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Is the Radeon 9200 SE DX9 compatible?
Posted: 2006-07-13 09:16pm
by Enigma
I reinstalled Nexus :The Jupiter Incident and it can be played in DX8 mode or DX9. I want to play it in DX9 mode but it says my video card doesn't directly support DX9. I looked in DXdiag and it shows that I have DX9c and there are no problems.
So is Radeon 9200 SE DX9 compatible or not? If it isn't then what basic vid card would support DX9?
If it does support DX9 then how can I get the game to work at DX9 mode?
Posted: 2006-07-13 09:46pm
by Durandal
Posted: 2006-07-13 09:47pm
by Arrow
Ati wrote:* SmartShader™ technology
o Full support for DirectX ® 8.1 programmable pixel and vertex shaders in hardware
o 1.4 pixel shaders support up to 22 instructions and up to 6 textures per rendering pass
o 1.1 vertex shaders support vertex programs up to 128 instructions
o Complete feature set also supported in OpenGL ® via extensions
o Programmable shaders provide enhanced 3D effects in over 100 existing and upcoming game titles
You can have DX9 installed without your video card supporting it. Remember, DX9 also includes all previous versions of DX in it. Your card is a DX 8.1 part.
Posted: 2006-07-14 03:12am
by Netko
Any graphics card beyond ATI's 9500 series is DX9 compatible (that includes all X??? cards currently on the market). For nVidia, I think most of the 5000 series is, however those sucked ass, and shouldn't be wished for your worst enemy. But anything in the 6000 series and beyond is ok. Stay away from other manufacturers. That's not counting performance, of course, just compatibility. For the nexus incident specificly any of the cards currently available on the market (with the above in mind) should work since I've run it with a 9600XT without issues on a decent res (I think either 1024 or 1152).
Posted: 2006-07-14 03:54am
by DaveJB
If you're going to get a card that supports DX9 (and AGP, I assume), then steer clear of any GeForce FX cards; they count as DX9 cards in much the same way that trikes count as vehicles. I'd say your best bet is to try and nab a Radeon 9800 off EBay or somewhere - they're still good performers, and can be found for dirt cheap prices these days.
Posted: 2006-07-14 07:43am
by Enigma
Since I am looking for something cheap but still DX9 compatible then I guess 9500 it is?
I don't want to spend a lot since I want to do a complete upgrade down the road.

Posted: 2006-07-14 09:26am
by Netko
A 9500 (or more likely a 9550, as I haven't seen a 9500 on sale for ages) was a mid range part 2 years ago. Today it will still run anything, but in newer games, especialy stuff like FPS that tend to have cutting edge graphics, it is only sufficient to run at 800x600 with lower details. Because of that I'm considering uprgading my 9600xt soon (pretty similar card). If you are fine with that (and counting on a later upgrade to make it better) go ahead, but be warned.
Posted: 2006-07-14 06:39pm
by Enigma
Ah. Thanks for all of your help. While working I went out and got a Geforce 6200. Soon I'll install it and see how it goes.

Posted: 2006-07-15 02:24pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Good decision. I was just about to tell you to avoid the Radeon 9550 like the plague. Despite the name, it's not an uprgaded 9500, and has nothing to do with that line, it's like an upgraded 9200 IIRC. The 6200 is about the best card you can get in that price range.
Posted: 2006-07-15 02:26pm
by Enigma
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Good decision. I was just about to tell you to avoid the Radeon 9550 like the plague. Despite the name, it's not an uprgaded 9500, and has nothing to do with that line, it's like an upgraded 9200 IIRC. The 6200 is about the best card you can get in that price range.
Thanks. Paid $67CAD for it.

So far so good I am liking it.
Posted: 2006-07-15 03:09pm
by Netko
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Good decision. I was just about to tell you to avoid the Radeon 9550 like the plague. Despite the name, it's not an uprgaded 9500, and has nothing to do with that line, it's like an upgraded 9200 IIRC. The 6200 is about the best card you can get in that price range.
Are you sure about that? Admitedly, I never really took a good look at the card, but the
specs seem very much in line with what I would expect from a cut down 9600 which I belive a 9550 is. It definatly is a dx9 part.
Posted: 2006-07-15 03:50pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Maybe that's it. In any case, the performance is horrendous, and it should be avoided at all costs.