A hands on review of RTW: Alexander

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Fire Fly
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A hands on review of RTW: Alexander

Post by Fire Fly »

There are a lot of enemies to fight in this game. Should you wander into a Persian territory without a gigantic army at your back, you'll soon find that it's nearly impossible to survive the journey. Upon entering the area around Halicarnassus across the straits from Byzantium during my first run at the campaign, my army was beset by several thousand Persian troops from several different angles. While careful tactics in the real-time battles can cut that number substantially, it's nearly impossible to escape without any casualties. When four or five generals full to capacity of enemy troops attack your position several times in one turn, you'll realize the importance of carefully planning where you first set foot inside enemy territory.
There's more in there, but I just selected a paragraph that was of particular interest to me. It'll be nice to build up a 10 star general and not have him turn tail on me as in BI. Moreover, I hope that CA has been able to make enemy armies attack as large armies rather than piece meal armies. That alone would be a huge improvement to the game.
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Alferd Packer
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Post by Alferd Packer »

I'm glad I played a Macedonian campaign. Now I need to play a Parthian campaign so I can understand my enemies.
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