingers instead of 5, prone to diabetes, etc. It could still be good with enough explosions.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:44pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Shogoki wrote:Except dominating genes dont make you stonger or taller, a dominating gene in your family can make you have black or red hair, 4 fingers instead of 5, prone to diabetes, etc.
Now you're just nitpicking. It's pretty obvious by the context of the game that "dominant genes" in this case refers to those that offer traits necessary for a good soldier. They could be recessive too, sure, but since Liquid seems to informally use dominant to refer to the superior genetics of his ilk, namely Solid, it's not always used precisely, but it's also not totally incorrect. Besides, the concept of a good soldier being geneered to act as a template for an army would be acceptable, if we lived in a world which didn't kick up a fuss over designer babies as if it was actually going to bring about the wrath of God.

You can rewrite the screenplay to incorporate new things from the games and tweak certain dialogue pieces to be better, but overall, I really wish they wouldn't do this project at all.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:49pm
by Ghost Rider
Funnily enough Vald's point is what I fear. Too much of it will be watered down because they want to appeal to a broad audience, and thus need to have that audience understand beyond a third grade level.

This will mean any of the weird philobabble(which I never cared as much as others) will be obliterated OR Matrixfied...personally the latter is far worse.

Any and all of the science will be reduced to child like levels or just thrown out because it gets in the way offfffff

the romance they will need to elevate to the core of the movie.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:50pm
by Molyneux
What the heck are you people smoking about Kurt Russell? What we need is to get David Hayter to play Snake! He's the only guy for the job; I don't care if they have to force him into a gym every day for three months prior to filming or what, it just wouldn't be right without him as Snake.

Posted: 2006-05-10 07:59pm
by Darth Raptor
Molyneux wrote:What the heck are you people smoking about Kurt Russell? What we need is to get David Hayter to play Snake! He's the only guy for the job; I don't care if they have to force him into a gym every day for three months prior to filming or what, it just wouldn't be right without him as Snake.
Solid Snake was based off of Snake Plissken from the Escape from [insert city] movies, played by Kurt Russell. Although I do agree that I'd rather have Hayter.

Posted: 2006-05-10 08:01pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Russell is the only man that can pull it off. Hayter, as good a VA and writer as he is, just doesn't have the presence to be honest.

Posted: 2006-05-10 08:11pm
by Darth Raptor
Yeah, having anyone but Russell play Snake is almost inconcievable. Just like having anyone but George Clooney play Sam Fisher.

My problem is having Snake sound like anyone but David Hayter is far more inconcievable. Live action voiceovers tend to suck though.

Posted: 2006-05-10 09:50pm
by Temjin
Oh dear fucking god, I hope Kojima is only periphally related to the script. After just playing MGS4 for five minutes, and already getting a 10 minute lecture on morality, I lost a lot of respect for him.

Maybe with someone else, there won't be so much bloody preaching.

Posted: 2006-05-10 10:00pm
by Drooling Iguana
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Russell is the only man that can pull it off. Hayter, as good a VA and writer as he is, just doesn't have the presence to be honest.
They can have Hayter write the thing instead.

Posted: 2006-05-10 10:06pm
by Nephtys
Darth Raptor wrote:
Molyneux wrote:What the heck are you people smoking about Kurt Russell? What we need is to get David Hayter to play Snake! He's the only guy for the job; I don't care if they have to force him into a gym every day for three months prior to filming or what, it just wouldn't be right without him as Snake.
Solid Snake was based off of Snake Plissken from the Escape from [insert city] movies, played by Kurt Russell. Although I do agree that I'd rather have Hayter.
Well. Original Snake was based on... that guy from Terminator.

And don't forget Big Boss.

Posted: 2006-05-10 10:24pm
by SylasGaunt
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Posted: 2006-05-10 10:47pm
by Vympel
Well. Original Snake was based on... that guy from Terminator.
Michael Biehn. One of my favorite relatively minor actors. Also played Hicks in Aliens.

Anyway, I hope Kojima stays the hell away from any writing and directing. He's not good at either. He makes good games, but the cinematics are contrived, uninspired, Jerry Bruckheimerish Michael Bay style abominations, and the dialog and preachiness is enough to make your brain leak out of your ears.