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BF2:Armored Fury...not Bad...but not great
Posted: 2006-06-10 11:08pm
by Lonestar
In fact, I'll say "not as good as Euroforce". Road Rage is the only fun map, Operation Harvest feels like the 16 player version of Taraba Quarry, and Midnight sun is...meh.
I will say though, it certainly is a target rich enviroment for my AAA skillz.
Anyone else play?
Posted: 2006-06-10 11:09pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm thinking about getting it, although the inclusion of the Little Bird over the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior really irks me.
Posted: 2006-06-11 02:22am
by Count Dooku
I've only got the original BF:2. LOL! I still love it, and play it often. I don't think I'll be buy any expansion pack, but I might look into Battlefield 2142...
Posted: 2006-06-11 11:09am
by Jade Falcon
I'd like EA to get off their arses and sort the multitude of bugs that patch 1.3 has introduced. The number of connection errors that are popping up now are unreal, and it's NOT just me.
Posted: 2006-06-12 01:42pm
by Lonestar
Jade Falcon wrote:I'd like EA to get off their arses and sort the multitude of bugs that patch 1.3 has introduced. The number of connection errors that are popping up now are unreal, and it's NOT just me.
Jesus, I thought it
was just me!
Posted: 2006-06-12 04:21pm
by Jade Falcon
Lonestar wrote:Jesus, I thought it was just me!
Oh, its not just you, look at Planet Battlefield, and BF2S forums and you'll still see a crapload of people have problems.
Well I've got an old system, running bare minimum CPU and GPU specs, but even then, the drop in performance from patch 1.22 is noticeable. Big maps, especially Armoured Fury ones and Special Forces maps are as hellish as ever.
Talking about Special Forces, I don't think EA has ever really supported this expansion, the system resources it hogs is ridiculous, which is a shame, because its got some damned good maps.
BTW, I've heard one trick to getting connected if you get a lot of CTD issues is to wait about 10-15 seconds before pressing escape to join the game, not using the join game button.
My impressions so far?
Well I've played Operation Road Rage and Operation Harvest. Both are damned good maps, the only trouble being is that Road Rage servers are quite often full of uncap spawn campers, though the map layout is nice.
The one bitch I've got about BF2 in general is the stationary launchers, both the TOWS and Stingers/IGLA's. Have you ever noticed the amount of times that an obstruction is put near them meaning your field of fire is severely reduced. The Junk Yard in Op Road Rage has a SAM site which is boxed in on three sides by a fence.

Posted: 2006-06-12 05:29pm
by Lonestar
Jade Falcon wrote:
Well I've played Operation Road Rage and Operation Harvest. Both are damned good maps, the only trouble being is that Road Rage servers are quite often full of uncap spawn campers, though the map layout is nice.
Not sure what that means.
The one bitch I've got about BF2 in general is the stationary launchers, both the TOWS and Stingers/IGLA's. Have you ever noticed the amount of times that an obstruction is put near them meaning your field of fire is severely reduced. The Junk Yard in Op Road Rage has a SAM site which is boxed in on three sides by a fence.

You mean you don't sit on the overpass with an AA vehicle?

Posted: 2006-06-12 05:41pm
by Jade Falcon
Lonestar wrote:Jade Falcon wrote:
Not sure what that means.
I mean people who sit outside your base that is not able to be captured by the enemy and just camp it while you spawn. Sometimes if people just zoom there and you have an alternative spawn point, you can give up and respawn elsewhere, but it can get a little annoying.
No...I don't always use AA vehicles. Sometimes I do though. Talking about the AA sites, they are near useless against jets, and while I like the Tunguska that big ass radar dish is annoying, blocking part of your field of view.
Harvest is a nice map. I'm only disappointed you can't suicide ram someone with one of those Amish style buggies.

Posted: 2006-06-12 05:44pm
by Ar-Adunakhor
Lonestar wrote:Not sure what that means.
An uncap spawn is a spawn point which cannot be taken over by an advancing enemy, and you can spawn at until your tickets run out. Camping it usually entails getting some gunships over the thing and some tanks sitting there, and then proceeding to gun down anyone who spawns before they can react.
It's pretty lame, and I find that the only people who do it are ones who want to look "l337" by running up their kills score through something besides skill.
Posted: 2006-06-12 08:41pm
by Alyeska
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Lonestar wrote:Not sure what that means.
An uncap spawn is a spawn point which cannot be taken over by an advancing enemy, and you can spawn at until your tickets run out. Camping it usually entails getting some gunships over the thing and some tanks sitting there, and then proceeding to gun down anyone who spawns before they can react.
It's pretty lame, and I find that the only people who do it are ones who want to look "l337" by running up their kills score through something besides skill.
Consider this. Camping uncaps is largely useless. If the enemy has other spawns, camping the uncap lets them capture points and play. If you already own the entire map, camping the uncap is the logical end result because its silly to expect people to do nothing.
Posted: 2006-06-12 09:46pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm with Alyeska. It's how the whole damn series is built.
Posted: 2006-06-12 09:58pm
by Alyeska
My personal favorite is idiot admins. They say you can't attack uncaps. One side has uncaps, the other doesn't. How the fuck is that fair? My team can be annihilated, but you get to remain scot free in your fucking base? Fuck no.
Anyway, I was on one server that had the rules "no attacking uncaps unless the rest of the map is captured. Fine. I am in a Su-34 cruising around making kills. We capture all the spawns. I make a run on the USMC carrier and make 4 kills. Right as I finish up the run the USMC captures a spawn. The admin then says "do that again and your banned". My response back was as follows. "When I made the attack run we had every spawn you fucking retard". The admin didn't respond back and I kept playing.
Posted: 2006-06-12 10:48pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Gah, that drives me nuts. Especially since when I'm in a bomber (especially as gunner), there are a hundred other things on my mind (number of targets, location, type and priority, AA fire, bandits, etc.) then which exact spawn I'm attacking and the exact status of all spawns. When I see a vehicle I blow the shit out of it, regardless of its location, especially since it may be an AA vehicle for all I know where pulling punches would just get me killed.
Posted: 2006-06-13 01:05am
by Alyeska
My personal favorite. You can't ever attack anything inside an uncap. That includes enemies shooting at you from their base.
Posted: 2006-06-13 07:53am
by Jade Falcon
Alyeska wrote:My personal favorite. You can't ever attack anything inside an uncap. That includes enemies shooting at you from their base.
Didn't you say you once saw a server where the only enemy allowed inside an uncap was Special Forces to destroy assets, and even then the Specforces guy is not allowed to defend himself?
Posted: 2006-06-13 02:22pm
by Mr Bean
Look the uncap thing gets down to the fact that uncap bases are supposed to represent safe points. For example, you should not be able to jump from a Mig, land on the deck of the USS Enterprise and run around with your AK-47 gunning people down. Had to acutaly tried that, one of the sixty people topside, or one of the half dozen armed rovers(In peacetime, not war mind you) would have blown you away.
But then the Battlefield series has ALWAYs been about acardy fighting rather than any sort of realism aside from graphics, and even then...
Which is why mods like Forgotten Hope(WWII), Eve of Destruction(Vietnam) and Point of Existance(Modern War) which are much more "realism" centered.
For example in Battlefield 1942, carriers have only a few AA guns, and ineffective ones at that, which are both short range and low damage. Meanwhile in Forgotten Hope, the American carriers AA is a sight to behold with eight 40mm guns tied togther to let you throw walls of flack at enemy fighters, sure the carrier does not have all the 25mm and dual .50cal guns it also used for AA/small ship protection, but if the engine supported it, I have no question they would inculde it.
Likewise the Eve of Destruction mods and Point of Existance mods, they all have good mappers working for them, so camping an uncap is much more unlikley. Or in the case of Point of Existance and Forgotten Hope, there are plenty of static defenses in bases to make sure any tank/plane campers will quickly be killed.
Posted: 2006-06-13 05:38pm
by Jadeite
Jade Falcon wrote:Lonestar wrote:Jesus, I thought it was just me!
Oh, its not just you, look at Planet Battlefield, and BF2S forums and you'll still see a crapload of people have problems.
Well I've got an old system, running bare minimum CPU and GPU specs, but even then, the drop in performance from patch 1.22 is noticeable. Big maps, especially Armoured Fury ones and Special Forces maps are as hellish as ever.
BTW, I've heard one trick to getting connected if you get a lot of CTD issues is to wait about 10-15 seconds before pressing escape to join the game, not using the join game button.
A tip I picked up from would be to click the auto-ready button until you get a that little beep sound. Once you get the sound, you'll be fine, if not, it'll crash.
Posted: 2006-06-13 05:48pm
by Jade Falcon
Auto-ready button?
I must be missing something here, what exactly do you mean.
Posted: 2006-06-13 05:50pm
by Jadeite
Jade Falcon wrote:Auto-ready button?
I must be missing something here, what exactly do you mean.
Right by the Join button whenever a server finishes loading. It's to the left, I don't know what it even does really, since it never seems to do anything.
Posted: 2006-06-14 02:52pm
by Lonestar
Here's one for you...was playing on a .fr server(in the bizarro world of EA, I was getting better ping from a French server than one in DC) and there was some tool who started bitching about "why isn't anyone speaking English." and started to berate the Frenchmen who not speaking English. Really, a charming representative of America.
It's folks like him that make it easy for me to see why furriners have a negative view of my country.

Posted: 2006-06-15 04:43am
by Golan III
Alyeska wrote:Anyway, I was on one server that had the rules "no attacking uncaps unless the rest of the map is captured. Fine. I am in a Su-34 cruising around making kills. We capture all the spawns. I make a run on the USMC carrier and make 4 kills. Right as I finish up the run the USMC captures a spawn. The admin then says "do that again and your banned". My response back was as follows. "When I made the attack run we had every spawn you fucking retard". The admin didn't respond back and I kept playing.
Hey, at least he messaged you first. Usually goons like that will just straight ban you without running on correct info first.
My current favorite is TK punishment. Sure, if someone TKs you for a vehicle you're both running for, or if they make a point to run you over with a vehicle on their way out of a spawn location, I'll punish. But on the other hand...I've lately been flying around in the Su-34, and I fly over an enemy position, where I see and enemy unit either trying to capture a flagpoint or repairing their artillery or whatever. So I roll in and release bombs, and take them out...and unfortunately TK the lone infantryman shooting at their tank with his AK. Said guy then punishes me for the TK. Ok that's fine except for the fact that I CAN'T SEE HIM DURING MY BOMB RUN, probably not right when I pickle the weapons, and then it's too late. Shit happens! Anyway let's say I'm racking up the kills over the map, #1 or #2 scorer, but in my runs during the course of the game I accidentally TK 2 or 3 more of my guys in the same manner - not on purpose, but they punish me before it can be settled why it happened. So then I get auto-kicked or auto-banned for excessive TKs, even though I was doing my job, and a good one at that!!! Motherfuckers!
Posted: 2006-06-15 08:38pm
by Alyeska
More idiot admins.
I was on a server playing Opperation Cleansweep. I am in the USA main base and want to get to land. The only think available is the blackhawk. Someone else gets in and takes off immediately leaving behind 2 people on the ground waiting to fly (I am one of them). I repeatedly ask for a ride and he doesn't turn. So I fire a rocket into him to get his attention. He then proceeds to crash himself into the ground dying (I don't get listed for a TK). Then I find out this was an admin as he tries to ban me (can't seem to spell my name right for a half dozen times). His stated reason for kicking me was team killing for a vehicle. Fucker, I didn't TK you and I fired because you left without giving anyone a ride. Fucking asshole. He eventualy managed to ban me on his 5th try.
Posted: 2006-06-16 12:45pm
by Jade Falcon
Finding it more and more difficult to get an efficient connection. If it isn't CTD's, it a sound loop bug when I enter a vehicle causing a crash.
I fired off a rather angry E-mail to EA demanding to know when there is going to be a patch for the patch, and they don't know.
"It's a priority for us". Yeah right.