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Iwata on Nintendo Wii; DS demo downloads!
Posted: 2006-06-02 07:36pm
by Praxis ... icleID=320
It's worth reading the entire interview, or at least the bold parts that we highlighted. Just click the link (I'm too lazy to convert all the formatting). But the most important part I will quote directly:
Q: What will the Wii offer when connected to the Internet?
Iwata: I'll give you a specific example we are planning for. Let's say your Wii is connected to the Internet in a mode that allows activation on a 24-hour basis. This would allow Nintendo to send monthly promotional demos for the DS, during the night, to the Wii consoles in each household. Users would wake up each morning, find the LED lamp on their Wii flashing, and know that Nintendo has sent them something. They would then be able to download the promotional demo from their Wii's to their Nintendo DS's. This will, of course, be possible in gaming stores too, but I think users will enjoy being able to do this within their homes. The key merit here is having promotional material delivered to your home, instead of having to go collect it yourself.
Nintendo had mentioned DS demos before, but that was at GDC 2005 IIRC, so it wasn't something they were being held to. Looks like WiiConnect24 will be used to download DS demos while we sleep-
Re: Iwata on Nintendo Wii; DS demo downloads!
Posted: 2006-06-02 08:57pm
by Sriad
...I'll give you a specific example we are planning for. Let's say your Wii is connected to the Internet in a mode that allows activation on a 24-hour basis. This would allow Nintendo to send monthly promotional demos for the DS, during the night, to the Wii consoles in each household. Users would wake up each morning, find the LED lamp on their Wii flashing, and know that Nintendo has sent them something....
Yes, I know Wii jokes have been done nearly to death, but that one was just too damn good.
Posted: 2006-06-02 09:27pm
by Dalton
They already have DS demo downloads. I checked it out at Babbage's the other day.
Posted: 2006-06-03 06:42am
by Bounty
I'm actually vaguely concerned about the always-on download system. I'm on a line with a fixed download limit and I'd really hate it if Nintendo sends me 300 MB demos for Generic Licensed Platformer #143 overnight; I hope they include a system whereby you can veto downloads.
Posted: 2006-06-03 07:00am
by Dooey Jo
Bounty wrote:I'm actually vaguely concerned about the always-on download system. I'm on a line with a fixed download limit and I'd really hate it if Nintendo sends me 300 MB demos for Generic Licensed Platformer #143 overnight; I hope they include a system whereby you can veto downloads.
Can't you just pull the plug or something

Posted: 2006-06-03 07:10am
by Bounty
Dooey Jo wrote:Bounty wrote:I'm actually vaguely concerned about the always-on download system. I'm on a line with a fixed download limit and I'd really hate it if Nintendo sends me 300 MB demos for Generic Licensed Platformer #143 overnight; I hope they include a system whereby you can veto downloads.
Can't you just pull the plug or something

do explain how you can pull the plug on a wireless device
yes, I know it's got a power cord too, don't ruin the joke
And if I pull the plug, how will I get the demos I actually
want ?
EDIT : On second thought, I shouldn't be compaining until I see a finished unit. It's simply something I hope Nintendo doesn't overlook.
Posted: 2006-06-03 09:50am
by Vendetta
Bounty wrote:I'm actually vaguely concerned about the always-on download system. I'm on a line with a fixed download limit and I'd really hate it if Nintendo sends me 300 MB demos for Generic Licensed Platformer #143 overnight; I hope they include a system whereby you can veto downloads.
Last I heard the Wii is looking at something like half a gig of internal flash storage.
300MB demos are not going to happen I feel.
Posted: 2006-06-03 09:55am
by Bounty
Vendetta wrote:Bounty wrote:I'm actually vaguely concerned about the always-on download system. I'm on a line with a fixed download limit and I'd really hate it if Nintendo sends me 300 MB demos for Generic Licensed Platformer #143 overnight; I hope they include a system whereby you can veto downloads.
Last I heard the Wii is looking at something like half a gig of internal flash storage.
300MB demos are not going to happen I feel.
512 internal flash with USB and SD slots. That should give enough room for larger demos.
Posted: 2006-06-03 01:04pm
by Praxis
Yeah but I expect they're not going to auto-send you demos that take up over half your drive space.
If they have full game demos, they'll probably be optional.
Posted: 2006-06-03 01:04pm
by Praxis
Dalton wrote:They already have DS demo downloads. I checked it out at Babbage's the other day.
duh. This would download into your
Posted: 2006-06-03 04:54pm
by Davis 51
The more I hear, the moer excited I become!
Bandwidth ain't an issue for me, so I should be enjoying this greatly.
Posted: 2006-06-03 05:03pm
by Vendetta
If I became any more excited by the Wii, I would explode.
Posted: 2006-06-04 07:54pm
by atg
For the size of the demos, I think <4MB is a good guess. The DS has no "official" writeable memory cards, and the RAM is only 4meg. So I'm guessing this would work like the DS's download-play, with the Wii working as if it were the DS with the Game Pak.
Posted: 2006-06-05 12:30am
by Dalton
Praxis wrote:Dalton wrote:They already have DS demo downloads. I checked it out at Babbage's the other day.
duh. This would download into your
Well you weren't clear, assmunch

Posted: 2006-06-05 02:48am
by Praxis
atg wrote:For the size of the demos, I think <4MB is a good guess. The DS has no "official" writeable memory cards, and the RAM is only 4meg. So I'm guessing this would work like the DS's download-play, with the Wii working as if it were the DS with the Game Pak.
General size is 2-3 MB. I've got a few on my M3 adapter.
EDIT: Filesizes listed for various DS demos here.
The only 3 MB one is the Mario Kart demo. Brain Age is 1 MB.