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(WoW) does this mean I'm becoming Constintine

Posted: 2006-07-07 03:26pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I'm a spellcaster who makes deals with demons, I am now performing quests for a "Swamp Thing" type creature....

worse my gnome spell caster looks just like a shorter version of another Alan Moore creation....

Posted: 2006-07-07 06:38pm
by NeoGoomba
Bah get over yourself. My warrior is worthy to wield the Master Sword rather than Link. *shrugs* It just comes with the job

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:27pm
by Ghost Rider
No, but enjoy level 1-59, because at 60 becomes a whole new ball game.

And currently I am hating undead, and Blizz's little insanity that I have to be around 12K HP to be MT or even OT.

Posted: 2006-07-07 07:35pm
by DarkSilver
I liked my Undead when I played.....

Undead Warlock FTW...massive DOT spells, pets, Will of the Forsaken...

Posted: 2006-07-08 07:24am
by Lord Pounder
I hates gnomes. I wonder why my Tauren can't just step on them instead of using the dual Hanzo's of D00M!

Undead Rogues FTW!

Posted: 2006-07-08 09:06am
by NeoGoomba
Ghost Rider wrote:
and Blizz's little insanity that I have to be around 12K HP to be MT or even OT.
Yeah its sorta tough for my guy to MT ZG when its his turn since with Stamina buffs he only hits around 8k. 'course even with our guild MT we still haven't dropped Hakkar yet, as a whole we need more practice.

Posted: 2006-07-08 10:30am
by Ghost Rider
NeoGoomba wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:
and Blizz's little insanity that I have to be around 12K HP to be MT or even OT.
Yeah its sorta tough for my guy to MT ZG when its his turn since with Stamina buffs he only hits around 8k. 'course even with our guild MT we still haven't dropped Hakkar yet, as a whole we need more practice.
8K for Hakkar? Well it shouldn't be so bad, in fact not impossible given most of our alt tanks get around that for then probably need more DPS and practice on poisoned blood. You don't reach really stupifying heights until you are going "I have 5/8 Wrath and 3/5 Conquerer!". :D . So like you said, a bit more practice and likely a bit more DPS...Hakkar is worse then his old form, but then there's Jindo :P .

When I mean 12K, I'm talking the glory that is Naxx....and believe me, it's digusting that yes, you could do it lower......but the fuckers at Blizz make that so if you tried, you'd have to be near perfect. 12K is a buffer that we use to learn the instance, in honesty up to about 9-10K could do it, but it's hard on the healers because of how much is reaming you for 3-4K per hit practically.

Posted: 2006-07-08 12:14pm
by ArchMage
dont need 8k hp for ZG.

haveing an MT wiht 6k and over 360 Def is good. 2 OTs with blue gear is all you need.

Just need some good healers.

Hakkar is simple once you get the poison down. Make sure to have mages positiond all around hakkar to sheep the MT when he gets Mind controlld. have the 1 MT and 2 OTs fighting for aggro the whole time.

abut 40 seconds before Hakkar does the life drain, have a hunter (whos only job) is to pull up a Son of hakkar and then kill it in the camp. have everyone (including the tanks, just pull hakkar over) get poisond.

Drop some renews on everone after the life drain, rogues Bandage.

Really, no MTs need over 6k health till BWL. then you need it for Broodlord.

Posted: 2006-07-08 05:36pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
That's what I like about being a warlock: No pressure. Besides the occasional summon or soulstone, and keeping Garr's adds banished, there's not much you're absolutely needed for, and and since it's pretty much a one-hit kill when a boss hits you anyway, you don't need to worry about carrying extra gear with resistance stats.

Posted: 2006-07-08 09:21pm
by Ghost Rider
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:That's what I like about being a warlock: No pressure. Besides the occasional summon or soulstone, and keeping Garr's adds banished, there's not much you're absolutely needed for, and and since it's pretty much a one-hit kill when a boss hits you anyway, you don't need to worry about carrying extra gear with resistance stats.
That all changes come AQ40....ah the Twin Emps.

Posted: 2006-07-08 11:39pm
by Kuja
Warlocks are all fun and games until you run into a paladin like mine who can excorcise your pet, brush off your DoTs, and break your Fear spells. I had to put a gnome lock on report after I beat the sore loser in a duel with that exact strategy and he wouldn't stop hounding me about my 'broken' class.

Never mind that I'll still get spanked by a lock three levels higher than I am...

Posted: 2006-07-11 11:48am
by White Haven
One hit kill you say? Tell that to my friend's lock, who rolls around with just under 600 stamina...on a Soul Link build.

Needless to say, he'll be tanking the caster half of the Twin Emperors. :)

Demonology locks are just this side of indestructible, with enough stam gear. Mine...well, I need to work on the whole stam gear bit, but I am Soul Link, so it helps. :)

Posted: 2006-07-11 05:03pm
by Ghost Rider
White Haven wrote:One hit kill you say? Tell that to my friend's lock, who rolls around with just under 600 stamina...on a Soul Link build.

Needless to say, he'll be tanking the caster half of the Twin Emperors. :)
And hopefully you'll have two of them. The Twin Emps are sons of bitchs to learn because it's honestly one of the first fights, that require everyone semi awake.

The hardest intial fight I've seen, because Blizz are cum guzzling fucksticks is Anub. Why?

Because the fucking bug does the EVADE bug back to full health if he impales the MT. Literally 25% of the times, if he hits the MT with an impale he'll proc his evade bug and well, it doesn't matter how good you were doing...and Blizz's answer? "Turn off your other programs.".

Posted: 2006-07-12 10:16am
by NeoGoomba
Ghost Rider wrote: And hopefully you'll have two of them. The Twin Emps are sons of bitchs to learn because it's honestly one of the first fights, that require everyone semi awake.

The hardest intial fight I've seen, because Blizz are cum guzzling fucksticks is Anub. Why?

Because the fucking bug does the EVADE bug back to full health if he impales the MT. Literally 25% of the times, if he hits the MT with an impale he'll proc his evade bug and well, it doesn't matter how good you were doing...and Blizz's answer? "Turn off your other programs.".

I'm in-between my spurts of playing WoW, but I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be itching to get back into it. Just nice to know I have so much to look forward too in AQ40 :P

Plus I need to start on my tier equipment. So far its Deathbone and Heroism, with the Ornate Adamantium Breastplate. Gotta get MIGHT!

And speaking of the Breastplate, is it just me, or was the questline with the Fordrings quite badass? 99% of the quests are meaningless hurdles, but that questline actually had some substance to it, especially the conclusion. Must be a bug that will be corrected in the next patch :P

Posted: 2006-07-12 11:00am
by White Haven
God, I love the Fordring chain. Specially right at the end...

'You did WHAT? Oh no you didn't... I know you didn't just do that.'

I NPC with a weapon damage enchant. That's worrisome right off the bat.

As far as Anub...we're actually starting off Naxx in the Death Knight wing, because we want to be different, and because our raid leader is a Priest, as am I, and the Instructor Razuvious fight is hella cool for us. Mind control AWAY! :twisted:

Posted: 2006-07-12 01:30pm
by Ghost Rider
NeoGoomba wrote:

I'm in-between my spurts of playing WoW, but I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be itching to get back into it. Just nice to know I have so much to look forward too in AQ40 :P

Plus I need to start on my tier equipment. So far its Deathbone and Heroism, with the Ornate Adamantium Breastplate. Gotta get MIGHT!

And speaking of the Breastplate, is it just me, or was the questline with the Fordrings quite badass? 99% of the quests are meaningless hurdles, but that questline actually had some substance to it, especially the conclusion. Must be a bug that will be corrected in the next patch :P
Fordring's line is probably the most fun of the high end, barring the Broodlord's AQ line.
White Haven wrote: As far as Anub...we're actually starting off Naxx in the Death Knight wing, because we want to be different, and because our raid leader is a Priest, as am I, and the Instructor Razuvious fight is hella cool for us. Mind control AWAY! :twisted:
The Instructor has a semi easier curve then Anub...but ugh...still a pain in the fucking ass. Literally you don't kill him with the four, you just don't kill him.

Let's put it this way, this area's trash is nastier then some MC bosses...easily.

Currently we do the second tiers of the wings, and ugh....this area is just nasty. I recommend to anyone wanting to go to Naxx, take a few times in AQ40. The equipment isn't bad, but AQ40 teachs your raid to actually be awake.

Posted: 2006-07-12 02:47pm
by White Haven
Death Knight wing? We did the DK wing trash to Razuvious with 30, easy. A couple aggro-dropping mobs, an easily-avoided Whirlwind, some easily-killed, shackleable summoned skellies, a stacking shadow-dot AE...nasty, but nothing really threatening. Now we're working on getting our priests enough spellhit% gear so that MC doesn't break early.

Posted: 2006-07-12 03:46pm
by Ghost Rider
White Haven wrote:Death Knight wing? We did the DK wing trash to Razuvious with 30, easy. A couple aggro-dropping mobs, an easily-avoided Whirlwind, some easily-killed, shackleable summoned skellies, a stacking shadow-dot AE...nasty, but nothing really threatening. Now we're working on getting our priests enough spellhit% gear so that MC doesn't break early.
The death knight early on isn't bad. Wait until you face one of the Gargoyles and realize he heals to full...and his dots haven't left you.

Early on Naxx is just shitty, later on it's trash makes MC bosses look easy.

Posted: 2006-07-12 04:12pm
by White Haven
Yeah. We've fought the gargoyles. Didn't go so well. >.<

And, for us, MC bosses are]/i] easy, so :P There's a reason it's called Alten Core.

Posted: 2006-07-12 04:17pm
by Ghost Rider
White Haven wrote:Yeah. We've fought the gargoyles. Didn't go so well. >.<

And, for us, MC bosses are]/i] easy, so :P There's a reason it's called Alten Core.

Hell...we farm BWL for our alts...we hate Molten Core enough so that we do enough to see if we get the bindings then go to ZG because people like kicking Jindo's butt.

And the trick for the gargoyles? They begin their whine at 25-26% of the health, so if you can time it there to apply max DPS, it's the way to handle them, other then that...extraordinarily evil bitches...and then they come in two packs, but luckily no more. You fight 9 of them total before Noth.

Posted: 2006-07-12 09:33pm
by White Haven
Yeah. The Gargoyles are basically all mini-Huhurans. You just have to go apeshit when the emote.

Posted: 2006-07-13 12:03am
by Ghost Rider
White Haven wrote:Yeah. The Gargoyles are basically all mini-Huhurans. You just have to go apeshit when the emote.
Yeah, fun and ugh...

Still I say it's sad that the guild I'm in does MC once per month to try and get tier 2 pants.....and occasionally 25 man to try to get bindings.

Basically BWL provides better and easier for us since we do it in 3 hours or so.