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Forcing 3D processing on old games
Posted: 2006-05-10 08:27pm
by Stark
I can use the drivers to set values for AA/AF. What I'm wondering is if this means the card performs the AA/AF requests from the game at that level, or if it just automatically does it to everything. See, I've been playing some ut98 (yeah, yeah) and it runs like ASS. If I turn my driver settings down (or to 'auto') it runs fine. So is the card processing the shit out of old UT98? Should it look better with all that texture work being done?
Posted: 2006-05-10 08:32pm
by Chris OFarrell
I can't remember much about the original UT but what is it running through? Open GL? Direct 3D? I'm sure it was too recent for 3DFX cards...
Posted: 2006-05-10 08:46pm
by Hamel
With forceware drivers you can set application profiles or make settings apply across the board. 2d games like DiabloII get fucked by visual oddities if AA is on. UT, being such an old game, might have problems with AA and AF.
Chris OFarrell wrote:I can't remember much about the original UT but what is it running through? Open GL? Direct 3D? I'm sure it was too recent for 3DFX cards...
It was meant to run on Glide. It performs terribly in other modes and stuff like skybox transparencies are glitched. If you want to play this game on a system without a Voodoo card, get a Glide wrapper.
In fact, a 300 mhz K6 system outperformed my 1 ghz Athlon Tbird in that game. The difference was the Voodoo card in the older system, compared to my GeForce2 in the other.
Posted: 2006-05-10 09:27pm
by Stark
Yeah, it's essential to replace the ogl.drv with a more modern one. I'm just having fun with Infiltration, and wishing I could make all the jagged edges go away.