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Help Me Identify This Game
Posted: 2006-05-29 01:59am
by FSTargetDrone
It came out roughly 20 years ago, a DOS, first-person, space-sim type game with, very basic wireframe "3-D" graphics. Possibly monochromatic, but maybe with different colors? The premise was that you were a freelance trader or mercenary type. You had weapons and could fire on other ships. The player's ship may have been roughly triangular. You could dock with space stations and eject from your ship if it was damaged. My memory of this game is very fuzzy, but the title possibly began with an "E" and may have had an "X" somewhere in the title. The game was not Privateer or X-Com, but something like it, IIRC...
I know this may be a very long shot, but every once in awhile I think of this game and cannot remember the title!
Edit: spelling
Posted: 2006-05-29 02:01am
by Spacebeard
Surely you don't mean
Posted: 2006-05-29 02:05am
by FSTargetDrone
Thanks, it could be. Hard to see from the screenshot on the page there, but it's sure possible. I'm going to search for screenshots for Elite and see if it looks familiar. However, the title doesn't seem right. This game (I'm in the US) was on a friend's computer and I saw it twice, only very briefly. It may be this Elite game but with a different title if it was published in the US?
Posted: 2006-05-29 02:20am
by Spacebeard
I think it was always published as "Elite", but I don't know for sure because I've never seen the "real thing", only played downloaded binaries using an emulator. The sequel was "Frontiers: Elite 2", or something along those lines.
Posted: 2006-05-29 04:28am
by Netko
Frontier, whithout the S.
There is also Frontier 2, which is basicly a polished up Frontier. All three are quite fun games to try when the nostalgia bug hits (be sure to get the windows mods for Frontier 2, there are quite a few allowing you to increase the resolutione etc.)
Posted: 2006-05-29 04:32am
by Spyder
I remember a similar type of game that was on the Atari ST called Starglider.
Posted: 2006-05-29 12:00pm
by FSTargetDrone
Well, the more I've looked up information about Elite, the more I think this is the game I'm thinking of. Everything seems as I remember, except for the title, which I don't recall at all, but my memory of this is imperfect. I'd have to play the game to be more certain.
Posted: 2006-05-29 04:30pm
by Admiral Valdemar
WEll, since Elite is the best space-sim in history, it's very likely you've come across it. It's very unique too, so the unlike most modern sims, you can't confuse it like Freelancer with FreeSpace etc.
Posted: 2006-05-29 07:21pm
by outcast
another quirky game from thereabouts is a game called Hyperspace. which was pretty fun to play.
Posted: 2006-05-29 10:19pm
by weemadando
There can only be one response to that:
\m/ >.< \m/